Originally, they talked so boring that Shao Yunzheng didn't want to participate at all. Who knew that his brain disabled brother wanted to take him to the pit.

But also inexplicably say such nonsense, where to put his face?

Shao Weiyan was embarrassed because he didn't consider the rationality of his speech when he was forced by them, but now he has said it, and there is absolutely no reason to say it again.

So he hardened his head and said to Shao Yunzheng, "brother, I just mean horizontal comparison. There's no other meaning."

"You are really charming, especially the way you sit quietly without talking. You are like a worldly expert in the novel. You are very handsome."

Shao Yunzheng raised his lips with a smile and only spit out a word to his brother: "get out."

Sui Jian couldn't enjoy watching the excitement. He clapped the table and laughed wildly. He simply highlighted the words of schadenfreude to the extreme.

"You hurry to treat your rabies. What's your name here?" Shao Weiyan's face turned red with his smile and glared at him fiercely.

"What's the matter, little brother? Why is your face still red? Is it red for your brother or for the little sister next to you?" Sui detective didn't care that he scolded himself so much. Anyway, he didn't dare to hit him, so he continued to speak arrogantly.

This question is so dead that no matter which one you answer, he will die on the spot.

Shao Yunzheng really didn't want to go with these big fools, so he directly stood up and planned to go out for some air.

As he passed Huo Yanlin's seat, his eyes tilted slightly and glanced at him.

At that time, he heard Tan Yaorong boast about his daughter and was a little curious about her.

And he really wanted to know what kind of little girl she was, who could sneak herself among the correctional staff and always do their social services.

But the girl had rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose. She was full of bookish spirit. She wore a clean shirt and pulled it directly to her elbow for convenience.

The sitting posture was quite dishonest. He crossed his legs and shook gently, but when talking to Huo Yanlin, his eyes were focused and serious, and there was a sense of contrast all over his body.

However, if a girl like him can mingle with such a crowd, she must be able to hold their side. Otherwise, she will be bullied.

Because of curiosity, his eyes stayed for two or three more seconds, which attracted the girl's attention. She looked up.

The two people's eyes are opposite, and their actions are slowed down. At first glance, this picture looks like an idol drama until——

She suddenly glared in the direction of Shao Yunzheng and said angrily, "what are you looking at!"

Shao Yunzheng frowned. Unexpectedly, she was such a hot character. She didn't bother to say more, so she turned around and wanted to go out.

She also took back her eyes and whispered in the dark: "long, beautiful and handsome. Why are you so impolite? What do you look at the little girl when you're free? It's speechless!"

Huo Yanlin's mouth floated a faint smile. As far as she spoke, she didn't look like an innocent and fragile little girl.

He still opened his mouth to help Shao Yunzheng explain: "he knows me. Maybe he's curious about your identity, so he took a more look."

"That's even more impolite. Don't you think I'm your lover? That's a big misunderstanding!" She frowned. "I'm here to solve the problem. It can be said that I'll be solved by offending your wife."

Huo Yanlin lowered his eyes and stirred the coffee in front of him. He shook his head lightly: "no, I'll explain to you later. Continue to say just now. What do you think?"

She quickly regained her normal shape, lowered her voice and said, "to tell you the truth, generally I don't return home to deal with this kind of thing, but my father's description aroused my interest. I just heard a new topic abroad recently. Have you ever heard of an emotion enhancer?"

I've heard of emotions, and I've heard of mood enhancers, but that's a new concept.

Huo Yanlin shook his head and said he didn't quite understand.

"Sorry, I don't know anything about this thing. I just heard a name, but I thought about it here and thought it was possible." She showed her white teeth and smiled. "Anyway, everyone is not sure what her specific situation is, so they all guess. Maybe the blind cat meets the dead mouse, right?"

When she said this, she showed some innocence in line with her age. At that time, Tan Yaorong sent her information. Huo Yanlin knew that the little girl was only 20 years old.

"Haven't you contacted at all? Is there any detailed information on the Internet?" Huo Yanlin asked.

"I've been exposed to a little bit, probably to amplify the fear or joy in people's hearts after emptying people's thinking."

She opened her mouth while thinking, "in this way, it can destroy a normal growth path and completely change her character. It is said that someone plans to use this to treat the death penalty prisoners in the prison."

Huo Yanlin pondered thoughtfully and said, "this thing doesn't seem to be emerging. There has been this way of psychotherapy for a long time. Isn't it hypnosis in psychology? It's used to treat PTSD."

He thought there would be some new ideas that could at least provide a little help. If it was this, it would not be very new.

Wen Shutong does this work. He is often contacted and knows something about it.

"It can't be said that hypnosis temporarily hooks out the deepest memory in the human brain, and it works for a short time. More importantly, it may not be useful, and there are too many restrictions on hypnosis, so it's useless after waking up."

Her head is sincere to analyze, "but this is different. As long as this thing enlarges the part in people's heart, positive emotions will always react on people, let them contact the beautiful and future, and then forget those negative feelings."

"For example, there are some murderers with very high intelligence. People like them have very cruel methods, but their brains are of great use to society, so they are not willing to kill people. What should we do?"

"Use this method to transform, let them feel the beauty of society and forget the cruel part of their mind."

"In this way, an originally heinous criminal will become a good young man with five stresses and four beauties. Isn't the cost of such transformation very low? And it's particularly useful?"

She said with an excited face, as if she had embraced a better future, but Huo Yanlin gently smiled.

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