Wen Shutong sighed helplessly and suddenly felt that the most wrong decision he had made was to tease Sui detective just now. He had caused himself these troubles for nothing. What evil did he do!

Mingming is a customer's family tie. I also encountered this kind of thing. Later, she felt embarrassed to meet again.

She lifted her lips with a smile, and said word by word, "if you have something to do, go quickly. Don't waste our time, OK?"

Sui Jian did intend to go, but he didn't say he planned to go by himself. He had to take Wen Shutong away.

So he continued to play a rascal with a smile: "if I leave, shouldn't you two be embarrassed?"

"It's better to take a shot and break up today. Since it's a customer, it's not enough to finish talking about work? For dinner, we'll make an appointment later."

After that, he winked at each other and blinked.

Although he doesn't know how straight men get along with straight men, he also knows that some straight men like this.

Even when Huo Yanlin, an iceberg man of ten thousand years, joked with him, even though he looked disgusted on the surface, he should not be disgusted.

But Wen Shutong really knew him too well. As soon as Sui detective opened his mouth, he knew what he was going to fart.

So she lowered her voice and said coldly, "don't talk nonsense, will you? This is my client, not your place to shoot flowers."

Ouyang Wen still smiled with an unknown smile, as if he didn't understand what Sui detective was doing, and he was very useful.

So he smiled carelessly and said, "it doesn't matter. Your friend is very interesting, but do you really want to go back? It's a pity if you can't have dinner together."

Jiang Xingwen thought he had a boundless tacit understanding with his man. After seeing his hint, he didn't get away for a long time. He felt that there must be a problem.

So according to the words I heard just now, I immediately made up: "what's the matter? I'm waiting for you to eat. Why are you procrastinating endlessly?"

Ouyang Wen looked in the direction of Jiang Xingwen's speech and said, "your father is really young."

Sui Jian: " Anyone with a little IQ can't say such nonsense.

Since I think of a male green tea, is it a little bad for the professional quality of male green tea? At least I have to learn better in the subject of politeness!

Wen Shutong is really speechless by the picture in front of him. In such a narrow space, he can still meet Wolong chicks. Is it her blessing or her evil.

In desperation, she could only honestly explain: "sorry, Mr. Ouyang, things are not what you think, this and the one next to..."

Sui Jian has only been pretending for a long time. If she explains it clearly, her job of stirring excrement stick will be done in vain. That's absolutely impossible!

He has to eat this meal without eating. Anyway, let's see Wen Shutong first.

He seemed to forget his refusal, smiled again and said, "this talent is not my father, but the relationship between us is really unspeakable."

"I can't make it clear. I really lied to you just now. Otherwise, I'd better go to dinner and talk in detail when eating."

He didn't plan to talk in detail, just thinking about how to make it up in his heart.

Ouyang Wen had no doubt at all, and immediately accepted: "well, it's really a great honor. Let's go now?"

Sui Jian was helpless, but he could only follow the good as the flow. After all, it was his own sin.

When the matter is settled, he must find Huo Yanlin to offer him a reward for his merits. With regard to the psychological trauma he suffered today, he can't recover without ten meals!

Maybe the voice calling Huo Yanlin in his heart was so loud that people really heard it. As soon as they turned to get on Wen Shutong's car, they saw Huo Yanlin and Tan Mingyi go downstairs together.

And Tan Ming Yi as like as two peas in the same clothes as Wen Shu Tong, is a proper dressing ground.

Jiang Xing sat in the car in a daze. He didn't understand what was going on outside. As a result, he was frightened by the face-to-face scene.

He couldn't stay in the car. He hurried down and said anxiously, "what's going on..."

Sui Jian just wanted to cut off his vocal cords. He also wanted to know what happened. Why did a group of ancestors bump into each other? Who will save him!

He can only pray that Huo Yanlin had better pretend that he didn't see anything, leave quickly, and then explain later.

But this is about Wen Shutong. How can Huo Yanlin hang up if it's none of his business.

His footsteps stopped unexpectedly, turned his head without saying a word, and looked at Wen Shutong and Ouyang Wen.

Tan Mingyi didn't know who she was. She didn't think about anything else at all, so she tilted her head and observed it, then asked softly, "who is she?"

This sentence is normal as a query, but it is not normal because she said it to Wen Shutong.

It's like Tan Mingyi is taking an oath of sovereignty, and Wen Shutong is the outsider.

This picture is wonderful.

At this time, Jiang Xingwen's mobile phone rang. It was Sui detective.

Naturally, he couldn't answer it. He pressed it quickly.

The next second, Liu Xinyi's text message came. She almost collapsed and said: didn't you say that I should spend them both in five minutes? I'm going bald. I finally made up a reason. What's the matter with you? Do you deliberately play with me? It's over, it's over, what can I do! Bad luck, things are bad!!!

She was followed by a long string of exclamation marks, which fully explained Liu Xinyi's despair at this moment.

Is there anyone worse than her in this world? The high probability is gone.

Sui detective, as one of the parties who self defeats, is also more embarrassed.

He forced a smile on his face and said, "it seems that you don't know each other. It's really unfortunate. Hahaha, let me introduce you. This is Miss Wen, President Huo's wife, and this is Ouyang Wen, his client."

After that, he turned his eyes to Wen Shutong and pointed to tan Mingyi: "what about the girl, her name is Tan..."

Before he finished speaking, Tan Mingyi was surprised and shouted, "so you are Miss Wen! Mr. Huo also said that I must wait until you come back to see you. I almost thought it was too late. Fortunately, the time was just right."

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