Wen Shutong reacted after a while. He was talking on the phone.

When the phone hung up, he looked at the direction of Wen Shutong and said, "what did you just say?"

"It's all right. I thought you wouldn't let me see your documents. I just read them." Wen Shutong raised his hand and gently pointed, "I also saw some contents in the planning."

"Yes." Huo Yanlin's head didn't deviate. He took out the computer from his bag and began to knock, "if you have anything to say, please do it as soon as possible. I still have an online meeting."

Seeing that he was so busy now, Wen Shutong felt that the time was not suitable, so he said, "wait until you are finished."

Huo Yanlin nodded and threw a brand-new mobile phone box: "I heard Jiang Min say your mobile phone was broken. Let him buy it for you and use it."

After that, he started the meeting without turning his head.

The content of the meeting was about game plagiarism. Everyone looked serious, and the topic of discussion was obviously dignified.

Inside and outside the words mean that the game can't just ignore it. If you want to recover, you must be innovative. He is waiting for the following people to give good opinions.

Wen Shutong was not in the mood to inquire about his company secrets, so he lowered his head and changed the card, and then pounded the things on the bad mobile phone onto the new mobile phone.

After all his files were transferred, Huo Yanlin's meeting was over.

He took off his frameless eyes on the bridge of his nose, pinched his heart, and leaned wearily against the back seat, looking like he didn't want to say more.

"If the types of a game overlap, in addition to the advantages of opening the service, it is more important to invest and innovate in the later stage."

Wen Shutong looked down at his mobile phone and suddenly whispered, "now many game players are losing a lot, and the focus is on planning. Moreover, with more and more game equipment, the requirements for image quality and quality have gradually become higher."

Huo Yanlin still closed his eyes, but his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his body turned slightly to her side to express what he was listening to.

Wen Shutong continued: "I checked the comparison between your game and their game. They can only imitate the shell, but not the inside. Whether it's the story line or the later character design, it's too bad. After all, it's a small workshop."

"Just change one of the story lines. The villains in it don't need to be blindly Facebook. Highlight the female boss. Don't let her rely on the previous male demon king. Just rely on herself."

"Because now most people still prefer cool and handsome villains. If this setting is imposed on her, the characters will be a little low."

After hesitating for a while, Wen Shutong continued, "by the way, pretend to flow out the design draft of your subsequent important role, because as far as I know, the game is also revealing new characters, but the quality is very poor. Now is the best time."

She gave a lot of suggestions at one go, and started from the player and psychological aspects.

It is completely opposite to the company's plans that only know how to build cars behind closed doors and feel that they are superior as developers.

"That's a good idea." Huo Yanlin gave advice, "thank you."

"You're welcome. Didn't you let me say thank you before? Now neither of us should say thank you to anyone. Even friends don't say thank you so often?" Wen Shutong smiled, "and you just asked your bodyguard to help me and gave me a new mobile phone."

"The nature is different." Huo Yanlin looked calm and said, "those fools always feel that there is no help. They actually let the official blog sell miserable clothes. It's pathetic and ridiculous."

"You don't need to sell miserably. When you make things to the extreme, there will be tap water to help you sell miserably. What the official blog needs to do is to strive for self-improvement, so that it can attract favorable comments." Wen Shutong calmly opened his mouth and analyzed, "this is the regularity I found from many pasted games."

"It seems that you gave away a lot of games." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth, but his voice didn't smile, but it didn't look like ridicule.

"Those who play with the two children inevitably have to contact more games, but they don't want to play, and they don't know the reason. But I learn these things, so I naturally have to figure out more from them." Wen Shutong opens his mouth.

Halfway through, she was in a trance for a moment.

Has her life really been stolen?

But in the past time, she did get a lot of happiness.

In the process of accompanying the two children, she also got a lot of happiness that no one else had ever gotten.

Huo Yanlin didn't say anything about this sentence. He said faintly, "your suggestions are very important and more useful than those wastes of the planning group, so I'll give you a salary according to the salary of the planning group. I'll write it to the account on the 15th of this month."

The tone of this remark was too business. Wen Shutong couldn't help laughing and said, "are you still remembering what I told you before, so you deliberately use this to revenge me?"

"Reciprocity." Huo Yanlin spoke slowly.

"OK, but I still want to tell you. I realize what I said is not very good. We don't need to be like this." Wen Shutong said, "although I really hate you for ruining part of my life, now I don't need to revenge you, just do what I want to do."

"Don't you call this revenge on me?" Huo Yanlin suddenly asked in a very light voice.

"Huh?" Wen Shutong didn't hear him clearly and turned around curiously.

"It's all right. What did you just say?" Huo Yanlin quietly changed the subject.

He was rejected by Wen Shutong and had to take out the past things and whip the corpse repeatedly. All his love was a burden to her. Isn't it called revenge?

If this is the punishment for what he did wrong, it will come too late and hurt too much.

Wen Shutong said solemnly, "I just saw the contents of the plan. I guess if we want to divorce, you may worry about me sharing my property."

"But I want to make it clear to you that I don't need it. If you have concerns, you can do property notarization. Let's make a clear distinction."

Huo Yanlin raised his eyes and looked at her, with a strange look on his face: "what are you talking about?"

"I didn't mean to see it." Wen Shutong apologized, "I think the shelf life is relatively early. I know it has expired, so..."

"Are you thinking about a divorce?" Huo Yanlin interrupted her with a low voice.

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