Lin Chen turned to look at him in some confusion: "it's embarrassing for him to hang like this? Although we said we were joking and came to watch the excitement, we can't really watch the excitement completely."

"Definitely not. Wait a little longer." Sui detective whispered, "it's really not possible. Let's go up and help out."

"How can you be mysterious? What's your plan?" Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket, sat down, frowned and looked in the direction of Sui detective.

Sui Jian hesitated for a moment, but he still said, "wait another three minutes."

It's not that he doesn't want to talk to Lin Chen, but now Sui detective himself can't make up his mind.

This is the former Wen Shutong. Mingming told him he would come. He was ready for her to help Huo Yanlin.

Worried about any unexpected situation outside, he specially asked people to watch outside. As a result, the news from his subordinates was that no one came again except the guests.

Is it difficult that Wen Shutong went back on his word and decided not to come?

Although Lin Chen seemed to lean lazily against his seat, he was actually a little uneasy: "what are you waiting for? It shouldn't be Wen Shutong. Don't you know she quarreled with Huo Yanlin a few days ago?"

"When did it happen?" Sui Jian was stunned and pricked up his small ears of gossip.

"Three days ago, it seems that he invested in a company and didn't tell Wen Shutong. I happened to have a hand to do business there, so I heard it mentioned by others, but I didn't dare to ask. Now they can't manage so much." Lin Chen said, "if you're waiting for her, I don't think it's necessary."

Sui detective secretly said bad luck. Unexpectedly, Wen Shutong's attitude towards the front foot was eased. Something happened to the back foot. He was so happy that he thought it could ease the relationship between the two.

He patted his thigh with some regret: "isn't this the end of the calf? No wonder she doesn't come today."

At this time, Huo Yanlin has been surrounded by people. The woman just now also said with concern: "yes, I haven't seen her come together. Isn't it better for husband and wife to come together on this occasion?"

The expression on Huang Shuyun's face was very embarrassed. He paused for a moment and said, "there's a special situation. Let's ignore this first. Let's eat first."

The woman probably understood something, so she smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. Huo Yanlin is young and talented. He has a big family and career. Even if he is single, it is also a bright pearl. Everyone is in a hurry to post it."

Huang Shuyun just wanted to jump over this topic quickly, so she responded with a ha ha.

Huo Yanlin did have a change of expression. He was about to speak. Suddenly, a hand held his arm and stood quietly side by side with him.

Huo Yanlin's heart almost stopped beating for a beat. When he was about to turn his head, he only heard Sui Jian's smiling voice.

"Aunt, which family are you from? You can talk so well and say a few nice words to me? And this one next to you is your son. He's so handsome. He doesn't pick the topic when talking. What school are you going to? Do you usually have an after-school training class?"

"By the way, where's your husband? Why didn't he come with you? It's pathetic if he didn't accompany you on this occasion. He's not afraid that you're not safe on the road alone?"

Sui detective felt that Huo Yanlin was in this embarrassing situation because he had just wasted some time, so he volunteered to help him out.

He wanted to pretend that he was very hospitable and then jump over the topic.

But it's too obvious that he didn't take into account some characteristics of himself, especially when holding Huo Yanlin's arm, he had to be daydreaming.

The woman forgot to answer the question for a moment and subconsciously said, "I thought it was a joke to say that she was single. I didn't expect... Ha!"

I really can't say what I said later. After all, I'm old and it's inconvenient to be so straightforward in front of young people.

I didn't expect Huo Yanlin to play so much after his divorce. The wife before he was married was a wronged boss?!

At this time, a clear laugh came out: "what's the matter? It's just a quarrel. Why is divorce spreading everywhere. Aunt, you praised him for being so handsome. How can I be willing to leave?"

Wen Shutong came over with a smile as he spoke. Sui detective also reacted quickly at this time. He quickly dodged to make room for Wen Shutong, smiled and said, "you are really too much. You quarrel with your husband, but I want to help you save the scene. I was almost misunderstood by others. What do you think of him? Am I wronged?"

"That must be because you don't speak properly, so it's misunderstood by others. You're still wronged." Wen Shutong smiled and joked, "you still talk so much that you don't know what to say."

Wen Shutong wore a long black dress inside and a white cashmere coat outside. Frost and snow seemed to condense on his eyelashes. Although he walked in a hurry, he had a very wild beauty.

But when she laughed under the light, there was something unspeakable. Many people who had already walked to the dining room couldn't help looking back at her.

It has to be said that some people seem to be born with a desperate tenderness. They just stand in the crowd. Everyone knows that this is Huo Yanlin's wife.

But Wen Shutong could feel that Huo Yanlin's body stiffened at the moment when she pulled her hand up.

Are you still resisting yourself?

But although he didn't answer, he didn't let Wen Shutong down in front of so many people. He just stood beside him quietly.

Huang Shuyun was very happy. Even the unhappiness that had just passed away disappeared cleanly. He immediately smiled and said, "what's the matter? Is it a traffic jam? You two quarreled and scared me. I thought you wouldn't come over."

Her question was also half true and half false.

The main reason is that she doesn't know whether Wen Shutong's so-called "quarrel" refers to the previous thing or just an excuse.

"How could you not come here? Tomorrow is a good day for family reunion." She gently leaned on Huo Yanlin's shoulder, "what's it like not to come with my family? Today, some work just tripped my feet, so I came a little late."

Speaking of work, Huang Shuyun seemed to open the chatterbox and pretended to complain: "tell me what you must do as a psychological counselor. It looks bright and bright. When you are really busy, you can't even care about your family. It's the new year tomorrow. You're still busy today?"

"I can't help it. The employees have been on holiday, so I'll be busy."

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