Huo Yanlin didn't understand what she said a little, and subconsciously turned around and looked at it.

But just at this time, someone offered a toast to Wen Shutong. When she raised her head again, her face had recovered the appearance of joy and handled interpersonal relations with ease, as if what she had just been an episode.

Huo Yanlin seems careless on the surface, but his eyes involuntarily stay on Wen Shutong's face, wondering why she suddenly said that and what happened in her heart.

At the same time, Sui Jian on the other side was eating the dish Jiang Xingwen had given him. Suddenly, a spirit came up: "Oh, I suddenly remembered that something was not very good!"

Lin Chen was startled by his surprise, and looked at him inexplicably: "what's the matter?"

"Didn't we just talk to Wen Shutong about buying a car in the group? But she doesn't seem to know we have a group, and according to her reaction, it seems that no one told her to buy a car." Sui Jian chewed a dish with a worried look on his face. "Will she feel excluded by us?"

"We didn't disclose much information. We explained later that it was the group built by our brothers." Lin Chen gave him a strategy.

In fact, the original intention of this group was that they wanted to help Huo Yanlin recover Wen Shutong, so they did it.

Although the real victim, I refused to join this group at the beginning, but later, under the entanglement of Sui investigation, I could only agree.

Huo Yanlin didn't like them to discuss Wen Shutong behind their backs, so the original purpose of the group was invalid. He simply pulled in a large number of friends and said anything in it.

However, because this matter has to be mentioned once in a while, Wen Shutong can't be invited, so she was "isolated".

"Then I just talked about the phone call between Shao Weiyan and Shao Yunzheng." Sui Jian painfully helped his forehead, "I'm really speechless. Why is my mouth so cheap? I even said it."

Moreover, his so-called call is actually a wechat call, which is convenient.

But in any case, it gives the impression that Wen Shutong knows nothing and they have a bunch of small Jiujiu in private.

"It's not your problem." Jiang Xingwen hurriedly comforted, "or we'll explain it to her later."

"It's not easy to explain. After all, the purpose of our group is not so simple." Lin Chen looked a little serious, "but I think her relationship with Huo Yanlin seems to be ok now. If they ease up a little, we should have a chance to talk."

"You can fart. Don't you see that both of them haven't spoken?" Sui detective sighed a long sigh, "why is things so messy now? I still want to know whether Tan Mingyi's method is useful. If the car overturns at that time, I have to have a good chat with her."

Without waiting for the two people next to him to speak, he sighed with a half true and half false sigh: "but anyway, Huo Yanlin's acting skills are really strong. It doesn't look like a fake at all."

Then he clapped his legs again, "lying in the trough, isn't it really true? He's acting and pretending. He really doesn't want to recover Wen Shutong? What's this called!"

"Now both sides of the family have not made a statement. What's your hurry?" Lin Chen looked at him, "not to mention how many times this has been done, he hopes to achieve it in one move. He didn't dream so fast."

"It's mainly Tan Mingyi. I'm afraid she's really unreliable. She doesn't know Wen Shutong. What if she overturns?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, when the Sui detective was worried, the servant took several people into the room. It was Shao Weiyan and them.

The brother was followed by a girl, obviously Tan Mingyi.

Her appearance is exquisite. In addition, she usually looks publicity enough, so she can attract the attention of others.

Just when everyone was talking about who she was sacred, Tan Mingyi had greeted everyone in a big way.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Tan Mingyi. Although I have nothing to do with this family now, I hope you can know me better after this dinner."

It's impossible for Huo Yanshan not to know that others don't know.

He put on his glasses and looked in the direction of Tan Mingyi. With an unexpected look on his face, he said, "Xiao tan? We haven't seen each other for many years. The previous little girl has also grown up, become a big child and become more and more beautiful."

He has a good relationship with his personal doctor Lao Tan, but he hasn't seen much with Tan Mingyi, but he is also very close when he really meets.

"Yes, uncle Huo, I've become beautiful. You're the same as before. You haven't changed at all. What's the matter? You can't move forward?" She still smiled brightly and even dared to joke.

But his joke level is very high, which seems to be criticizing. Although he actually praises Huo Yanshan in disguise that he has not changed for so many years, he doesn't seem so flattering.

Huo Yanshan obviously ate the little girl's way of speaking. He smiled and said, "you can't talk nonsense. How hasn't changed. He's many years old. Your father knows very well."

"That's too arbitrary. When I was abroad, when my father called to know you, he said that you were the most stable patient he had ever seen. Did Uncle secretly doubt my father's level?"

"But if you think he's half baked, it's probably because he's really not good."

She lowered her voice mysteriously and whispered, "if you're really embarrassed to say that, I can help you. Let the little old man go by himself."

"You girl, if your father knew how you cheated him, he might go back and turn against you." Huo Yanshan smiled and gently nodded her, "your father is very easy for me to use, so I don't worry about it. I want to ask, are you here on behalf of your father?"

She smiled sweetly and blinked her eyes: "yes, my father's blessing can be heard or not, but my blessing must be heard."

After that, she said a string of blessings like a firecracker. With some funny actions, the atmosphere of the scene became more relaxed for a time.

She is like a late actor. Although she spoke a little late, at least the atmosphere of the scene has been mobilized by her.

Huo Yanshan was amused and laughed. He pointed to the position next to his hand and asked her to sit down. By the way, he said, "since you came on behalf of your father, how did you get together with the two little CHILDES of the Shao family? Did you know each other before?"

"That... This..." Tan Mingyi, who was excited just now, got stuck.

"I'm not only familiar with you, but also have a chat in private. In short, it's very good." Shao Weiyan's mouth was rather sinister.

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