Everyone wants to make a match, and Wen Shutong has made a clear statement. Now only Huo Yanlin's attitude is left.

After the air was a little quiet for a while, his voice came slowly: "you can prepare. By the way, choose where to go."

Tan Mingyi breathed a heavy sigh of relief and almost flew out of her soul.

At first glance, she seems fearless. In fact, her palm has long been in a cold sweat. She is afraid that Huo Yanlin will expose it to her face, and she will be embarrassed to death.

The hot meal is finally over.

In addition to the stars and the moon, there are several children in the meal. They are still young and very noisy. Once they can't eat anything they like, they begin to cry and make a lot of noise.

Even if their parents try their best to keep them quiet, it won't help.

Huo Yanshan was in poor health and couldn't stand such a noisy environment. He got up and left almost halfway through the meal.

The meal was soon over.

Huang Shuyun organized people of her age to play mahjong and chat, while among the young people, Sui Jian and Tan Mingyi took the lead and said they would play games together.

So a group of people came to the largest game room upstairs to play board games and werewolf killing. There was also a sound device in it. Someone was crying and howling and singing in it.

Inside, there was a roar of smoke and people. It was not lively. It was full of joy of the new year.

Although Huo Yanlin came with them, he did not participate in the collective entertainment activities, but played board games with the stars and the moon.

He was born with an aura of resisting people thousands of miles away. Even if he played alone there, no one dared to go to his side to find unhappiness.

While playing werewolf killing with Sui detective, Wen Shutong glanced at Huo Yanlin quietly.

She wanted to find a chance to ask him what to do about his travel, but she couldn't find the chance.

Just when she was absent-minded, she drew a card from the prophet.

She just came into contact with the game, but Sui Jian said they were basically old-fashioned. Before, when she was a civilian, she won casually. She couldn't help shaking when she got this key card for the first time.

To prevent herself from being targeted, she first investigated Sui detective in the first round, but she didn't expect that he was really a werewolf!

Then the next day, as soon as he opened his eyes, Sui Jian, a senior player, jumped the prophet without hesitation, and then began to act.

Sui detective's acting skills are really great. Most people have believed it and are looking forward to throwing civilians out.

It was almost time for Wen Shutong to speak. Her fingertips began to tremble. She hesitated whether to jump out, so she just had a positive conversation with him.

She was also afraid that her call was not as strong as that of Sui detective. Maybe she would be suspected, and the whole person was particularly unnatural.

Once Sui Jian sincerely played this game, he was very close. He looked in the direction of Wen Shutong, immediately understood her identity, and then quietly made a color to his werewolf brother.

When it was time for Wen Shutong to speak, suddenly a pair of slender hands crossed her shoulders and put a cup of freshly squeezed juice in front of Wen Shutong.

Then he spoke slowly in a voice that only two people could hear: "ask him, if he is a prophet, why do two people inexplicably start to maintain and stand in line in advance when they are unidentified, so they are not afraid of being a werewolf anti jump prophet?"

His voice was very light, like a gust of wind blowing through Wen Shutong's ear, making her body tremble slightly.

She didn't even have time to think. The whole person almost mechanically said Huo Yanlin's words as they were.

After that, with his excellent professional level, Wen Shutong straightened out the causes and consequences of the whole thing, and continued to speak calmly: "so I think I can start with him first, because once someone jumps high, it means the greater the danger. At the same time, I have said this. I also tell you that I jumped first, and I am a real prophet."

"And they have guessed my identity. They will kill me next time. After throwing him out, you can vote for me next to verify whether I'm telling the truth. If I'm telling the truth, the two people who support him can also be taken away together."

His words instantly changed Sui Jian's expression. Unexpectedly, he turned into a high player in a moment.

But seeing the people beside Wen Shutong, Sui detective understood more than half in an instant. After he was thrown out, he immediately patted the table and said loudly, "it's unfair. You actually asked for help outside the court. He must have secretly told you the answer. What's the game!"

"None of us can ask for help. It's good for you to directly let your family break the rules of the game. You two fall in love. Don't delay us from playing the game!"

"Why is it so unlucky and annoying? In the future, I suggest couples either join together or don't come at all, so as to save the destruction of other people's game experience, OK?"

At a glance, he could see that he was deliberately pretending to be angry, and there were more elements of joking or ridicule.

Wen Shutong said quietly, "he didn't open his mouth to help me cheat. It's mainly because you are so obvious. Can I see it? He just helped me straighten out the logical relationship."

"I don't listen. I'm not interested in these excuses. I won't play unless you let Huo Yanlin join in and the game joins the punishment system!" Sui Jian held his arms in his hands and deliberately opened his mouth angrily.

He tried to match up Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong by forcibly joining the punishment system.

Who knows Huo Yanlin doesn't appreciate it at all. He glanced at Sui detective without expression and said coldly, "if you can't afford to play, change a game."

After that, he turned and left directly and continued to teach his two sons to play board games.

"You are boring!" Sui Jian protested loudly, "I think the person who can't afford to play is you!"

However, his method was useless. Huo Yanlin turned a deaf ear and held the hand of the star to teach him how to play board games.

Huo Yanlin's reminder helped Wen Shutong open the door to a new world. She began to analyze everyone's Micro expressions and loopholes in her words with the help of her professional ability.

It has to be said that as a psychological consultant, her ability is almost open, and almost everyone has nowhere to hide under her analysis.

The game almost lost its fun, because Wen Shutong began to take control of the whole situation from people who couldn't understand anything.

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