He silently apologized to the two, but at the same time he felt that there was no big problem with what he had done.

Anyway, both of them are single and agree in all aspects. Just try to fall in love casually. If you can't, you can divide them. Anyway, everyone is young, there are still opportunities for trial and error, and breaking up doesn't break the law.

Tan Mingyi looked over thoughtfully: "what do you mean by telling me? Do you want me to seize the opportunity?"

"Aren't you interested in him? If not, think I didn't say anything." Sui Jian stepped back hard to get. "Just think I drank too much and talked nonsense. That's it first."

When he said this, Tan Mingyi gradually had a vague guess in his heart.

This time, Shao Weiyan didn't like to be a matchmaker, because the excuses he said were very blunt. As soon as he heard them, he could feel that they were made up temporarily.

Can it be said that Shao Yunzheng was a little interested in her, but he was embarrassed to come and say it in person, so he was asked to spy on the military information?

I didn't expect that he was just a sullen coquette. He made such twists and turns in this matter.

After clearing her throat, Tan Mingyi said, "I see. You have ulterior motives in asking this topic. You want to work for others, don't you? You just said that you like to be a matchmaker. Everything is made up. Do you really think I can't see it?"

Sui Jian's body broke out a layer of cold sweat in an instant. Even his cold hair stood up and screamed bad.

He scolded himself in his heart that he was really playing with a big knife in front of Guan Gong. He actually played psychological warfare in front of Tan Mingyi.

The most embarrassing thing was seen through by others. Now he looks like a clown.

Sui Jian lowered his eyebrows for a few minutes and said angrily, "I didn't mean to be like that. I really have no way. I have to create some opportunities. Otherwise, I have to wait until monkey years and horse months to be together?"

"You should be kind enough to help me, even if you deal with it, okay?"

Anyway, as long as Tan Mingyi can find a way to get Shao Yunzheng's attention to her side, there will be no obstacles over Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin.

However, Tan Mingyi was more and more wrong about this matter. She looked at Sui Jian with some pity: "it's really not easy for you to be a middleman and have to speak so low in order to promote a couple. You made it so moving that he didn't say how to thank you?"

"Thank you for what? Thank you. I'll be grateful if I can succeed!" Sui Jian almost put his hands together. "Do you mean you promised?"

"I still have about three months to do research in country m, just three months..." she said.

Next, she wants to say that she will use these three months to make Shao Yunzheng perform. If she is satisfied, she is not unable to agree.

But Sui Jian was really happy at the moment. Before she finished listening to her words, she interrupted cheerfully: "OK, OK, OK, OK, thank you so much. I've solved a worry for me!"

"So, what..." Tan Mingyi stared at his toes with some embarrassment. "Where has he gone?"

Shao Yunzheng's heart immediately became happy. Tan Mingyi can get along with her. She's really in trouble.

The front foot promised himself. The back foot is going to find Shao Yunzheng to cultivate feelings. It's too kind.

"He just went out, and he went out on the phone. I guess he went to the company, but it's the new year. He must be busy. Call him and ask him." Sui detective hurriedly said, "anyway, he usually won't go home at this time, just enough time for you two to meet."

Tan Mingyi naturally understood this sentence as that Shao Yunzheng was waiting for himself.

There was a strange feeling in her heart, but the whole was not bad.

At the beginning of her postgraduate study, she was probably affected by some news around and on the Internet, and had very serious symptoms of male aversion.

In a word, I just felt that men didn't have a good thing. Men were very annoyed. Later, when I contacted Huo Yanlin after returning home, I found that there were many excellent boys.

At first, she was not interested in Shao Yunzheng. Later, she chatted with him briefly and found that this man really spoke insightfully, so tan Mingyi couldn't say she didn't like him.

Therefore, after learning his thoughts, Tan Mingyi's first feeling was not that he was troubled, but that he was very happy.

She coughed gently and said half shyly, "I couldn't call him directly last time. It's not suitable."

Sui Jian patted his thigh: "what's wrong? It's a new age. Do girls have to be passive in this regard? It's beautiful for us to take the initiative and hold the whole man in our own hands?"

When he said this, she gave Tan Mingyi strength, so she got up and went out of the room and called.

Sui Jian breathed a sigh of relief and fell on the sofa in the back.

Anyway, even if the matter was solved, he didn't expect Tan Mingyi to be so talkative.

I thought it would take a lot of effort to persuade her, but I didn't expect that she didn't have any impatience after understanding the meaning. It's really good.

Because he was in a better mood, he looked at all the people in the room and automatically added a layer of filter, which was very pleasing to the eye.

So he took out his mobile phone, snapped a picture and sent a circle of friends: "it's sunny on the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month. I attended the Huo family banquet. I had a good time with everyone. I wish you an early new year."

There are many people in his circle of friends. As soon as the photos were sent, there were hundreds of likes, and many people expressed envy for the family banquet of the Huo family.

In a lot of New Year greetings, compliments, discussions or comments, an out of place suddenly appeared.

"The man in white is so familiar."

This is a message from Xia Qingchun.

After that incident, their group broke the ice with Xia Qingchun.

Although she still doesn't communicate much at ordinary times, she's not as stiff as before. After all, we all know that the reason why she worked under the hand of death is to help them deliver messages.

So Sui Jian also added her friends back. She usually doesn't interact. This is the first time.

Sui Jiantian grew a gossip nose and immediately smelled something wrong, so he quickly returned to her: who else can it be? It's Shao Weiyan's silly fork. He drank like 250 with a group of sisters. He just threw up in the bathroom.

At this time, Jiang Xingwen also ended his board game, came to the back of Sui detective and surrounded his shoulder: "what are you doing? I saw you talking to tan Mingyi just now, and now giggling with your mobile phone. Don't want me?"

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