"Yes, that's right. At that time, it was widely spread in the upper class. One was a beautiful classical dance artist, and the other was a group prince with billions of assets. How many people paid attention to their love back then..."

"For some time after Miss Shao left, Mr. Huo was very sad. He poured his sorrow with wine every day and lingered in the romantic places. He was very decadent! It can be seen that Miss Shao's departure has caused him much harm. Men, there are always some first love plots. "

"It seems that there will be a good play to watch. Do you think Huo will always choose Miss Shao, the first girlfriend who attracts the attention of the public, or Miss Wen, who quietly gave birth to twins for him?"


Wen Shutong vowed that she did not want to hear the gossip, but the rustling sound was like a long leg, which went into her ears and head one by one, which made her restless and restless.

Glancing at Shao Yiyi in the opposite direction, Wen Shutong suddenly recalled that he accidentally caught a glimpse of the news on TV last week.

She did not expect that Shao Yiyi, a famous young and beautiful classical dance artist, had such a romantic past with her own Mr. Huo.

Recalling Huo Yanlin's abnormal performance that day, Wen Shutong frowned.

Combined with today's events, she seems to suddenly understand something.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously glanced at Huo Yanlin beside her. Sure enough, his mood in the face of Shao Yiyi was not as steady as usual.

Clearly repeatedly told himself not to think nonsense, who has not a past, no first love, but Wen Shutong had to admit that his heart at the moment is called jealous.

She even began to worry about whether Huo Yanlin's first love after further education would revive?

Huo Yanlin has been holding Wen Shutong's hand, but he found that her palms were slightly sweating. He caught sight of her frowning and no smile on her face. He immediately clenched her hand.

Feeling the power and temperature from his palm, Wen Shutong couldn't help but look at him with puzzled eyes. He suddenly ran into his deep and determined eyes, and their hearts were instantly interlinked.

Wen Shutong's eyebrows gradually spread and turned into a cool smile. Looking at Shao's father and daughter in front of him, he was graceful.

"Yan Lin, I haven't seen you for several years. You're still the same. Ha ha, I didn't expect that you first sent good news between us. Congratulations."

Shao Yiyi noticed the hands tightly held by the two people in front of him. His eyes slipped through the dark awn, but his smile on his face became more and more brilliant. He looked at Huo Yanlin with a smile and deliberately ignored Wen Shutong.

"Well, long time no see." Huo Yanlin didn't want to say more, but he knew that he would upset Wen Shutong, so he wanted to leave quickly.

Who knows Shao father seems to be determined to leave him here to speak, "Yanlin, you and Yi have not seen each other for so long, anyway, they also talk a little more. In these years, Yi and I often talk to you when they call, saying that she regrets her original choice."

"It's also my fault that I've always spoiled her, and I don't want her to be wronged. As soon as she talks about you, she cries and tears. My father's heart is miserable. She asked her to come back several times, but she said that she didn't want to give up her dream."

Shao's father had been prepared before his arrival. His words were very tactful and tactful, which not only showed a loving father's love and heartache for his daughter, but also made people unable to find flaws.

Wen Shutong stood by Huo Yanlin's side, feeling that he, as the hostess of the banquet, should have said something on this occasion, but for a while he didn't know how to speak.

Shao's father and daughter and her husband Huo Yanlin are more like a family talking about themselves, which makes her unable to insert.

It's a terrible feeling.

Huo Yanlin didn't want to speak any more. After listening to Shao's father's tears, he could not help looking up at Shao Yi.

After going abroad, she seems to have changed a lot, mature a lot, not as simple and lovely as a girl.

Just a glance, Huo Yanlin withdrew his sight. At first, he was not willing to choose and leave her, but he didn't get to the point where people used to pour their worries with wine all day long and fall in love with the places where their voices and colors were flowing.

At present, he found his true love in his heart. To Shao Yiyi, it was more like a greeting between friends.

"Mr. Shao, your daughter is young and ignorant. You should know better than her what it means to open a bow without turning back. Besides, it's already in the past. People still have to go forward to go far."

When Huo Yanlin gives advice, he shows his attitude.

After a few words, Shao Yi, who was still full of expectation, gradually faded his smile and looked at him quietly. His eyes turned red and he was not so pitiful.

Even so, Huo Yanlin didn't look at her any more. He only looked at Shao father. His face was indifferent. "Mr. Shao, Miss Shao, my wife and I have many guests to greet. Excuse me."

With that, he took Wen Shutong and turned away.

"Yan Lin --"

Shao Yi was anxious to leave people, but she could only watch the two leave with their intimate behavior.

She gnawed her teeth fiercely, and her eyes were unwilling."Dad! If you look at him now, you don't even look at me at all. It's because you had to stop me and not let me get engaged to him. Otherwise, I am the one standing beside him now! "

Shao Yiyi's reproachful mouth curls and looks at Shao's father.

Shao's father always dotes on this only daughter, and is afraid of breaking it in his hands. At the beginning, because something happened to the Huo family group, Shao Fu worried that his daughter would be implicated in marrying her in the past, and that his daughter would also have a bad life, so he secretly stopped it.

After being convinced by his father, Shao Yiyi felt that if he married into a family with great risk of bankruptcy, he would not have a good life in the future.

So she no longer insisted, simply put forward to break up with Huo Yanlin, and listen to Shao father's arrangement, by going abroad for further study.

Now, the Huo family not only successfully through the difficulties, avoid the risk of bankruptcy, and even continue to grow stronger.

In just a few years, Ruihe group has developed into the leading group of Jincheng in Huo Yanlin's hands, and its position is unshakable.

However, the development of Shao's group has not been much innovative in recent years. Shao's father was worried about this matter, so he began to make the Huo family's idea again, thinking that if we can marry the Huo family's business and cooperate with each other strongly, we can certainly occupy more market interests.

"Yi Yi, don't lose heart or give up easily. In my opinion, there must be you in Yanlin's heart. Although Wen Shutong is a bit beautiful, his family background is powerless and powerless, which has no effect on Ruihe's development. Even if Yanlin baby, his parents are very sad."

Shao Yi was full of doubt, "Dad, don't lie to me. Just now you heard what he said just now. He was so indifferent that he didn't even want to say one more personal thing with me."

"My dear daughter, even if you don't believe anyone, you can't believe your father. Don't worry, dad will try his best to fix you up."

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