The baby's milk voice soon came over and said solemnly, "uncle, you look so handsome!"

Huo Yanlin still liked the little guy, but she was quite embarrassed by her boasting, so she moved the camera directly and let the camera focus on the front.

Because he doesn't have a delicate daughter, he envies others' this.

However, at the moment the camera turned, some bright red sports cars suddenly appeared in the picture. The driver standing at the door was holding a fancy LED light with several words written on it: I wish Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong a happy marriage for a hundred years! Please take a bus with me!

The color matching of his lamp is very wonderful, which makes people can't even pay attention to it. Yin Hong was immediately attracted, and then he laughed wildly.

Then she began to take a very fast screenshot and said unkindly, "very good. This driver contributed my last laugh of the year. It's so interesting! So I'm going to send this screenshot to my circle of friends for everyone to circulate and publicly punish you!"

Wen Shutong quickly turned the camera around and was embarrassed to find a Mickey House on the ground.

Fortunately, Yin Hong is not as tasteless as Sui detective. After laughing, she calmed down quickly: "I didn't say what your husband and wife think and how to use this wonderful way to pick up the plane. Isn't it necessary?"

It is said that due to the high coverage of green plants in Nancheng, there are often all kinds of strange animals, and the road is difficult to walk, so most people come here to ask for guides.

At first, Huo Yanlin wanted to find someone by himself, but Sui Jian said that he had also come with his friends. It was better to be familiar with the guide there, so he could help find someone.

Who knows, this unlucky thing really doesn't bother people at all. I found such a boastful one for them.

Wen Shutong accidentally glanced at the driver and soon lowered his head to pretend that he didn't exist.

However, the driver was very enthusiastic. When he saw who they were, he came over with big steps.

"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Huo? Your friend left a message for us. Let me say to you: congratulations on your great wealth and a happy marriage for a hundred years..."

"Stop!" Wen Shutong almost broke his voice. "We have received the good wishes. Lead the way."

Yin Hong still smiled brightly on the phone: "these are all good words for flattery. Why don't you let others finish? There's no harm in listening to auspicious words in the new year."

"Don't you think you've gone too far today?" Wen Shutong pretended to look at the screen angrily, "if you laugh at me again, I won't share it with you."

She wears fresh clothes on this side, but the dark red side is wrapped in thick household clothes. The whole person shrinks in furry clothes and feels the smell of winter.

She pinched the hat of her home clothes, shook the upper ear, pinched her voice and said, "sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you. Hey, wait - who's that? Turn the camera to the right again!"

Wen Shutong became nervous when he saw her suddenly changed attitude. He quickly turned the camera around and turned in the direction of Yin Hong's command.

"Can you come closer or zoom in a little more? I want to see who that man is, in a black suit." Yin Hong said word by word, "I think I should have read it correctly."

The picture of the video is limited and cannot be enlarged, so Wen Shutong trotted a few steps to catch up.

Yin Hong refers to a line of people in suits. Next to them is a guide in short sleeves and big underpants, who is constantly explaining to them.

According to the occasional words and sounds of the other party, it seems that the other party belongs to some delegation and also comes to visit the flower show.

Black clothes is a relatively thin and short person among them. Walking in the middle, he has been catering to the guide and looks very elegant.

Wen Shutong looked at his walking back and always felt that she had seen him somewhere, but the other several people were still men. They walked fast. She was struggling to catch up, and the camera was flustered. She couldn't see clearly at all.

She couldn't see clearly, let alone the red over there. She was almost shaken and carsick.

"I watch other people's short videos. They don't have a GoPro on the dog, which is more stable than you." He said, "I will not make complaints about this city."

When Wen Shutong was going to argue, he suddenly stretched out a hand in the air and took her mobile phone, then walked up quickly and photographed the people steadily.

It has to be said that Huo Yanlin's height advantage is really proud, and he seems to have his own stabilizer. His hands don't shake at all, and the lens is stable.

After all, he didn't know very well, and he didn't dare to shoot too obviously. After the distance was about the same, he stopped tracking.

Then he said to Yin Hong on the other side of the video, "did you see it clearly just now? If you didn't see it clearly, I just recorded the screen by the way. You can watch it again and again."

"Almost. According to the way he walks, I should not recognize the wrong person." She pondered a little and said solemnly, "how could he be here? Where does he represent?"

Huo Yanlin hurried back to Wen Shutong's side, handed her the mobile phone and asked her to continue talking with Yin Hong.

I have to say that Huo Yanlin just picked up his mobile phone and went to the picture. The picture was really handsome. Wen Shutong stared at his back for a moment.

No wonder girls generally like the plot in idol dramas. Who doesn't feel excited when the hero comes out to save people in every crisis?

While thinking about this, Wen Shutong listened to Yin Hong absently and analyzed why the man was here.

"He seems to have opened a very popular wedding company. It's estimated that he needs flowers. So he came here?" Yin Hong guessed, "this dog, you simply don't know how disgusting he is. It's insatiable. If I know who he is, I'll dig three feet to get him out!"

Yin Hong said, and Wen Shutong casually turned over the picture of Huo Yanlin's recording screen just now. His pupil suddenly shrunk and said, "isn't this Ouyang Wen?! how can you know him?"

"When our baby was going to kindergarten, our family thought about opening a farewell ceremony for her, and then specially found someone from a professional wedding company to decorate the scene and listen to others' Amway, so we found him."

Yin Hong was so angry that she almost gnashed her teeth. "We want him to decorate with the most expensive toys and the best flowers. Who knows that his people are cutting corners behind the scenes! Flowers are not the precious varieties we want, but dyed. That's enough. Toys are also fake and shoddy. After using them, our baby went to the hospital directly because of allergies!"

Wen Shutong's eyes widened inconceivably: "there's another thing. Why haven't you heard of it before?"

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