The expression on his face was so excited that he was almost grateful on the spot.

Ouyang Wen put his hands together and said, "I offended you when I was in Jincheng. I haven't seen much of the world. I thought my relative was already the ceiling. That's why I pretended. Don't be so knowledgeable with people like me. I came here today to apologize."

Huo Yanlin looked at him without expression, and there was no mood fluctuation on his face.

After Ouyang Wen finished, he took the initiative to reach out and want to shake hands with him: "the compensation for that mistake will be in place. Please rest assured! This time, we will make a friend..."

"I don't have the habit of making friends, and I don't like making friends." Huo Yanlin didn't even stretch out his hand and glanced at him coldly. "I can't even handle the relationship around me well. I don't have time to deal with others."

Although Wen Shutong stood by and didn't speak, he still felt inexplicable pain in his knee, as if he had been hurt by others.

So she quietly took over the topic and then shifted: "when I called you to let you stop pestering Sui detective, you didn't seem to have such a good attitude. Since you are a businessman, you should understand that fake business is annoying, but pestering is also annoying."

"The most important thing is that you have never mentioned your sexual orientation in front of your friends. Why do you keep catching Sui detective? Has he offended you?"

Ouyang Wen sighed a long sigh and said innocently, "you really misunderstood me. I really like him. As for the problem of orientation, I can't tell others that I like men when I see people. Isn't that regarded as a psycho? I pursue only when I meet people I like."

"But someone else already has an object. Your behavior is harassment." Wen Shutong frowned. "Don't you think you're bored?"

"Even if there is an object, my fierce pursuit can also test his loyalty and make him have a number in his heart." He smiled gently, "I am very measured and will never do too much. I loosen the soil a little bit for other people's flowers. If I can take them away, I can't take them away. I don't mean any harm."

Wen Shutong had a lot of contacts with all kinds of people, but it was the first time he met such a shameless person.

When she first met, she thought Ouyang Wensheng was the kind of polite person. Now she found out that what kind of person is a scum!

The person pursued rejected him and declared that he was in love, but he had to consider digging a corner. Is this what people can do?

"You'd better leave it as early as possible, or you'll get into trouble." Wen Shutong's look was a little cold.

"Do you know what flowers he likes? If it's convenient to go back, can you bring him one? If he doesn't like it, I'll help him choose it myself." Ouyang Wen opened his mouth as if nothing had happened.

"I don't know what he likes, but I know Sui detective should want you to stay away from him with flowers now." Wen Shutong simply stopped being polite to him and said calmly, "I hope this is the last time I remind you."

After saying that, she turned and left directly, and Huo Yanlin walked quietly behind her.

He motioned quietly with his hands behind him.

It was directed at the bodyguards not far from him. Those people immediately understood it, and several people surrounded Ouyang Wen.

Since it doesn't make sense for people like him, they must have to do it.

Wen Shutong entered the hotel, because he was angry and hated when pressing the elevator: "it's speechless. How can there be such a person like him in the world? But I can't scold him! How can I refuse to enter so much oil and salt?"

"No one stipulates that a gentleman should speak without doing anything." Huo Yanlin said slowly, "you can't scold, can't you fight?"

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to myself." Wen Shutong snorted coldly.

"Coincidentally, I'm also teaching myself to do things." Huo Yanlin also opened his mouth.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Wen Shutong took out his mobile phone and called Sui Jian and told him about ouyangwen.

It's not that she has to call when she's free, but as long as she stays next to Huo Yanlin, she always feels uncomfortable and has to talk to others.

Even aimless gossip.

Sui Jian probably farted at home during the Spring Festival. The phone was connected quickly. After listening to Wen Shutong's words, he howled exaggerated.

"Did he really say that? He sent me flowers? I want his brain flowers. He just sent them to me! Who is this?"

As for what he said about loosening the soil, Wen Shutong didn't want to complain.

Because although ouyangwen is indeed a little seriously ill, she has never been in the habit of turning over small things behind her back.

But what she talked with Sui Jian was so forgetful that she didn't stop talking all the way from the elevator to the hotel room.

When she got excited, she forgot what she had just adhered to for a moment and told her bald mouth about it.

Sui Jian's voice suddenly stopped excitedly and asked an incredible question: "is he sick? He said it's inconvenient to expose his orientation in front of outsiders, but privately he shouted to dig someone else's corner? He does double standard things!"

Wen Shutong responded to what he said and quickly said, "just ignore people like him. The more he said, the lower the price. He will pay the price sooner or later."

It's one thing that she doesn't bother to turn over a small stubble behind her back. At the same time, she also feels that it's really unnecessary to entangle with such people.

"I know that Lao Tzu is now an unattainable flower of kaolin and a male god he can't catch up with in his life. What should I do with him?" Sui Jian smiled softly, "I won't pay attention to him."

Wen Shutong breathed a sigh of relief: "that's right. I know you won't pay attention to him from beginning to end."

Just at this time, the door of her room was suddenly knocked a few times, and Huo Yanlin's voice came over: "the flower show is about to begin. When will you end? Miss? You've been in the room for an hour and a half. Aren't you tired?"

"You two didn't sleep in a room?" Sui Jian said with exaggeration, "what kind of plane are you doing? Are you going to travel or practice? Even if it's practice, you have to give me double practice. Don't live separately!"

His high decibel almost pierced Wen Shutong's ear. She quickly took the mobile phone one foot away: "you have to take care of your own affairs first."

"No! Xinnan is willing to match meat and vegetables all his life. You two can live together." Sui detective spoke solemnly at the other end.

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