The bystanders also looked at Wen Shutong curiously, and then sent their blessings one after another.

An old lady came out of the crowd, gently clasped a bracelet made of flowers on Wen Shutong's arm, and gently said, "God bless you, I wish you Chang'an, a happy marriage and a happy marriage for a hundred years."

After that, she nodded gently at the center of Wen Shutong's eyebrows, "when all the confusion fades, you will be reborn."

Then she crossed her hands, made a strange salute, turned and left.

Wen Shutong was confused, but he was also moved.

In such a place, I didn't expect to meet so many goodwill. Even an old lady I didn't know could say such moving blessings.

But... When all the confusion recedes, you will be reborn from nirvana. What does it mean? Is this just a simple blessing?

Can the old lady guess that she is now in a state of confusion?

Wen Shutong's doubts had not been asked. Her wrist was gently pulled. Huo Yanlin said silently, "are you still here?"

Wen Shutong groaned: "there's so much information, I have to respond to it?"

She looked at the flowers that Huo Yanlin held in his arms and sneered: "man, you are so righteous. You just refused to help me with the flowers anyway. In order to refuse those women, you were a gentleman when you used me as a shield."

Huo Yanlin's expression changed a little: "you know, Wen Shutong, you are very good at talking now."

She's a real wife. Where's the shield?

Is it wrong to introduce her in front of others?

Wen Shutong certainly knew what he was talking about and could understand Huo Yanlin's meaning.

But she didn't think what she said was too wrong.

So she slowly breathed out and said, "sorry, I didn't mean to be so straightforward."

"But I also think of you. I think the little girl just now is also very beautiful. You can think about it if we divorce or something in the future."

Huo Yanlin knew that she couldn't say anything good. Just now, she shouldn't have hope for her. This explanation was better not to say, but more and more heartbreaking.

So he glanced at Wen Shutong indifferently and said expressionless, "if you don't want to be left here by me, I advise you to shut up."

"All right." Wen Shutong sighed quite speechless.

"Don't say that again in the future. I know what to do." Huo Yanlin thought a little, and his tone was still a little soft.

"I know." Wen Shutong nodded and didn't argue with him. After all, he couldn't really be left behind.

Anyway, every time they come to such things, the two of them can't agree. Wen Shutong has long been used to it.

This topic seemed to be suddenly pinched and suspended. It suddenly stopped between them, and no one mentioned it again.

Strolling to the end of the street, I met several girls who were eager to send flowers, but when I saw Wen Shutong nearby, these girls scattered with laughter.

Some girls gave the flowers directly to Wen Shutong and praised her for being very moving. She liked it very much.

Obviously, Wen Shutong did not expect that she was also popular among women. As long as someone came to send flowers, she would not hesitate to draw out a bunch of other gifts in return.

Although I didn't understand what the girls said, it felt good.

Every girl who received her flowers would take a playful look at Huo Yanlin and run away.

At first, Wen Shutong didn't notice it, but after seeing a lot of such eyes, she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

So she quietly approached Huo Yanlin, lowered her voice and said, "what's the matter with these little girls? Why do they smile at you so strangely after sending me flowers? I can see my hair. Sending flowers to women doesn't mean provocation here? But they clearly look harmless to humans and animals, and they don't look like..."

"Really not. You can't guess what people in the city mean by their ideas." Huo Yanlin explained, "although this place is seriously commercialized, most families are also very traditional, and the girls are very simple and kind. They generally don't do such things, and the meaning of the representative is not provocation."

Wen Shutong nodded. In fact, she didn't want to speculate about others like this. She just met many inexplicable girls before. It's a little uncomfortable to see this for the first time.

"What does that mean?" She asked modestly.

Huo Yanlin gave a short pause and said seriously, "in this place, girls can offer flowers to girls in addition to boys. It means that she likes the person who is sent flowers very much. If the other person is a man in the next life, she will marry him."

"Oh ~" Wen Shutong hasn't heard of such a custom, so he can't help feeling, "it seems that I'm pretty attractive among girls. I collected several bouquets of flowers. You didn't tell me just now. If I know, I'll add a wechat."

Because she was curious about the customs here and what was going on. She didn't understand that girls could express like this.

If someone can make friends with her, maybe we can simply do an interview or something.

Huo Yanlin's voice took a bit of schadenfreude: "don't add friends, you just agreed with them."

"Ah?" Wen Shutong looked at him in a daze.

"The cultural rule here is that when you accept other people's flowers and send them back, it means you agree." Huo Yanlin looked at her with a smile in his eyes. "I roughly estimated that you just promised eight or nine girls. It seems that you are busy in your next life."

The look on Wen Shutong's face was extremely embarrassed. She had always been a regular person and never did anything out of line.

Who knows that because he has no culture, he has somehow delayed the next life of several little girls!

If there is an afterlife, isn't she the legendary scum man? Cheat the little girl's feelings!

With a burning look on his face, Wen Shutong searched the crowd for the girl who had just been sent flowers by mistake: "you didn't remember to tell me before. Is it fun to watch the play?"

Huo Yanlin smiled but said nothing.

Because this is no more grand than the relationship between men and women, most of them prefer the appreciation and praise of one woman to another.

So even a misunderstanding is harmless, and the flowers she sent back will make those girls happy and think their charm is not bad.

Why did he just spoil the fun when everyone was so happy.

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