Wen Shutong didn't intend to refute this time. He responded obediently to what he said.

Huo Yanlin was also quite surprised. Her reaction looked down at her: "so obedient?"

"I made a mistake first. Of course, I stand at attention and be beaten." Wen Shutong said obediently, "no wonder you asked someone to send the flowers away before. I asked you where to send them. You didn't say it was the hotel, did you?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not a big mistake. It's right to be wary of strangers, otherwise it's easy to be cheated." Huo Yanlin laughed at himself, "now I'll take you there."

When Wen Shutong heard his tone of self mockery, he realized that he should feel the same way when he spoke against him intentionally or unintentionally.

She coughed slightly, and her tone became more sincere: "I'm really sorry, don't hold me. Let me, a sinner, come down and walk by myself."

Huo Yanlin was angry and funny. Angry, she could clearly understand how hurtful she had said before, but she still said it.

The funny thing is that she admitted her mistake very quickly, which surprised him.

He thought that Wen Shutong would only stand tall with a straight face, and then repeat those heartbreaking words.

"Don't move." Huo Yanlin's voice was low for a few minutes. "Now you are imprisoned in my arms, you are serving your sentence. If you move again, you want to escape from prison."

Wen Shutong was speechless for a moment, but he couldn't think of anything to refute, so he had to restrain himself first.

After walking for a short time, they came to the door of a bungalow.

It looks ordinary here, and there seems to be nothing very bright.

But in fact, the vines hidden in the front layers are removed, and the winding path leads to the end. The secluded place is a red gate.

It is carved with classical patterns. At first glance, it is an ancient building.

This place is more like an ancient Inn than a hotel, because the overall design is the style of ancient clothes, and the details of each place are very good.

And the house has only three floors in total, but the tile area is relatively large, accounting for the middle of the exhibition area.

Moreover, after opening the door, the garden is also very large. Some flowers that can't be seen outside are planted in it, and they are well maintained.

The design of the hall is also like an ancient living room. It is made of wood from chairs to the desktop, and many screens are placed.

The waiter is dressed in yishuier's Hanfu. From modeling to speaking, he is particularly professional.

Wen Shutong was so embarrassed that he struggled to get off Huo Yanlin and was about to limp forward.

Suddenly, a man dressed up as a young man ran out of the dark place and quickly and respectfully played with Wen Shutong's arm: "this little lady, are you uncomfortable? Do you need me to hold you? Or do I carry you myself?"

Wen Shutong: "..." don't have to be so serious!

"Just have me." Huo Yanlin did not squint and held Wen Shutong.

The other party also had extra eyesight and put a towel on his shoulder: "Deler, do you two play top or stay in the hotel? I'll send someone to meet you?"


Huo Yanlin frowned. He didn't like role-playing and didn't want to play with them, so he just spoke as briefly as possible.

The customers who came in after them obviously liked this way, and also communicated with the clerk in the way of costume drama.

Wen Shutong looked with relish. The old man looked in their direction and unconsciously smiled at the corners of his mouth.

He was stunned. The man running the hall had left. The front desk greeted them: "two xias, do you want to stay in the hotel?"

"Give me..." Huo Yanlin wanted to speak expressionless, but thought of Wen Shutong's smile just now, he changed his words, "two rooms of Tianzi No. 1. Prepare some more wine and vegetables, and you'll have the best here."

They have a menu here. The best wine and dishes are actually some exquisite snacks. The price of wine is also in line with the rules and will not ask for exorbitant prices.

Therefore, although the tickets are expensive, the consumption inside is not high, so it can still attract a lot of tourists.

The receptionist nodded in a warm voice for a moment, smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, two chivalrous men, we have only one room here, and all the others have been booked out, because tonight is the day when the immortal appears under the moon."

After that, she came closer and whispered, "and tonight is a special date. It's the most beautiful time for the immortal. Don't miss it."

Mingming is only introducing scenic spots, but because her old God is there, it looks like a secret communication signal.

It seems that everyone here is acting very seriously. It's an immersive role-playing experience.

"All the rooms are gone?" Wen Shutong asked, "we can also have a second-class room. It doesn't matter if we can't have a firewood room!"

"Not to mention the two chivalrous men, who are elegant and talented, can't live in the firewood house at all. The most important thing is that we don't have such a place at all!"

She took something that looked like a brush but was actually a pen and wrote in the book, "if there is no room of general Tianzi size, it means there is no ordinary room. After all, there are a few chivalrous men like you two."

Before Shu Tong and Huo Yanlin spoke, she raised her eyelids and looked at them. "Are you still staying here tonight? Someone called again and I pressed it off."

It seems that the business here is very hot and can't be delayed. If you hesitate again, I'm afraid you don't even have the last room.

Wen Shutong thought again that a room doesn't matter.

It's room Tianzi No. 1. There must be at least one big bed or two small beds in it. It can't be so shabby.

When she hesitated, the receptionist continued to say with a smile: "I think you look like a couple. I guessed wrong. You are not husband and wife, so you can't live together? It's really a pity. You might as well..."

"We are together." Wen Shutong interrupted her, "we want the last room."

This is an indirect recognition of the relationship between the two.

The other party immediately laughed angrily again: "OK! Xiao Shenzi, take you upstairs! There are unique things in the room for you. I hope you can like it ~"

Her look was ambiguous. Her eyes stayed on Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin for a moment, and then she took it back slowly.

This look made Wen Shutong feel bad for a moment. He felt that they had prepared something that could only be used between lovers.

Sure enough, the front desk put up two thumbs and said, "it's very interesting, and it's free. After you use it, remember to give it high praise ~"

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