It's all because beauty was wrong that night. She was bewitched by Huo Yanlin. She only cared about the people in front of her. Those mundane things had long been forgotten and had no impression at all.

"I don't know if there is any reward or transfer path over there. I have to make it up."

As she spoke, she quickly turned out her mobile phone to search the place, but Huo Yanlin held out his hand and quietly blocked it.

He smiled and said, "when I first went, I knew that place was the best viewing place. I had booked it early. As a result, I watched you and another man watch the whole journey with my own eyes."

"I don't have to pay for it myself."

Although his tone of voice was calm, Wen Shutong seemed to really hear some feelings of injustice.

She couldn't help laughing at the corner of her mouth: "Oh, I see! So knowing where I was, she pretended to come out of the woods as if she were looking for me. It was intentional, wasn't it?"

"You know I can just see you from that angle, and you look really good, don't you?"

"The first sentence is right and the last sentence is wrong." Huo Yanlin said, "I just want you to notice me. I don't think of anything else."

Wen Shutong carefully recalled his feelings for Huo Yanlin. It seems that most of the time he feels very secure and admires him more.

But now she seems to feel for the first time that this man seems a little obscure and lovely, which she hasn't noticed before.

After returning home, Wen Shutong slept. Huo Yanlin also took the quilt from the second bedroom and stood at the door and glanced at her.

"Why are you here?" Wen Shutong sat up alert, with a look of vigilance on his face.

"My father will come tomorrow and we will send the children." Huo Yanlin looked calm and said, "didn't you say you want to play? Then you have to do the whole set, but let's sleep separately. Don't worry."

What Wen Shutong didn't notice was that his hands held the quilt tightly for a few minutes, and his green tendons jumped up, desperately hiding his tension.

"OK." Wen Shutong made room for him.

Two people were lying in different quilts, but their mood was unprecedented calm.

The light has been turned off and the room is quiet.

"When we see each other, is there really no touch in your heart?" In the darkness, Huo Yanlin suddenly opened his mouth.

Wen Shutong hesitated for a moment and answered honestly, "yes, but not many."

"What about something like this?" His hand suddenly stretched out from the quilt and grabbed Wen Shutong's wrist.

Half of Wen Shutong's body trembled slightly. He felt crisp and numb. He was not very comfortable, but he didn't have the disgust that he had to get rid of in the first reaction.

"It's OK." She said calmly, "but it's not good to be closer. I don't like it."

"No, I'll just lead you to sleep."

With that, Huo Yanlin didn't speak again. He really just held her gently all the time.

I don't know whether the beauty of that day was too deep in Wen Shutong's mind, or whether the hand before going to bed triggered a certain point of her.

Wen Shutong had a beautiful dream that he hadn't done for a long time.

It was she who took a bath with Huo Yanlin in the hot spring. All the surrounding scenes were blurred, only Huo Yanlin's body was very clear.

When she sat on the Bank of the hot spring and looked down along the clear water, everything was at a glance.

Huo Yanlin was not shy at all. He didn't even hide. He just stood in the water and looked at her calmly.

Then Wen Shutong jumped into the water, swam in front of her and hugged his hot chest.

Wen Shutong seldom has such a dream, and she clearly knows that she is not in reality, but she can't wake up.

Even the warm chest is not real, as if it can touch the entity.

In the dream, she thought: if the warmth is so real, it should also be obvious to touch his abdominal muscles?

She stretched out her hand and pressed it with a snap. It felt really good. She felt it all the way down and planned to try how many abdominal muscles there were.

Since it's a dream, be bold and say at least 18 yuan!

At this time, there was a muffled whisper in her ear, and then someone gently grabbed her wrist.

Huo Yanlin, who has been quiet in his dream, said for the first time: "take advantage of the whole set when sleeping. Is it a little too much?"

Wen Shutong suddenly woke up from his dream and hit the person in front of him with his eyes.

The expression of Huo Yanlin's face at this moment is almost the same as that in his dream, that is, the light is a little darker.

Her first reaction was like touching her nose. After making sure there was no nosebleed, she said, "did I dream of doing something to you?"

"Look at your right hand and you'll see." Huo Yanlin's voice has been very low, some hoarse and bewitching.

There was no need to bow his head at all. After his reminder, Wen Shutong probably felt it.

Her salty pig's hands have touched other people's lower abdomen, and there is a trend to continue to go down!

The most important thing is that she didn't stay in her original place, but slept in Huo Yanlin's quilt. What's the matter!

Wen Shutong kicked hard on the bed and sent himself back with a sliding step.

"Although I don't know how I got there, it must be right to say sorry to you in advance." Wen Shutong said piously, "I don't know what I did to you, but I did have a dream with you, so..."

Huo Yanlin's slightly nervous body breathed a sigh of relief and said, "fortunately, the protagonist of my dream is me."

Seeing the strange atmosphere, Wen Shutong couldn't help joking: "if it weren't for you, you would have been taken advantage of by me for nothing. What are you going to do?"

"Then I should go and see who the other party is and beat me in this respect." He said, "if he's worth it..."

"Respect blessings?" Wen Shutong opens his mouth.

"My killing knife will grind as fast as possible." Huo Yanlin sneered, "if it's not worth it, I'll let them slow down. Leave enough time for you to see what kind of rotten goods you like."

Huo Yanlin seemed to have a strong sense of substitution. Even his voice was involuntarily low for a few minutes.

In fact, for Wen Shutong, this assumption is really difficult to establish. It is basically impossible for her to have someone else's dream.

After all, Huo Yanlin is the most suitable protagonist for dreams from appearance to hardware conditions.

"I have another small question. Why would I go to you..."

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