Care about him, big head!

For the first time in her life, Wen Shutong wanted to yell at the phone, but her good upbringing made her endure it.

"My business has nothing to do with you. I have a decision in my heart." She spoke indifferently.

"I think you just forget the pain when you get rid of the scar. Think about the suffering you have suffered before and the pain when you were ignored by him, as well as the things you have experienced alone abroad with your children. In this way, you can fall in love with him again. I really admire you." "If Huo Yanlin is cruel, you should be cheap," he said

Wen Shutong's anger was finally raised by him. She said coldly, "what do you care about so wide? Now you've hidden in the hole like a mouse. You have to take out a spoon to taste the salt when you pass by a dung truck at the door of your house?"

"I don't care how seamlessly you intervene in my life and call again and again to provoke. I'll make it clear to you. Don't disturb me again, or you'll bear the consequences!"

Her anger and humiliation didn't seem to arouse the anger of death at all. He still smiled and said, "Miss Wen doesn't know that a thin camel is bigger than a horse? Since I dare to call many times, it means I'm not afraid at all."

"Use your head and think about it. Huo Yanlin treated you like that before because of his nature. Now he treats you just because he still loves you for the time being."

"If one day your relationship collapses, how do you think he will treat you?"

"Ah, I know you will say that your relationship will not collapse, but ah, that's because he doesn't know your secret yet."

A question mark appeared in Wen Shutong's heart: "what secret do I not even know?"

His voice was still frivolous: "maybe it's coming to the bottom. As you said, I'm a mouse in the sewer, but the mouse is always the first to know when there is an earthquake."

He called several times, but this time he still had some key information, but he refused to say it. He just hung Wen Shutong deliberately, obviously trying to keep in touch with her.

The problem is that his goal seems to have been achieved.

"What the hell are you trying to say!" Wen Shutong threatened, "are you really not afraid of our continuing investigation?"

"Do you dare to let Huo Yanlin know your secret? I'm kind enough to take advantage of his absence today..."

At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, took Wen Shutong's mobile phone, and said indifferently, "who said I wasn't there? Let me listen to what happened?"

The voice on the phone stopped and hung up the next second.

Huo Yanlin looked at the phone that had been hung up and sneered dismissively: "I thought I had much courage."

Wen Shutong also looked at him in surprise: "didn't you have an important meeting this afternoon? Why did you come all of a sudden?"

"I saw the news." Huo Yanlin said, "don't worry, so come here. I didn't expect to meet him and call you."

"He seems to know the whereabouts of you and me like the back of his hand." Wen Shutong whispered, "I thought he was honest after he left, but I didn't think he could really stretch out his peeping eyes anytime and anywhere."

"It doesn't matter. I've tried to locate the place where he called. I should be able to find it." Huo Yanlin stuffed the mobile phone back into her pocket.

Wen Shutong's hand slightly bumped behind him, indicating that someone could hear it.

He shook his head carelessly: "it's all right. By the way, do you have a weekend?"

"Yes." Wen Shutong nodded, "what's up?"

"Sui Jian and Jiang Xingwen are itching again and want to drag racing." He said, "ask if you have time to go."

"No one mentioned it to me. Is it in your small group again?" Wen Shutong slightly raised his eyebrows. "I want to ask, Mr. Huo, when will I have a chance to enter your group?"

Huo Yanlin seemed to think very seriously for a moment, then shook his head: "not at present anyway."

"Why, is there still a threshold?"

He continued to speak solemnly: "because I haven't officially caught up with you. Although you are my wife, you don't like me very much. Wait until you catch up."

"What does that have to do with this group?" Wen Shutong held back the fire and opened his mouth angrily.

"Who makes my think tank behind this group? The purpose is to catch up with you." Huo Yanlin rubbed her hair. "It's like secretly preparing to propose. Can you tell me?"

What he said was reasonable. Wen Shutong couldn't refute it for a moment, so he had to sneer, "whatever you want."

A week's time is not difficult. It passed in the blink of an eye.

This time, the battle of Sui reconnaissance was particularly big. He directly contracted a mountain. In addition to their friends, most of them were his former riders.

Moreover, his relationship with Shao Weiyan has improved by leaps and bounds recently because he found that he was also a racing player and a very professional racing driver before.

But it's probably because Shao Weiyan's foolishness is so popular that most people don't believe he can play with cars, so no one has cared before.

The meeting place was a hotel at the bottom of the mountain. It is said that Sui Jian was very arrogant this time and contracted the whole hotel.

But when Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin arrived, most of the people who came before them didn't enter the hotel and sat outside chatting.

Most of them are riders before the Sui investigation. They have put on professional clothes. Even if the weather is cold, they don't delay their hot conversation.

Jiang Xingwen was still dressed in casual clothes. After seeing the two of them, he took the initiative to stand up and say hello.

"Coming ~ do you want to go into the hotel? There's a golf course in the back. If you don't like watching games, you can go and play for a while."

"That's what I said. I came here to watch the game. Why should I let others play?" The man next to him in a racing suit also stood up. "Today I prepared a new action of thief Shuai. You have to take a good look and remember to keep an eye on my car."

Wen Shutong nodded and glanced around: "where's Shao Weiyan? Haven't you come yet?"

After Huo Yanlin mentioned the matter to her, Shao Weiyan sent her several messages in a row and strongly urged Wen Shutong to come and see it.

She came early, but she didn't see anyone else. Is it difficult for her to get on the sedan chair and deliberately pinch for a while?

"Sister, where are you looking? I'm here." A man in a racing suit and sitting in the middle stood up. "Didn't you see me just now? Didn't you notice at all?"

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