"Why, can't you see that you still have a masochistic constitution?" Wen Shutong joked, "what kind of punishment do you want?"

As he said, Wen Shutong's slender palm moved down a little bit, and his eyes were like silk. "Is this punishment enough?"

"Not enough."

Huo Yanlin's breathing increased, his eyes sank, and he immediately blocked her cherry mouth and reached out to turn off the bedside lamp.

"Wife, you may punish me."

"You cow hooligan Well... "


The next morning, Wen Shutong was sore all over. When he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, his legs were shaking.

Man is such a terrible creature that I can't try to tease you next time.

Huo Yanlin is washing. Wen Shutong goes in and goes to the mirror. At a glance, he sees a large piece of "small strawberries" on his neck and chest.

She was not angry and glared at Huo Yanlin with a smile on her face.

"Laugh, you still laugh! Laugh again, and you'll sleep in the guest room from this evening! "

Wen Shutong still felt that he couldn't get rid of his anger. Huo Yanlin's whole body was shocked. He grasped her waist. His breathing was a little disordered. "Mrs. Huo, are you seducing me in a different way?"

"It's not, you color embryo!"

Wen Shutong noticed his physical changes and hated to step on him. "Do you still want to come? Look at the mark on my neck. How can I go out to work

"Then don't go to work, let's go back to sleep for another day?" Huo Yanlin picked up his eyebrows and joked.

Wen Shutong raised his hand and clapped his deceptive face away. How could he have been cheated by this man's cold appearance?

Look now, it's like a different person. I can be such a rogue.

"Get out of the way, or I really want you to sleep in the guest room. Let me go and I have to wash. If I'm late, I'll add mushrooms to your meal. Do you believe it?"

When Huo Yanlin heard the color change of Lentinus edodes, he immediately let go of his hands. From childhood to adulthood, shiitake was one of his few enemies. He never ate mushrooms, nor did he eat any food related to its ingredients.

"Wife, I'm wrong. I'm not good. You're covered with strawberries all over your body. So, tonight, you'll treat him with his own way and give me the impression of biting all over the body. How about that?"

"That's beautiful what you think."

Wen Shutong gave him a white eye, no longer pay attention to this thoroughly rogue man, began to wash himself. Before

went out, Wen Shu Tong had a thick foundation for the exposed prints on his neck. It was not enough to do so. Besides, a scarf was also made, which could be used as a clothing collocation, and also could well cover the imprint.

Even so, on the way to send Dabao Xiaobao to school, Wen Yueqi noticed a few red marks on mummy's neck. "Mommy, why do you have a lot of bags around your neck? Are you bitten by mosquitoes?"

Wen Shutong, sitting in the co driver's seat, Jerks at the corner of his mouth, and flies a knife to Huo Yanlin in the driver's seat.

"Maybe it wasn't a mosquito bite. It was bitten by a dog's knot, and he was still a cheap dog."

Wen Shutong's insinuation made Huo Yanlin chuckle. The moon on the back seat was not clear. So he thought, "ah, Mommy, how did you get bitten by a dog? When did you get rabies vaccine?"

"Yeah, Mommy almost forgot to get rabies vaccine."

Wen Shutong continued to point to mulberry and curse locust, staring at Huo Yanlin, "if I don't get vaccinated, I can't point out what kind of disease I'm going to have. If I bite your father, it's not good."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Mm-hmm, Mommy is right." Wen Yueqi nodded in agreement.

Huo Yanlin couldn't help laughing.

Wen Shutong choked his stomach and decided to put mushrooms in the lunch for him.


When cooking at noon, Wen Shutong opens the refrigerator and stares at a box of Lentinus edodes in the refrigerator. After a long time, his hands have reached out.

Forget it, let him go this time, and never let him off next time!

At the same time, Huo Yanlin, who was sitting in the office looking through the documents, suddenly gave a crisp sneeze.

He rubbed his nose, thinking that his wife and children might be thinking about him, but he escaped a disaster successfully.

Here, prepare the meal and install the lunch. Wen Shutong immediately drives to Ruihe group building.

Although he was injured in the building for a long time, he didn't pay attention to the food he was injured every day. However, he didn't get used to eating with him for a long time.

On the way from Wen Shutong to Ruihe, an unexpected guest came down from Ruihe group building.

Shao Yiyi came prepared with exquisite make-up and a long black dress. She was more and more powerful. Her feet were windy, and her high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound of touching the ground.She appeared in Ruihe group with high profile. When she came to the door, the security guard was about to stop her. After seeing the visitor, she hesitated and didn't know whether to stop.

When the security guard hesitated, Shao Yiyi walked into the building and went straight to the president's office.

Along the way, many staff were attracted by her.

When the young staff member saw her, he couldn't help praising her, "this woman is so delicate and has great momentum! It's so beautiful. How do I feel like I've seen her on TV, isn't she a star? "

"It's true to say it's a star, but it's not exactly right." Some staff who are familiar with all kinds of gossip news are very experienced and say, "her name is Shao Yiyi, a dance artist who has just returned from her advanced dance studies abroad."

"What you said is not the point. The point should be that she is the real first love of general manager Huo! Seven or eight years ago, their love affair, as a talk in the upper class, was widely circulated, but there was no media report, and many people didn't know about it. "

"My God, is it true? The first lovers all came to visit, but was it not yesterday that Huo was engaged to Miss Wen? "

"My cousin married a coal boss. She attended Mr. Huo's engagement banquet yesterday. It's said that Miss Shao also attended yesterday. The scene is not very good-looking, and I don't know what our president's wife will think?"

"Well, I didn't expect that our general manager Huo's emotional experience is quite rich, but why do I still think that Huo and the season team are more suitable? Is it that I am too dark in my heart that I can't get it and I don't want other women to get it? "

"Ha ha ha ha, go to you, toad wants to eat swan meat!"


When Shao Yiyi was with Huo Yanlin in the past, she often followed him in and out of the building. She was also familiar with the building. She didn't need anyone to lead the way. She walked to the door of the president's office.

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