When they took the elevator downstairs, Wen Shutong suddenly remembered something and whispered, "I'm thinking, if my memory really belongs to me? That is to say, if I wasn't who I was, would you still treat me like now?"

"No." Huo Yanlin put one hand in his pocket and opened his mouth quietly.

Wen Shutong's heart rate was in disorder in an instant. She quickly turned her head and looked at it.

Huo Yanlin continued to look calm and said, "I mean, you shouldn't ask me this question, it's like humiliating me. No matter what you become, I like you as long as you stand in front of me."

"Like it if it's a murderer?" Wen Shutong was almost cautious.

"I'm not in a hurry to answer you this question, but I want to ask. Do you want to know my answer so much because you care about me?" Huo Yanlin looked at her with a smile. "If you don't answer honestly, I won't say it."

He has clearly felt the change of Wen Shutong. If he doesn't care about him, all his efforts will be in vain.

Wen Shutong went through all his thoughts in his heart and finally gave his answer: "at least I care about you more than before. I don't know if I can return to our original appearance, but now there's only these for you."

"That's all. That's enough."

Huo Yanlin sighed, "my answer is, first of all, you can't be a murderer. Secondly, even if you are really such a person, you have to destroy it in my hands. I won't let anyone touch you or let them hurt you."

Somehow, just such a simple answer made Wen Shutong's heart inexplicably calm down, as if all the unknowns in front were not so terrible.

In the conversation room, the elevator door opened, and several people in the coffee shop were fighting at the moment.

Sui Jian and Shao Weiyan have been screwed together and quarreled endlessly.

Shao Weiyan spoke loudly and said, "anyway, you can't slander my brother anyway. Pay attention to what you say!"

"Who slandered him? You just said that family affection is far fetched. Ask your brother, does he think so?"

Sui Jian also argued with him, "if you want me to say, don't deceive yourself and others, and don't delay others to have an object. Can't you talk to a suitable girlfriend as soon as possible? You have to hang from a crooked neck tree?"

Shao Weiyan was even more angry. Holding his neck, he directly pulled the man in front of him: "who do you think is crooked? Scold my sister after slandering my brother, right?"

"Mine is a fucking metaphor. Sometimes I call myself a duck. I'm a duck?" Sui reconnaisance hurt the enemy by 1000 and hurt himself by 800.

"Didn't you just argue to go to 857 with others? It's really no different from a duckling!" Shao Weiyan pulled his neck and opened his mouth.

"Good guy, I'll fucking play with you. It turns out that you think so of me behind your back, but you really have it!" Sui Jian was so angry that he began to pull his hair with him.

Jiang Xingwen couldn't stand being bullied by his close friend like this. He had to persuade him to fight. As a result, he was attacked by the Sui investigation regardless of the enemy and ourselves.

He was immediately caught with several bloodstains on his face. The situation looked very miserable.

In front of this look, it is estimated that no one dares to believe that this is a few adults.

Shao Yunzheng was annoyed to death. He was about to go up to persuade him to fight. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Wen Shutong and them, and the expression on his face suddenly changed.

Remembering what had just been said by these two mouths, he was embarrassed and whispered, "wake up? Are you going back or something?"

"Yanlin told me about the car just now. We should check that." Wen Shutong nodded, and the painting style changed. "I heard what they said. To tell you the truth, I think Sui Jian made sense."

"Have you really made up with him?" Shao Yunzheng paused slightly and asked softly.

Huo Yanlin quietly clung to Wen Shutong and whispered, "the news has been on several rounds these days, and I have made it clear to you. Don't you believe it?"

Although the expression on his face was very calm, the word "bang se" could still be clearly seen between his eyebrows.

I can't wait to paste the words "he and Wen Shutong" on my head.

Shao Yunzheng was also calm on the surface, but his hand hanging on one side was slightly tightened.

"Have you had enough noise? This is a hotel, not a livestock farm!" Shao Yunzheng suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth in the direction of Shao Weiyan.

The two inseparable men in the battle had a sudden meal and took a look back at him from the war.

Shao Yunzheng only put his hand on the table to restrain the trembling of his fingertips. He took a breath: "this is my business. What's the meaning of your fight? It's better to introduce me as soon as possible."

"Yo West, want to open?" Sui detective immediately became proud, as if he had won a battle. "Just say, it's not as delicious as dumplings, and it's not as fun as... Falling in love!"

Huo Yanlin glanced at Shao Yunzheng's direction, and they looked at each other silently. Although no one spoke, they seemed to say everything.

Shao Yunzheng breathed out a breath and suddenly felt like spitting out half of his heart and lungs.

Although the pain in my heart was unbearable, the weight on my shoulder seemed to be a little lighter.

No matter how many times he had passed before, and no matter how firm Wen Shutong refused, he seemed to have made up his mind to wait silently all the time.

Even he didn't know what he was waiting for, but he always felt that Wen Shutong would look back.

But until he saw with his own eyes that after so much experience, Wen Shutong chose Huo Yanlin. It seemed that he thought everything clearly in a moment.

Some things don't have results after hard work, just like feelings.

Huo Yanlin raised his other hand and gently patted him on the shoulder: "look forward, everything is brand new."

Shao Yunzheng quietly avoided, and his always gentle face was a little strange: "come on, you look like a winner."

"It was." Huo Yanlin chuckled, "why, have you not recognized the facts yet?"

At first glance, it sounds like tit for tat, but in fact, it has disappeared with a smile.

More than ten minutes later, Huo Yanlin took the nest of old, weak, sick and disabled just now to investigate the car.

These people are also honest and sincere. Their family members also scratched and scratched when fighting, and were injured to varying degrees.

Shao Weiyan was hurt a little more, with several blood marks on his face and mental attack.

Xia Qingchun looked at him like a retarded man and immediately decided to distance herself from him.

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