Huo Yanlin remembered what Wen Shutong said and knew that she had indeed seen it with her own eyes.

But other more detailed, he didn't want others to know, so he quietly interrupted and whispered, "now the identity of the dead is not determined. The police must release the figure map for confirmation. What's curious about this."

"But haven't you released it yet? I'm also very concerned about it." In addition, there was a driver's blankly opening.

"Their friend is a policeman and should have inside information." Shao Yunzheng calmly answered, "this is not the point. The point is that now that the man is dead, whether the matter is dead again."

Several people who knew the inside story looked at each other quietly. Then Sui detective opened his mouth to greet his friends and left the scene first. There were only a few of them left.

"It's basically certain that death did it." Sui detective was worried, "he is really haunted. I don't understand why he should harm people this time."

"Now he doesn't plan to play games, but just start killing? Why don't he just light a fire and burn it all."

Even though Xia Qingchun has no hostility to him now, he still doesn't like Sui Jian's way of speaking without a door.

She said angrily, "do you have everything in your mind during the new year? Why are you so lucky?"

"What's the matter with me? Why do I make personal attacks when I'm okay?" Sui detective glared at him, "if you want to integrate into our gang, you have to adapt to our way of speaking!"

"Go away, he won't fit in with you." Shao Weiyan refuted on the spot.

Seeing that they were going to pinch each other again, Jiang Xingwen quickly forcibly interrupted this boring topic.

"At this point, we have a general direction now. Why don't we focus on death?"

"OK, OK. I'll contact Zhang Yingying later. I should be able to hear some relevant news." Huo Yanlin spoke.

He has not been in touch with Zhang Yingying for a long time since he had a conflict with her about Wen Shutong.

"OK, anyway, the car can't be driven in advance." Sui Jian said, "I'll send a letter to the riders later. Let them be careful. Don't involve too many people."

After a group of people finalized the basic policies and strategies, they went their separate ways and went home.

When Shu Tong and Huo Yanlin got home, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the stars and the moon should almost come back, but there was still no movement.

Huo Yanlin tried to make two more calls, but no one answered.

So he tried to locate the mobile phones of the stars and the moon, which were still near the racecourse.

I guess I was attracted by some miscellaneous things, so I wasted some time.

Huo Yanlin didn't care too much. He asked someone to prepare afternoon tea for Wen Shutong, and then called Zhang Yingying to inquire about the internal information of the matter.

But this time something strange happened. Zhang Yingying didn't have any news from them and knew nothing about the relevant information of the deceased.

The monitoring of the day was erased, and all the dead corners were not let go. The other party seemed to be determined to turn this matter into a pending case.

And it's a pending case that shakes society.

She doesn't have as much information as Huo Yanlin. One of the dead works in 4S store, which can even help Zhang Yingying.

"When this case is finished, I'll transfer it." When she was about to hang up, Zhang Yingying suddenly opened her mouth.

Huo Yanlin fine tuned his eyebrows and was a bit surprised: "the above decision or his own decision?"

"Own." Zhang Yingying took a light breath.

"Well, it's fine. Where are you going?" Huo Yanlin still looked calm and could not hear the slightest difference.

"Return to the place I stayed before. My affairs have been solved and I can return to the previous position." Zhang Yingying continued.

"Good thing." Huo Yanlin nodded. "There are many restrictions on your contacts here. It's good to go back to the comfort zone."

"You... Have nothing to say to me?" She said tentatively.

"I wish you a bright future?" Huo Yanlin spoke.

"You know that's not what I want to hear." Zhang Yingying took a light breath. "Forget it, let me be frank. Did you help me solve the matter over there? Did you submit evidence and materials?"

"Yes, I can feel that you like the work there very much, so take advantage of the situation and do me a favor. You have also helped me and Shu Tong a lot here. It's right to be polite."

Huo Yanlin's voice is still very polite, but it also shows soberness and reason.

As if silently drawing a line with Zhang Yingying.

"Ha... It sounds like you're rushing me away, afraid I'll disturb your lives." She laughed at herself. "You don't really think so, do you?"

"Not really. You are all friends to us." Huo Yanlin's rare good temper explained a lot to her, "but you shouldn't waste your time here, and there's no need to waste it on me and go back to where you want to go most."

"OK." Zhang Yingying chuckled. "I saw the news a few days ago. You can play very well. Many people are talking about running so far for the new year."

At this time, Wen Shutong, who didn't know who he was calling, came over and whispered, "do you want to eat this egg soup? It's too much. I can't finish it."

"OK, but I can't make room now." Huo Yanlin's voice was lighthearted for a moment, and he opened his mouth with a smile.

Wen Shutong sat down next to him and gently scooped up a spoonful of egg soup.

Huo Yanlin took a light sip. With a smile on the corner of his eyes and eyebrows, he continued to talk to the other end of the phone and said, "well, she likes to make friends when she's free. She just met a cameraman and accidentally caught it."

This sounds like a reproach, but it's actually a silent show off.

Zhang Yingying was silent for a while, then smiled and continued: "well, I know you are very happy. Then what, by the way, apologize to her for me. I didn't mean to say those words before."

"She knows." Huo Yanlin nodded, did not continue to greet her, hung up the phone.

Wen Shutong didn't hear the voice on the phone and looked at him blankly: "what are you talking about?"

"It's all right. Just talk nonsense. Give me another breath." He rubbed her hair.

Wen Shutong obediently fed him another mouthful, "aren't those two little guys coming back?"

As soon as the voice fell, Huo Yanlin's mobile phone rang again. It was Huang Shuyun.

This time, he felt something bad in his heart. He picked up the phone and Huang Shuyun's voice followed.

"Did your father call you? I called several times today. Why didn't I answer any of them? I didn't come back so late."

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