"Since you have such a plan, you should use my hand to revenge Huo Yanlin. Why didn't you agree to cooperate with me?" The God of death poured a cup of tea, handed it to Wen Shutong and opened his mouth slowly.

"Why should I cooperate with you? Do I need you very much?" Wen Shutong provocatively raised his eyebrows. "I think it's interesting to count both of you in the middle."

Even if she made it clear that she had calculated herself, the God of death was not angry at all: "but it's really you. It's so nice to call and refuse several times. I almost thought you really wanted to continue the old relationship with Huo Yanlin."

In fact, if Wen Shutong really promised him, he would be suspicious.

But he refused every time, and even seemed to be afraid of his meaning.

It is precisely because of this that everything she shows today seems so logical.

Wen Shutong smiled: "to tell you the truth, you're really unlucky. You called me three times." as for me, I want to think of the core technology in his hand and his island in country A. This is my purpose all the time. There are things I need. "

"Also, he destroyed more than half of my power. I want to annex his power, otherwise my people can't even take a gun and are restricted everywhere. It's really unlucky. You should be able to help me do this, too?"

Wen Shutong raised his lips sarcastically: "people's hearts are not enough. Snakes swallow elephants. It seems that you want a lot. I only get part of my property, but you restore your power and want to legally hold guns. At that time, you will turn me into an army. What shall I do?"

"Besides, how can you be sure that I can naturally get his inheritance? Don't talk big."

Huo Yanlin is clearly in the back, but these two people have talked about his estate disposal without taboo. It can be seen that they have great ambition!

"I've been here so long, do you think I'm wasting my time playing with you?" The God of death smiled carelessly. "My power has gradually infiltrated into Huo Yanlin's hands, and I have a clear grasp of the basic trend. He has already made a will, and all the property belongs to you, but I have seen it with my own eyes."

Wen Shutong's eyebrow beat his heart, and a strange look flashed at the bottom of his eyes.

The God of death saw the reaction and chuckled: "did you hear what I said? Now is this regret? If you turn back now, it should be in time."

"To tell you the truth, I want to go back." Wen Shutong did not shy away, "but some of my context, as well as the two children, are more important to me than Huo Yanlin."

The God of death raised his eyebrow. "That's right. This is a smart woman? What power can he give you if you save him?"

"Being someone else's wife means that you have to be suppressed under the patriarchal system and have little chance to turn over. Only by holding everything in your own hands can you really have it. You knew this before and should know it now."

Wen Shutong scratched his lips with some doubt: "how did I know before?"

"I gave you a hint. Do you know why you are always calm and calm when you see the blood? Are your feelings for people no longer so indispensable, and even the people you love most can put them down overnight?" Death asked mysteriously.

Wen Shutong looked at him calmly and didn't answer, waiting for his own answer.

Death pretended to be mysterious for a long time, but no one applauded. He had to cough awkwardly and answer his own questions.

"Because you shouldn't have such feelings. You come from a huge family. All children are injected with an inhibitor at birth to limit their emotional growth. They have to be trained from the age of three, and then gradually grow into an indestructible... Perfect person."

"Have perfect self-control ability, don't waste extra time on emotion, and have excellent business mind. You can control everything you want to control."

"Of course, there are great skills. I won't be afraid of anyone's injury. There is no substitute for strength everywhere."

Wen Shutong was shocked, but at the same time, he heard: "what family? When did it happen? Why didn't I remember it at all?"

"Why, you don't remember what that rotten man ares told you so soon?" The God of death smiled low. "You didn't doubt yourself before. Why did you meet him? As a member of the Wen family, you shouldn't have any intersection with him."

"So, he knew my life experience long ago? When he appeared, it was the time when I lost my memory?" Wen Shutong's calm face finally showed a surprised look.

Death raised his eyebrow: "yes, you said you had a high fever and forgot a lot of things. In fact, it's just that your memory has been forcibly washed away."

Wen Shutong didn't expect such a long time ago. There was such a story behind it. He didn't get back to his mind for a long time.

The God of death continued to speak calmly: "so I think you probably know why your self-consciousness will gradually wake up and start to be uneasy about the status quo. If you want to become stronger, it may be that your memory was not completely washed at the beginning and let you remember."

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