Wen Shutong raised his hand and gently patted Sui Jian's wrist: "thank you."

"Oh, thank me for what? Thank me for pricking your heart when you're sick?" Sui Jian looked blankly, "you're embarrassed to say that to me."

Wen Shutong had no strength to say anything more. He dragged his heavy steps to the ward next door.

There are many people in the room. In addition to Huo Yanlin's parents, her parents are also there, as well as Lin Chen and them.

It was crowded with nearly ten people, but it was very quiet without any unnecessary noise.

When she arrived at the door, Sui detective coughed very gently, but there was no small movement when it reached the room.

Jiang Xingwen was so familiar with his voice that he turned his head first and looked surprised at the bottom of his eyes: "why did you suddenly come here?"

Before Wen Shutong could speak, Sui Jian hurriedly helped her publicize: "it's not because some people are really too worried about her husband. For fear that something might happen if they can't see it, come and have a look."

"I've been married for many years, and I'm so tired of it. It makes us couples who are always looking at each other and are tired of each other envious."

Jiang Xingwen winked at him desperately and shook his head in the direction of the two.

However, at this time, Sui Jian's tacit understanding with him disappeared. He didn't understand what this meant at all. He continued to say, "is Huo Yanlin all right? Death has no other benefits. It's really cruel to start..."

This time, before he finished speaking, Huang Shuyun interrupted: "Xiao Sui, you don't have to explain for her anymore. We all know that there is a video sent by the police."

"Before, I thought he liked you so much. Even if you changed, as long as we persevere and make up one day, now it seems that he really lost his love!"

"Didn't I have a misunderstanding about you before? As for hating him to this extent?!"

"I've provoked discord before, and I've found other women to participate in your marriage. Why don't you give me a knife now and let me die!"

Huang Shuyun's voice suddenly raised several degrees, his eyes flushed and tears fell.

She stayed here for several days, taking care of Wen Shutong while worrying about her son's situation.

However, just now the police sent a confession from the God of death. Only then did they realize that Huo Yanlin's knife was given by Bai Wen Shutong.

Sui Jian didn't expect that his front feet were exposed when he heard about it, and his face was extremely embarrassed.

He quickly explained: "Auntie, don't be angry or sad. It will hurt your body. You still have to keep your strength until Huo Yanlin wakes up. Otherwise, he wakes up and sees you fall down. Isn't that even worse?"

"The reason why she did this was mainly an expedient measure. At that time, the situation was urgent. In order to save his uncle and two children, if he didn't do so, he couldn't protect them!"

Just now he helped Wen Shutong speak. Huang Shuyun certainly didn't like him.

She glared at Wen Shutong fiercely: "why don't you say a word? Do you even want someone to speak for you? Up to now, there's no sign. Why is your heart so cruel!"

Huo Yanshan was on one side, and the expression on his face was also in a dilemma.

In fact, the situation was critical at that time. It was understandable that Wen Shutong could make such a decision, but Huo Yanlin was really hurt too badly.

He can't be a father without heartache. He's really embarrassed to be caught in the middle now.

"Sorry, I did." Wen Shutong whispered, "our reconciliation was pretended before. I haven't recovered yet."

Huang Shuyun sneered: "you think your deception is very clever. Will his father and I really believe it? It's just that he wants to coax you to be happy and want you to stay by his side, which makes us play such a play!"

"He has paid a little for you, but you are... A wolf in the heart and a dog in the lung!"

She was really angry. When she spoke, she was a little unscrupulous. She wanted to point her finger to Wen Shutong's head.

Shao Weiyan couldn't see it anymore and said coldly, "it's almost OK. My sister hasn't recovered now. What's your name here? And she didn't mean to be manipulated by others. What's your anger at her!"

Huang Shuyun turned to look at him again and opened his fire: "your sister? Now you all know her life experience, is she still your sister? Isn't she a canine raised by the he family?"

"The God of death sent you an edict, and you will believe what he said?" Shao Weiyan immediately retorted, "then I said my father is the commander-in-chief of the planet. Should you call me young master?"

"Wei Yan, stop talking." Wen Shutong interrupted him, "in fact, there is no need to lie about this matter, not to mention there are many things that have not been found out, I......"

"If you don't find out, do you need my help? He's not hurt badly enough by you?"

Huang Shuyun's tone rose again, "I think after this time, you two will get a direct divorce. If you go to your home, he will recover well and save so many injuries with you for no reason!"

"You can't make a decision about it." Jiang Xingwen, who has always been restrained, couldn't help frowning. "Aunt, this is not an internal contradiction, it's the business of all our friends in this circle, and there is a mysterious big family behind it. We can't take it lightly."

Jiang Xingwen just read several materials sent by the police, so he also had a few in mind.

Huo Yanshan also opened his mouth and advised her: "yes, don't make your words so ugly. It's not easy for everyone. That's all."

"You want to check together. I agree, but I have only one request. After Huo Yanlin wakes up, he must divorce!" Huang Shuyun said in a deep voice, "it's hard to persuade anyone to do this!"

Other people wanted to help again, but unexpectedly, Wen Shutong said, "OK, I agree."

Everyone's eyes came together. Shao Yunzheng's face looked worried and gently called her name: "Shutong..."

She promised so readily that Huang Shuyun was even more angry: "I've been waiting for a long time, haven't I? I did this kind of thing on purpose. When I said this, I immediately fulfilled my wish and was happy!"

Wen Shutong opened his mouth. Before he could say anything, he just heard Lin Chen excitedly say, "wake up!"

Everyone immediately took their attention back and looked at Huo Yanlin.

His eyes were half open and half closed, his eyelashes seemed to droop listlessly, and the whole person looked sick and tired.

There is no trace of blood on the lips, especially fragile.

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