Shao Yi stopped the car and went into the bag.

One side of the tree suddenly jumped out of a figure to block her way, Shao Yi scared Huarong pale, back several steps.

After standing still, she frowned and looked at the visitor angrily, "who, standing in the middle of the road in broad daylight, want to frighten people to death?"

In front of her stood a middle-aged woman in a flowered skirt. The woman's face was thin and waxy, her hair was messy, and her thick bangs covered her deep sunken eyes. She looked like she had come out of the garbage heap.

"Please Excuse me, are you miss Shao Yiyi? "

Shao Yi did not know why, thought this was a crazy woman with some mental problems. She frowned slightly and showed a look of disgust, "get out of the way."

The woman saw that she was going to leave, and she was anxious to catch up with Shao Yiyi's clothes. "Ah, don't go."

Shaoyi was caught with goose bumps and disgusted, "what are you doing? Let me go. I'm going to call security! Security -- "

" Miss Shao, I'm not crazy. I have something to say to you! " The woman quickly let go of her and flustered to explain.

Shao Yi half letter half doubt looked at her, simply can't remember that he had seen her, "release, do not loosen, I really want to let the security guard drive people."

"I am your own mother!" The woman finished this sentence and burst into tears.

Shao Yi's blood color instantly faded and looked at the woman in shock. "You don't talk nonsense. My family is a wealthy Shao family in Jincheng, and my mother is a famous woman. How can you be such a crazy woman?"

"I'm really your own mother. You're not Shao's daughter at all." The woman pulls aside the hair that covers her cheek, and she is Wen Linlang's mother.

Wen Linlang was directly sent to the police station for questioning that night. The crime of attempted homicide was very serious.

After Ji Tongsheng, the criminal investigation team leader, personally accused of intentional homicide, Wen Linlang was immediately flustered. She did not want to go to prison, but the police station would definitely not let her father go to prison instead of her.

It's all in the open, and it can't be solved in private.

She wants to ask Huo Yanlin to give her a high hand, but Huo Yanlin is the most seriously injured. He has never appeared after the injury, and even died. She must be punished. The heavier the better.

Wen Linlang couldn't help it. When she was detained, she thought that many people once said that she was a madman, so she began to play the role of a neuropathy patient in the detention center, because neuropathy can be handled lightly.

If she gets sent to a mental hospital, she can be picked up and escaped.

Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin both know that she is pretending, but Wen Shutong doesn't tear it down, so Huo Yanlin has to reinforce the security measures in the mental hospital.

Wen Linlang into the mental hospital, for a while and a half can not come out, the huge debt of the Wen family all pressed on Wen's father and mother.

Wenfu did not pay the debt, was broken legs, Wen family fragmented.

Wen's mother had no way. As soon as she heard that Shao Yiyi came back from abroad, she immediately came to her door. As the daughter of Shao family, she could always think of a way.

Seeing her face, Shao Yi looks a little flustered. She looks around and sees a few pedestrians coming near. She immediately frowns and grabs Wen's mother's arm. "Shut up immediately and follow me."

Yishao Wen took the most secluded place in the corner of the most secluded area.

"Tell me, who are you, and what do you want to do when you suddenly appear in front of me?"

Shao Yiyi lowered his voice and looked at Wen's mother coldly. His eyes could not hide his disgust.

Wen's mother keeps her eyes on Shao Yiyi in front of her eyes, and she can see the model of her youth.

She couldn't help reaching out and trying to hold Shao Yiyi's hand, but Shao Yiyi frowned away. "What do you mean by those just now? Don't say I'm going."

"Oh, don't go."

After hesitating for a moment, Wen's mother slowly explained to Shao Yiyi some of the truth of the incident.

"Miss Shao, in fact, you are not born by Shao's mother. At that time, we exchanged you with the real Shao family's daughter, so I was your biological mother, and you were my Wen family's daughter."

Shao Yi looked pale and quickly denied, "shut up! You woman is full of nonsense. Who told you to slander my reputation! I Shao Yiyi is the only daughter of Shao family, not a cat and dog's daughter

Wen's mother saw that she didn't believe it. Trembling, she took out an old photo from her bag and handed it to Shao Yiyi. "If you don't believe it, take a look at this photo. It's taken by the nurse on the day you were born."

said, "as like as two peas on the side of the picture," Wen's mother pointed out a green heart shaped mark on his back. "Do you have a birthmark that is exactly the same? I will not admit it."

Yi Shao's face is more difficult to see.

is as like as two peas in the body, but the shape of her shoulder is exactly the same.She quickly reached out and tried to grab the photo, but Wen's mother quickly retracted the photo.

"Don't worry, Miss Shao. I can't give you this picture yet."

Wen's mother also had her own plan, "this photo is a proof of your identity. You should believe that I am your own mother now?"

"So what?" Shao Yi was silent for a moment, his face suddenly became a little ferocious.

"Don't tell me that you are here to make a special acquaintance with me. I tell you that it is impossible. I don't care what happened at the beginning, and no matter why you did it. In short, I shaoyiyi is the daughter of Shao family now."

"Yi Yi, don't be nervous. As your biological mother, I naturally hope to see you live a fine life. I will never want you to suffer with us. Otherwise, I will not change you into the gold of Shao family."

After Wen's mother carefully put the photos back in her bag, her expression gradually became a little sad.

"At the beginning, because of the negligence of the nurse, you and the real daughter of Shao family were confused. Your father and I found out this secret by accident. We have been hesitant to change you back for years. We can see that you have a good life as a princess in Shao's family, so we did not propose to change it back."

"Over the years, the family conditions have not been very good. Your father had a serious illness some time ago. His family savings are almost spent, and now he is heavily in debt..."

"And your sister, Lin Lang, because of her simple mind, she got into the entertainment industry and was calculated by the bad guys after shooting a few plays. At this time, she was regarded as a mental illness and locked up in a mental hospital."

Wen mother's words are half true and half false, trying to beautify the scandal of that year.

Her voice grew more and more choked, and at last her tears began to fall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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