At the thought of the time when he had brought up xiaodouzi little by little, Shao Yi was full of frustration.

After all, she was unmarried and pregnant first. Considering her reputation, she could only raise her child by herself in secret. She did not dare to tell her family, for fear that the news would be leaked out.

Xiaodouzi wanted to say that it was too salty, but when she saw that mommy was in a bad mood, she grabbed the bowl and shook her head, "no, no, Xiaodou bit her tongue carelessly just now. Eat, I eat."

In order not to make Mommy angry, Xiaodou began to gobble up his noodle bowl. He did not dare to bite and chew to taste the taste. He was afraid that he would be too salty to resist vomiting again.

A bowl of salty noodles, beans began to crazy irrigation.

Mouth is always dry hair salty, to the end began to have diarrhea, sit on the toilet, belly is very uncomfortable.

Seven year old xiaodouzi was almost rolling on the ground, but he didn't dare to make a noise. He just gritted his teeth and held on.

Shao Yiyi did not put his mind on his son at all. He ran into the room and began to conceive his own plan.


The next morning, when she got up, Shao Yiyi found that xiaodouzi's face was pale, and her lips turned pale.

"Didn't you sleep last night? Why do you look so bad?"

Shao Yiyi frowned and said that he was very unhappy. He could not carry out his plan according to xiaodouzi's state.

Xiaodouzi shakes his head, some powerless, "no Mommy, I may have a cold, the body is a little uncomfortable."

Looking at his son's pale face, Shao Yi suddenly came up with a better plan.

"OK, just keep it like this. Let's go. Mommy will change you into a new and handsome dress and go to see your dad."

Xiao Douzi's stomach is still slightly painful, but he just grits his teeth and holds back. He follows Shao Yi's arrangement and puts on a brand-new suit and leather shoes. Shao Yi presses him in front of the make-up mirror and takes care of it carefully.

Thinking of what Mommy said, xiaodouzi is in a complicated mood. He is not only looking forward to seeing his father, but also worried and afraid that daddy will treat himself like mommy.

"Mommy, can I really see daddy?" Xiaodou's voice is a little hoarse, and he has no strength to speak.

Shao Yi nodded and looked at his son's dress with great satisfaction. "Yes, I'll see your father later. Don't forget what I told you yesterday."

"Mm-hmm, Xiaodou won't forget it."

"Well, let's go."


"Mommy, am I dressed today?"

Early in the morning, after Wen Yueqi was dressed, she used to stand in front of the full-length mirror, put several cool poses to her in the mirror, and asked her brother and parents to choose the best one.

Wen Shutong pats his head helplessly. She can't remember how many times she chose a post for him.

"Our moon looks so handsome. We look good in everything we wear and pose. We're gone, or we'll be late."

Wen Shutong said, turning his head to hold the star, but found that the man was gone.

Looking up, I see stars squatting in front of Niky and saying goodbye to him.

Niky is the dog that the family brought back to the pet store yesterday. He is more than two years old, and he is a lively and warm-hearted man.

"Niky, I'm going to school and I'll take care of you when I come back. You have to be obedient, goodbye."

The moon also came forward to say goodbye to Niky. Niky was very clever, as if he understood the meaning of Dabao Xiaobao. He even raised his paw, barked twice, and wagged his tail charmingly.

"Mom and Dad, look, Niky can understand us. He's saying goodbye to us!"

Niky's words of greeting excited the two brothers. Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin looked at each other with a smile. They both thought it was a good decision to keep a dog at home.

"Well, it's almost time. Let's go, star and moon, and come back to look after Niky after school."

After sending Dabao Er Bao to the school, Huo Yanlin takes Wen Shutong to the door of the company. After you and I have been together for a while, you and I parted with a smile on their faces.

Huo Yanlin watched Wen Shutong enter the consulting office, and then he was relieved to start the car and drive to Ruihe group building.

Because of Shao Yiyi's appearance yesterday, there were still some documents on his hand that he didn't have time to process. He had to finish the review as soon as possible, so as to let Xiao Liu assign the task.

Office of the president.

Huo Yanlin was concentrating on reviewing the documents when the door of the office was suddenly opened and saw Shao Yiyi appear at the door again.

The biggest difference between this time and yesterday is that she even brought a little boy here.

Huo Yanlin's vision soon fell on the side of xiaodouzi, eyes more and more deep.

The child mentioned in Shao Yi's mouth actually exists. Before that, he suspected that Shao Yiyi was trying to save himself from fabricating the child."Come on, Douzi, in the past, that's your father." Shao Yi pushed xiaodouzi and motioned him to go.

Xiaodouzi looks at the strange environment in front of him and Huo Yanlin in a black suit not far away. He is a little timid.

Seeing the delay of Xiaodou, Shao Yiyi pinched his back in secret. Xiaodouzi was in pain. Only then did he summon the courage to take a step.

"Daddy, daddy."

Xiaodouzi is timidly wringing the corner of his clothes, slightly lowers his head, and dare not look directly at Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin looked at xiaodouzi in silence. For a long time, he glanced thoughtfully at Shaoyi. "He is the child you said?"

Shao Yi came forward, eyes full of sadness and grievances, holding the hand of xiaodouzi.

"Well, he's our child, bean."

"Douzi, you have always said you want to find daddy. If you have anything you want to say, just talk to Daddy."

Shao Yiyi signals xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi according to yesterday's mother let himself remember those words in advance, take a deep breath to Huo Yanlin, looking at him eagerly.

"Daddy, I am xiaodouzi. Why don't you accompany Xiaodou? Xiaodouzi miss you so much."

Xiaodou's tender voice and some dumb due to illness make people feel sad.

Even though Huo Yanlin has no feelings for Shao Yiyi, the weak child in front of him has touched the chord in his heart.

Perhaps because there are two baby sons in the family, Huo Yanlin's always indifferent character has a little more sensibility.

Shao Yiyi watched and noticed that Huo Yanlin was touched. He rushed to strike while the iron was hot and looked at him with red eyes. "Yanlin, you see how much xiaodouzi thinks of you. Can you give him a complete home..."

"It's also my mother's dereliction of duty. Over the past few years, because I was unmarried and pregnant, and I was abroad, I didn't dare to contact my relatives and friends in China, for fear that the news would damage my reputation."

"So while I was studying abroad, I had to devote my energy to raising my children and growing up. It was bitterness."

"At that time, I almost had no sleep all day. During the day, I practiced dancing, entrusted the baby sitter to take care of me, and took care of my own children at night. He kept crying all night long, so I couldn't rest at all..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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