Huo Yanlin's face slightly coagulated, "are you here? When, why didn't I see you

"You don't care when I went. It's not the point."

Wen Shutong looked at him without blinking, trying to see some clues from his subtle expression.

"Not long ago, you called me and said that you didn't get the call because you went out to run some company affairs temporarily. Did I remember correctly?"

At this point, Huo Yanlin has basically determined where Wen Shutong's anger comes from. She should have seen the scene of sending xiaodouzi out of the company.

Huo Yanlin's face was slightly heavy. After pondering for a long time, he decided to tell her the reason of the matter, otherwise it would be more and more serious.

"Shutong, I'm sorry, I lied about this matter. I didn't receive the call because I didn't see it. I didn't mean not to answer, but I didn't go out to work at that time."

Hearing this, Wen Shutong sneered and raised his eyebrows sarcastically, "Oh, right? You said you didn't mean not to answer the question or go out to work. What did you do

Huo Yanlin looked at the small woman with a face full of displeasure in front of her eyes, and without hesitation chose the route of Frank leniency.

He told Wen Shutong about what happened to Shao Yi and his children to the company this morning.

In addition, I also mentioned the things about children mentioned by Shaoyi when she came to the company alone a few days ago.

Wen Shutong is listening to him explain the whole story, but his face becomes more and more ugly, as if he had eaten a fly by mistake.

"That's enough. Don't say it."

Wen Shutong shivers all over her body. She covers her ears, and her brain is blank. It seems that she is once again trapped in the dark abyss once again.

In the darkest time of her life, if not for Jiang Xing's psychological counseling for a long time, she could not even imagine what kind of hopeless situation she would enter.

But just now, from Huo Yanlin's mouth, what did she hear?

Did her husband have a child with another woman?

What is this? How will she face this marriage in the future? How to face yourself?

Shao Yiyi really knew Huo Yanlin before. She was pregnant with Huo Yanlin's child at that time. Is she the third child who destroys people's feelings?

Huo Yanlin met before she was wrong, heartache, but also full of remorse, immediately reached out and hugged her, "Shutong, don't be excited."

"At present, I'm not sure whether the child is mine. I drank too much on the night before Shaoyi went abroad. I couldn't remember the situation at that time. She concluded that we had a relationship."

"I really don't have any feelings for her. If the child is really mine, I think I still have to take responsibility for my own mistakes. I will take the children back to Huo's family and let my mother raise them, but I will never have any relationship with Shao Yi again and again."

"I Huo Yanlin in this life, only you wenshutong a wife, you and the stars and moon are my only concern."

His arms are very warm, with a unique breath of his body, let Wen Shutong gradually calm down.

After resuming his thinking, Wen Shutong's brow was hard to unfold.

She is not that she does not believe Huo Yanlin's feelings for himself, but is always depressed about the fact that he and Shao Yiyi had a child.

"Shutong, you believe me, that night was really an accident. I'm not even sure whether that kind of thing happened. I will never do anything that I'm sorry for you and the stars and the moon."

Wen Shutong was silent for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth, "Yan Lin, it's not that I don't believe you. This is too sudden for me. Can you let me be quiet?"

"The moon is going to the martial arts school for training today. If we don't want to go and have a look together, we'll treat it as ventilation?" He suggested.

Wen Shutong wanted to refuse, but she knew it was her heart that couldn't get through this hurdle. But Huo Yanlin's eyes filled with self blame and guilt made her refuse to speak out.

Finally, she agreed to go with her, not to let Huo Yanlin carry a heavy psychological burden.

When she went to the martial arts school absentmindedly and saw the moon go up to fight, she was also itchy. In addition, there was an uncomfortable breath in her heart, so she suggested that she should also go to boxing.

Huo Yanlin was worried that she would hurt herself and wanted to dissuade her. However, she insisted on playing and didn't say anything more. She just told her to train with her side to strengthen her protection and be sure to take good care of her personal safety.

Wen Shutong can't help laughing when he looks at him carefully, for fear that he will be damaged.

In fact, he was totally worried. She had practiced boxing for a period of time before, and she was always famous for her ferocity.

However, since he was watching, she could not exaggerate. She could only play a few punches perfunctorily, and her mood was not much better.

Coupled with the joy of the moon, Wen Shutong's face softened a lot when he returned home, and Huo Yanlin was relieved.……

The next morning, Huo Yanlin came to the company early and called Xiao Liu to come in and explain: "the arrangement goes on. From today on, Shao Yi is not allowed to step into the company again and again."

Although Xiao Liu wondered why the boss suddenly gave such an order, he did not dare to ask more questions. He was elated in his heart. He had already seen Shao Yi's displeasure and showed it to whom?

These days, all kinds of rumors around the company are going crazy. If it hadn't been suppressed by Xiao Liu, it would have been exposed by the media paparazzi.

"OK, boss. I'll arrange it right away."

After the explanation, Huo Yanlin immediately contacted Ji Tongsheng.

He didn't have a paternity test last time. In fact, he has other plans.

According to Shao Yiyi, she found herself pregnant after going abroad and raised her child alone.

So, as long as we can find out what kind of life she has been living abroad in the past few years, including whether she has made a new boyfriend, this can be used as the basic basis for judgment.

After all, there may be false identification, but no one can completely cover up the traces of his life over the years.

Ji Tongsheng was surprised, "Yanlin, what happened? How can you think of investigating Shao Yiyi? "

Huo Yanlin frowned: "she returned home is not only a person, but also brought a little boy back, and claimed that the child is mine."

Ji Tongsheng was excited as soon as he heard it: "I'll go, won't you? There are illegitimate children? Does Shutong know about this? Have family rules dealt with you? "

"No kidding. Shutong has already known about it. I need to confirm whether the child belongs to me. Before she goes abroad..."

Ji Tongsheng was silent for a long time after hearing the whole story of the incident. He put up his face and looked solemn. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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