But Huo Yanlin still wanted to tell her something, hoping to make her less miserable.

"I wanted to tell you later when I got the certificate, but now," Huo continued, "I just want to say that I still don't think xiaodouzi is the child of Shao Yiyi and me. You're the only one I've ever been, Tong Tong. There are only two children, the moon and the stars

"You mean, xiaodouzi, he..."

"Nothing happened to us that day."

After listening to Huo Yanlin talk about what happened to them, Wen Shutong still refused to believe, "how do you know that you didn't touch her? If there is really nothing, how can Shao Yiyi be so determined? "

"Drunk people don't forget what they have done because they are drunk, unless they do nothing at all." Huo Yanlin carefully recalled the scene of the day, and seriously explained, "so at that time, I never felt that I had anything to do with Shao Yi. Not only emotionally, but also physically, there will be no intersection. "

"But the paternity test..."

"Although I don't know what means she used to secretly change the paternity test of xiaodouzi, she still changed it with my best friend. I think there must be a heavy weight behind the scenes to help her. Maybe she just guessed that I would go there, so she made the layout

"Because we chose the place we chose, it was easier for us to neglect our precautions and let her succeed. We can only say that she was right in this risky move. But a paternity test is nothing. How many times did you encounter the moon and the stars

Huo Yanlin put his hand around her shoulder and took the towel to wipe her half dry hair gently.

"But..." Wen Shutong fell into a confused thought and did not realize that he had more and more acquiesced in his intimacy.

"I'll find a chance to do it again, so that you can rest assured. However, before this, I can only treat xiaodouzi as my own son to reduce Shao Yiyi's defensive mind. So, Tong Tong, I will give you some time. Can you give me another chance and trust me again, eh? "

Wen Shutong watched Huo Yanlin dry her hair, and his hands clasped with her fingers, warm, dry and firm, reassured her.

Maybe it was because of his words that she stopped rejecting Huo Yanlin's touch. If he and Shao Yi had never happened, it would be the best.

If it really happened, she looked up at him, tightly pursed the corners of her lips, the expectation in her eyes, and Xiao's expression like the moon and stars, which made Wen Shutong suddenly soft hearted.

She nodded her head.

Jun Yi's face suddenly burst into a bright smile, just like a large piece of bright moonlight on the sea, rippling in the bottom of my heart.

See Wen Shutong lenglenglengleng looking at himself, just washed clean face, white jade like, and slightly suffused with red.

Huo Yanlin felt his stomach tight, "Tongtong..."

His voice with sexy magnetic hoarseness, arms against Wen Shutong's back, slowly again toward the long-awaited purplish close.

Wen Shutong was scalded by the temperature of his skin. His skin was blushing shyly. He was trapped in front of him and could not escape. The low voice also made her unable to escape.

The harsh telephone ring suddenly rings, interrupting this rare quiet ambiguity. Wen Shutong suddenly opens his eyes and wakes up like a dream interrupted.

Huo Yanlin just stopped and then continued to kiss. Wen Shutong pushed him away. "It's so late. It must be very important to find you."

Huo Yanlin had to give up, took out his mobile phone and glanced at the screen. The name "shaoyiyi" on the constantly flashing page.

"What does this woman want to do?"

The annoyance of being interrupted made him feel disgusted.

Seeing Wen Shutong beckoning him to answer, he took a deep breath and pressed the answer button. His tone was full of impatience, "hello?"

"Yan Lin!" Shao Yiyi's cry came from the microphone, "come on! Xiaodouzi, he is in hospital

"What's going on?" Huo Yanlin's exasperated question, thinking in his heart, is Shao Yiyi doing something to xiaodouzi again? Put the baby in the hospital?

Even though it is not sure whether xiaodouzi is his own son, as a father of two sons, he is born with pity for children, let alone children who have met several times.

"I don't know what to do! Yanlin, can you come over now? I'm so scared. " Shao Yi tears heart and lung, but Huo Yanlin feels more and more irritable.

He hesitated to look at Wen Shutong and was about to say no.

"Why don't you go and have a look," Wen Shutong raised his hair on the side of his ear. "After all, he is still a child, and his mother is like that..."

Huo Yanlin knows Wen Shutong's idea. She is worried that even if xiaodouzi is sick and hospitalized, she will be angry with the child if she doesn't go there.

His Tongtong is really kind.

"Send me the address. I'll be there now."

Hang up the phone in a hurry, Huo Yanlin pulled Wen Shutong and pecked on her cheek, "sorry, Tongtong. I'll go to have a look and come back as soon as possible. If you're sleepy, you'll have a rest earlier.""Well, you drive slowly." Wen Shutong nodded meekly.

"I will take care of Shao Yiyi as soon as possible. You can rest assured." Wen Shutong smiles and waves.

Huo Yanlin rushed to the hospital, Shao Yi immediately came up crying, grabbed Huo Yanlin's sleeve and rushed to his arms.

Huo Yanlin impatiently pushed her away, "what's wrong with xiaodouzi?"

Shao Yiyi took a paper towel and dipped it into tears. "I don't know what's going on. After I went back today, I went to sleep in the middle of the night and suddenly had a fever. I had to take him to the hospital. As a result, he has been crying for his father, Yanlin, and the baby is so poor. I listen to her crying and calling for you, and my heart is going to break."

What she didn't say was that xiaodouzi didn't help her grasp Huo Yanlin's heart today, didn't promise to give her credit, didn't let xiaodouzi eat.

After drinking a few more cups in the evening, she got angry and beat him again, shut him in the bathroom, locked the door and refused to let him out. She did not pay attention to his crying and crying "Mom, I am wrong".

She sleeps on her own. She gets up in the middle of the night and goes to the toilet. She doesn't hear any sound. She opens the toilet door and finds that Douzi is lying on the floor and faints. Her forehead is burning hot.

She was afraid of an accident, so she rushed to the hospital with her child. After the doctor confirmed that she had a fever and there was no great danger, she did not care about the child's situation, but suddenly felt that this was an opportunity to save Huo Yanlin.

She brewed for a while, and then went to the bathroom to draw a beautiful make-up, which just called Huo Yanlin.

"Take me to see the children first." Huo Yanlin walked to the ward with a cold face.

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