"Naturally, it's with the sons to catch the bad dad who doesn't come home at night."

Wen Shutong blinked his eyes jokingly.

"The son is here, too?" Huo Yanlin looked around.

"Hum!" The moon, with a black face, flashed out from behind the pillars with the stars.

The stars called their father cleverly.

Huo Yanlin reached out to pick them up, but the two children turned and ran away, hiding behind Wen Shutong.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yanlin touched his nose awkwardly.

"What's the matter with you?" Wen Shutong said angrily, "I didn't come back last night, and I didn't have a phone call all day today. I didn't know that you were in hospital."

When Huo Yanlin saw her lovely appearance of feigning anger, he believed that she really did not blame herself. He felt warm in his heart and could not help holding Wen Shutong in his arms.

"Sorry, wife, I was wrong..."

"Oh, the children are watching." Wen Shutong blushed and pushed him away, pointing to two small dolls staring at him. "They are still angry."

Huo Yanlin squatted down, pulled the moon and stars to his side, sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry, babies, it's dad who did it wrong. Dad apologizes to you."

"Hum! My father went to my aunt in the middle of the night and left my mother at home, which made her angry. Not answering the phone yet. I don't like auntie, don't like Dad, don't like little brother any more! " The moon turned her back in anger.

"Dad is not good." Little by little.

Huo Yanlin touched their heads with a smile, looked at Wen Shutong apologetically, and said in a low voice, "Dad is really wrong, but Dad can explain. Will you sit down and listen to what your father says and then decide not to forgive him? "

The two children looked at each other and nodded, "OK."

Several people sat down on the porch seat. Huo Yanlin started from the phone call last night. He said it very carefully. On the one hand, he was afraid that the two children would not understand. On the other hand, he also gave Wen Shutong a reasonable explanation.

"So, dad didn't leave you to find your aunt, but my little brother was in an emergency. He didn't mean not to call you. He just got through and found that he suddenly fell ill, so he had to hang up and take him for emergency treatment. Can you forgive dad? "

He asked his two sons, but he looked at Wen Shutong.

At that moment, the mood of Shao Yi has dissipated.

It was not in vain that she deliberately dressed up before she came.

Now listen to Huo Yanlin finish, naturally know that the phone call before, just as he had guessed before, was just a farce directed by Shao Yiyi.

"Now that there is a good reason, don't blame dad for the moon and stars, OK? I'll punish dad for taking you to dinner

Wen Shutong comforts the two babies in a low voice.

"Yes, dad will take you to see my little brother later, and then we will have dinner together, OK?"

"All right." The moon answered, looking at mother's face.

The stars nodded and gave Dad another chance.

"Thank you." Huo Yanlin hugged them and said, "thank you, my wife." He looked at Wen Shutong with a smile in his eyes.

"Haven't you eaten yet?" Wen Shutong lifted his right hand to carry the food box, "bought in the neighborhood, should be hot, eat something first pad stomach."

Huo Yanlin knot to open, "is dumplings, I am really hungry, we eat together."

"I don't have to..." Before she refused, a dumpling had been handed to Wen Shutong.

She bit off half of the red face, the other half was taken back by Huo Yanlin, put it into his mouth, chewed a few times, "very delicious."

Wen Shutong gives him a coquettish look, but Huo Yanlin laughs.

"I want to eat too!"

The moon came and opened her mouth to feed.

"OK, let's eat together."

I'm used to the delicacy of Shanzhen. For the first time, I carried a box of takeout and ate the taste of happiness.

There are not many dumplings. There are more than 20 dumplings in total.

After eating three or four, Wen Shutong shook his head and said that he was full. The two children ate two by one, and the rest was given to Huo Yanlin. He was only half full, but his stomach was warm and pressed, full of satiety.

Several people finished eating, hastily cleaned up, planned to go to the emergency room to see if xiaodouzi woke up.

"I don't know if his mother will be here."

Wen Shutong is worried that he has just attacked her like a winner. With Shao Yi's crazy personality, what will he do to hurt the child under his irritability.

"Don't worry, no one can hurt you with me."


The moon and stars ran in front with joy and walked shoulder to shoulder in the back.



"Thank you for believing me." Huo Yanlin gently grasps Wen Shutong's hand.

"Thank you for allowing me to trust." Wen Shutong grinned and shook back.The setting sun will pull the figure of four people longer and longer, and gradually merge and overlap together.

Night is coming.

When he arrived at the emergency room, he asked the doctor that xiaodouzi was already awake, but Shao Yiyi was not there.

Huo Yanlin opened the door first and went in. He saw a small figure sitting on the head of the bed alone.

"Mom," hearing the news, the little man on the bed looked at the door happily. After distinguishing the visitors, the joy in his eyes faded and replaced with resistance and defense.

"Is there any other discomfort?"

Huo Yanlin went to the bedside and sat down, reaching for the head of xiaodouzi.

Xiaodou ducked, lowered his eyes and shook his head.

When Shao Yiyi is away, xiaodouzi is not stingy to cover up his resistance to Huo Yanlin, and flattering him is always to make his mother happy.

"It's been burning for a whole day. I'm going to ask your aunt Wen to get some porridge for you. I'll give you a pad of stomach."

Huo Yanlin didn't care about his attitude. Instead, he felt that such an awkward little bean was more like a child.

"Where's my mother?" He didn't want any Auntie Wen or porridge. He just wanted to see his mother quickly. He wanted to know if the man he had been trying to stay for another day had made his mother happier.

"I don't know." Huo Yanlin honest answer, "but there are two partners have been waiting at the door, want to see you."

Bean, look up, mate?

"Moon! stars! You can come in. " As like as two peas in the doorway of the

ward, two little heads and identical clothes were seen, so that they could hardly see the twins' eyes.

"Little brother, are you sick?"

"Does the injection hurt?"

"Little brother, you eat a sugar, mother said that eating sugar will not hurt!"

"You need to get better soon, we'll play together!"

"Here! This is our gift for you, model plane, PDA. Do you like playing games? Shall I teach you? "

Seeing xiaodouzi's evasion, he began to respond and communicate under the strong attack of the stars and the moon. Huo Yanlin stood up quietly and stood aside for a few steps, secretly picking a thumb to the moon.

The moon picks eyebrow a smile, the back of the hand in the back of the back of a OK gesture.

Huo Yanlin can't help laughing. Seeing that they are having a good time, he turns and exits the ward.

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