Explain to the photographer that the shooting time will be arranged again, Wen Shutong quickly packed up his things and drove to the direction of Ruihe group.

If something goes wrong, it can only be on the way back from kindergarten to the company, or on the way to the studio from the company.

Wen Shutong clenched his hand. Huo Yanlin, don't worry.

Huo Yanlin and Shao Yiyi stop at each station, looking for the past one by one, shouting xiaodouzi's name.

As time goes by, the road from shaoyiyi's community to Ruihe group is not so close. There are more than a dozen stop signs.

It took nearly two hours to get from the first to the last. Asked the security guard did not see xiaodouzi, two people standing in the Ruihe building door are helpless.

Shao Yiyi at this time just some real worry, she is to let xiaodouzi pretend to be lost, so as to drag Huo Yanlin, but did not want to let him really lost.

"What to do?" There was not only sweat but tears on her face.

The weather changed from light to dark, and the wind brought a trace of dry heat. Huo Yanlin looked at the sky, but he was more and more worried.

It's going to rain.

"I should have got off the train ahead of time and look for it again."

"Good." Shao Yiyi had no other choice at this time.

They got back on the bus and drove back along the road.

The rain has been dense down.

Wen Shutong came all the way and made a turn. He was about to stop in front of Ruihe building. He was about to open the door and get off. A familiar brand flashed past.

"Yan Lin!"

Wen Shutong called out, but was covered by the more and more heavy rain and thunder.

Seeing the car slowly moving forward, Wen Shutong immediately started the car to follow up.

At this time, xiaodouzi is standing under a station sign, staring around in a daze, murmuring in his mouth.

Mom, where are you?

"Bean! It's beans

When he found the second stop sign, he saw the small lonely figure on the platform through the rain and fog. Shao Yi exclaimed in surprise. Without waiting for the car to stop steadily, he untied the safety belt and jumped out of the car.


"Mom..." The child looked up in surprise, and then his eyes darkened again, "I'm sorry, i..."

"It doesn't matter," Shao Yiyi has hugged him, some lost and recovered with joy and tears, "Mom and dad find you good."

"Dad..." Xiaodouzi looks up at the man behind Shaoyi. His face is mixed with rain and tears, which makes him very miserable.

"Get in first." Huo Yanlin saw that xiaodouzi shivered all over his body and urged him after him.

Shao Yi wiped a handful of rain, trying to pick up the beans, but his feet slipped and almost fell.

Huo Yanlin grabbed her and protected them in his arms. When she stood firm, he took Xiaodou from her hand, picked him up and walked quickly. He put him on the back seat of the car.

See Shaoyi also on the back seat, sitting beside him, he just closed the door, started the car to leave.

When Wen Shutong saw Huo Yanlin's car, he made a phone call again, but still prompted him to shut down.

After following for a short time, she saw that the car finally stopped. She also parked the car on the side of the road and untied her seat belt. She planned to go over and have a look. But she happened to see Huo Yanlin embracing them in her arms.

Wen Shutong stood in front of the car and let the rain beat him all over his body. Watching the three people get on the car and go further and further, his heart rises with despair.

"What's the matter? Why is it so wet? "

Jiang Xing saw Wen Shutong all wet, lost his heart into the clinic, and let Shuya take a towel and spare clothes for her to change.

When she curled up on the sofa with a towel and hot tea in her hand, Jiang began to ask her what happened.

"Didn't you take pictures today? Is it because of the rain that I didn't quarrel with him? "

Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment and shook his head, but he didn't want to say anything, or he didn't know how to open his mouth.

To tell him that his husband left him to cuddle with another woman in the street?

Think of that as a family of three harmonious picture, she can not hide the heartache, tears can not stop falling down.

"Well, well, I won't ask."

Jiang Xing handed her a paper towel to wipe her tears, waiting for her mood to slow down a little, "these days the clinic will be built, temporarily closed for a week, I think you are not in a good mood recently, it's better to go out for a few days to relax."

Jiang Xing pulled out a picture book of the tour group from the drawer, pointing to the routes above to indicate Wen Shutong's choice, "this one is a romantic island tour, suitable for lovers to travel, this one is an ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River, suitable for family travel, this one is a dream paradise, which is more suitable for parents and children. It's all a week's journey. See which one you like and I'll order it for you

Wen Shutong hesitated for a moment, and his finger stopped on the route of dreamland. Finally, he pointed to the ancient town of Jiangnan.

Jiang Xing chuckled, but did not expose.

"OK, I'll send you the itinerary in the evening. After a while, when the rain stops, you can go home, have a good rest, pack up, and set out early tomorrow morning"Haven't you eaten yet?" Jiang Xing ordered a takeaway, just watched Wen Shutong eat some, and then stopped with some anger on his face.

Huo Yanlin first sent xiaodouzi to the hospital for examination. He confirmed that the condition was not repeated. He just caught a slight cold and took some medicine to send them back.

Originally did not want to go up, Shao Yi said that he seemed to twist his feet and could not hold the beans, so he had to help send the beans home.

Shao Yiyi advised them to take a bath and dry their hair. But Huo Yanlin did not replace the clothes, and Shao Yiyi took all his clothes to wash when he went to the bathroom to take a bath. Huo Yanlin had to put on a bathrobe first.

"I'm sorry, I don't have men's clothes for you to replace, but it's already drying and will be ready to wear in two hours."

Huo Yanlin looked at the wall clock, it was more than three o'clock, "no need."

He was ready to make a phone call with his mobile phone, but he found that the mobile phone seemed to be in the car. He borrowed Shao Yiyi's phone to call the assistant, reported the address, and asked the assistant to send a suit of clothes.

After hanging up the phone, he thought of his assistant's surprise when he got the address just now. He also mentioned that Wen Shutong had called the company to find him, and he was upset.

However, he was unable to call Wen Shutong back. It can be imagined that Wen Shutong, who was already angry, would run away from home in anger if he received a phone call from Shao Yiyi.

Forget it. Go back and explain.

Huo Yanlin pinched the brow with slight pain. He felt dizzy and uncomfortable, and his throat was dry and itchy. He might have caught cold.

"Uncomfortable? Yan Lin. "

Shao Yi came over with ginger tea and put it on the table in front of Huo Yanlin. Then she sat down next to him and put her hand to his forehead.

She specially wore a suspender nightdress that showed her figure, and pasted it on Huo Yanlin's body through a thin layer of cloth, emitting heat that could not be ignored.

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