Huo Yanlin's hoarse voice strongly suppressed the anger at the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, he couldn't imagine what he would be like.

"That's enough," Wen Shutong yelled at him. "Did I say anything about you when you and Shao Yi were so sweet together?"

Huo Yanlin angry red eyes, "I would rather you said I, angry with me, better than you ignore me, carry things away."

There seems to be grievance in the voice.

Wen Shutong doesn't want to get entangled with him too much. After all, there are so many people around, and she doesn't want to be ugly.

"I'm tired and don't want to quarrel with you. You go back. I want to be quiet

"Can't we be quiet at home? Do we have to come here?"

Huo Yanlin glanced at Jiang Xing, more angry in his brain.

"If I could live at home, would I need to come out?"

Wen Shutong abdominal Fei, straight way: "I don't go back!"

"You Huo Yanlin had no choice but to say: "Wen Shutong, you left your husband and went out with other men. Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

"Is it? I didn't think you'd feel it. "

Wen Shutong looks away with a sneer and doesn't want to see him again.

Huo Yanlin was speechless and knew that she meant something about him and Shao Yiyi. Even if he was innocent and didn't do anything out of the ordinary, it was his fault to leave her last night.

He had no choice but to look helplessly and ask for help.

However, as if they had agreed, they turned their eyes away from him.

Huo Yanlin helpless, whispered: "stars, you come here."

The stars have been raised by his side since he was young, so naturally he is closer to him.

Huo Xinghui turned his eyes, carefully turned back to his father, moved the next step, suddenly looked at Wen Yueqi's eyes, and had to move back.

Huo Yanlin is speechless. Nobody pays attention to him now. He has no face. So he pulled down the shelf and took the initiative to walk towards the child.

"Star, is this even you don't want dad to compare?"

Huo Yanlin said, deliberately motioned to Wen Yueqi to listen, but Xiaobao still did not want to pay attention to him.

"Dad, I just

Huo Xingyi stopped talking and took a look at mummy's direction. Thinking of what his stepmother did to him, he decided to stand on the United Front with his mother.

"What are you just? It's hard to say, isn't it? "

Huo Yanlin asked eagerly, as if he had found a chance to attack the city.

"No, I don't have a word. I listen to my brother!"

Huo Xinghui suddenly changed his mouth and called Huo Yanlin injured. He had to turn to Xiao Bao again, hoping to give him a chance.

However, Wen Yueqi snorted, holding her arms in her hands, "I'm sorry, I listen to Mommy!"

"Mommy is looking for a stepfather for you. Do you want to see your parents break up?"

"Break up and break up. The next one will last longer."


Huo Yanlin was so angry that he turned around and left, "goodbye!"

"Say goodbye, and the next one will be better."

Huo Yanlin was so angry that he almost spurted out his old blood and nearly tripped over Shizi road.

"In the future, you look for your ugliness, and Mommy looks for her rich and handsome. We'll be happier without you!"

"I've taken you sons of bitches

"We are bastards. What are you?"

Not far away, Wen Shutong covers his mouth and almost laughs. At the thought of Shao Yiyi, she restrains her feelings and regains her seriousness. She pretends to be watching the scenery and no longer pays attention to Huo Yanlin.

The scenery of the ancient town is beautiful, the sky and water are the same. Wen Shutong once came to the town.

But that time she was with the parents of the Wen family, and she always served as a maid in front of Wen Linlang. She served the family like a maid all the way. People who didn't know thought she was a child laborer invited by the Wen family.

It's hard to look back on the past.

But now the situation has changed, her situation does not seem to be better than before, the only difference is that she now has two more satisfactory sons.

"Is Mommy hungry? I have food here!"

Wen Yueqi patted a small bag, which was filled with mom's favorite snacks.

Not far away, Huo Yanlin did not leave, but not far away from them.

He wanted his assistant to prepare some delicious food. It was time for him to make atonement while Wen Shutong was hungry and thirsty. Who would have thought his son would have taken the lead and cut off his chance to perform.

It is said that the daughter is the lover of the father's last life, and the son must be the rival in love. How could he think of anything? All of them were found out by the clever ghost Wen Yueqi.

I hate that he has been following Wen Shutong all morning, and he has made no progress at all. He is really anxious and angry, but he has nothing to do.

I can't tell you how hard it is for the mute to eat Coptis. I've known thatHuo Yanlin shook his head in spite of his hatred. He knew that he would not go to Shao Yiyi any more, even if she was making a bitter plan.

Wen Yueqi stands next to mummy, serving her with tea and water. She is very polite, for fear that others will find a chance.

Seeing Huo Yanlin's frustrated face, he laughed twice.

"Fight with me, Mommy, Dad, you can't argue with me forever!"

Huo looked at his father's disappointment and his younger brother's complacency. He could not bear to see his mother's haggard face and did not sleep well. He had to silently mourn for his father.

"Daddy, you can be angry. Don't let your son worry. It's too old to worry about! "

Huo Yanlin did not make any progress along the way in the scenic spot. He finally realized what a wife chasing crematorium is.

However, he did not care about the old face, secretly followed behind, when to accompany the family to play.

Wen Shutong glanced at Huo Yanlin and saw that he was still there. He could neither say anything nor drive him away. He had no choice but to play with Dabao and Xiaobao instead of caring about his affairs.

But Jiang Xing and Shuya, a group of outsiders, could not say much about their family affairs, so they had to pretend to be blind.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Jiang Xing asked his assistant to reserve a private room in the ancient town.

Close to the lakeshore, opposite is the small bridge water, floating on the surface of several small boats, painted boat Pavilion forest, looks very elegant.

"It costs a lot of money to come here to eat?"

Wen Shutong goes in with Dabao Xiaobao and looks at the decoration of the hotel. She is very antique and has a good taste for her.

"Come out once, why don't you have fun!"

Jiang Xing asked everyone to order casually. Today, he had a treat, and everyone burst into a burst of joy.

Huo Yanlin looked at the bustling scene over there. He was alone on his side. He was not lonely. He immediately called the boss and gave him a private room, which must be opposite to wenshutong.

"What's more, remove all the curtains in the private room. No matter what excuse you use, make sure that I can see clearly what the other party's room is doing!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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