On the other side.

"Brother, today is my birthday. You can have a drink with me!"

Huoyuan poured a glass of wine, while Huo Yanlin did not pay attention, quietly put Shao Yiyi's medicine into the wine.

He shook the glass and handed it to Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin is not aware of the difference and reaches for the glass.

Just then, the mobile phone rings suddenly.

Huo Yanlin took out his mobile phone and looked at it, "I'll take a call first."

He put down his glass and went a little farther away to pick up the phone.

Huo yuan looked at the glass she had put down, and was worried.

"What's the matter? Tongtong Huo asked anxiously.

"No, I'm not feeling well. Where are you now? I'll come to you. " Hearing Huo Yanlin's voice, Wen Shutong finally felt relieved.

"Are you sick? You stay there and I'll be there now Huo Yanlin said in a hurry.

"No, it's just too stuffy here. I just want to go out for a walk."

"Well, come and see me. I'm on the side of the dining car." Huo Yanlin looked at the place where Huo yuan stood and said.

Wen Shutong hangs up the phone and looks up at two disappearing figures in the distance. Shao Yiyi and some strange man close their eyes and turn to walk towards Huo Yanlin's place.

While searching for Huo Yanlin, Wen Shutong recalls overhearing Shao Yiyi's conversation with a strange man.

At that time, Wen shutongwei followed Shaoyi to the garden outside the hotel. After seeing Shao Yi looking around for a while, he walked towards a man waiting in the garden.

As soon as the man saw Shaoyi, he handed her a note.

Shao Yi reached out to take the note, looked down and asked in a low voice: "where are the people?"

"I have asked Miss Shao to wait near the hotel. This is his mobile phone number. When Miss Shao arrives, just call him and let him know."

"Well, I see."

After a few more words, they left the garden one after another.

"Cell phone number? Who is he? "

Wen Shutong guesses who Shao Yiyi and the strange man mentioned in his heart.

No matter, first find Huo Yanlin, in short, we must not let Shao Yiyi and Huoyuan's plot succeed.

Thinking that Huo Yanlin and Huo yuan are together now, they may have drunk the medicine by accident. Wen Shutong is a little worried, so he speeds up his pace and walks towards Huo Yanlin's place.

Huo yuan is holding a glass of wine waiting for Huo Yanlin to finish the call. Suddenly, the mobile phone in the bag sends out a short message prompt tone.

Huo yuan raised her eyes and looked at Huo Yanlin, who was still on the phone in the distance. She put the glass in her hand and opened her handbag to look at her mobile phone.

Found that Shao Yi sent a text message, she subconsciously turned over the body to return the message.

After Huo Yanlin finished the phone call, worried about Wen Shutong, he walked to Huoyuan and patted her on the shoulder. "Yuanyuan, your sister-in-law is a little uncomfortable. I have to go first."

"Ah? Brother, you said you would have a drink with me

Huo yuan was scared, hurried to turn off the SMS interface, forced calm back.

Huo Yanlin's heart is full of worries about Wen Shutong, but he doesn't realize Huo yuan's panic. He takes a glass close to himself and takes a sip.

"Now that I've drunk the wine, I'll go first. You shouldn't stay here too long. Today you are the main character of the party." Then he decided to put down his glass.

Although the wine was drunk, it was only a small sip. Huo yuan was worried that the efficacy of the wine was not enough. Huo yuan quickly picked up another glass of wine and took a big sip. "Brother, I'm a girl who drinks so much. You, as a man, must finish this cup of wine."

Huo Yanlin raised his hand and drank the champagne in his hand: "the wine has also been drunk. I'll go to see your sister-in-law first!"

"Oh, brother, wait for me."

Thinking of Huo Yanlin drinking the wine with medicine, we can't let him go to Wen Shutong directly.

As a result, Huoyuan also rushed to catch up, planning to think of a way to hold Huo Yanlin, until the onset of the drug effect.

But Huo Yanlin had long legs and big strides, and Huo yuan couldn't catch up with her 10 cm high heels.

After a while, Huo Yanlin disappeared in sight.

No, we must hold on to Huo Yanlin.

Huo yuan bit her teeth and just wanted to take off her high-heeled shoes to chase her, but suddenly she felt dizzy.

What's going on?

She shook her head and kept awake. Was the alcohol too strong?

She didn't have time to think so much. She just wanted to catch up with Huo Yanlin quickly and hold him back, but her head became more and more dizzy, and even her body began to feel weak.

She had to lean against the wall and stand firm.

Just at this time, Ji Tongsheng felt that the banquet was a bit boring, and he planned to go to this quiet place to hide and relax. He happened to see Huo yuan, who was leaning against the wall and seemed very uncomfortable.Although she is indifferent to Huo yuan, she is Huo Yanlin's sister in name. We can't turn a blind eye to her!

"Miss Huo, are you ok?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Ji Tongsheng went forward to ask.

"I I don't know I feel very hot... " At this time, Huo yuan has been a little confused.

She felt as if a flame was slowly rising in her body, which made her uncomfortable.


Ji Tongsheng found that Huo yuan's originally white face was suffused with red tide and her eyes were blurred.

In the end is a man, Ji Tongsheng guessed her situation at the moment.

What to do? You can't let her stay here alone. Maybe something bad will happen to her.

Ji Tongsheng looked around and saw almost no one.

Forget it, first send her back to the room, and then try to inform the Huo family.

Thinking of this, Ji Tongsheng takes Huoyuan to her room in the hotel, trying to bypass the backyard and avoid the people in the banquet hall.

After all, it's better not to let too many people know what Huo yuan looks like now.

Huo yuan's originally hot body suddenly touched a piece of cold, a burst of comfort spread all over her body.

Feeling the comfort of that moment, Huo yuan can't help but get close to Ji Tongsheng's chest with her instinct to forget. Her hands are still tearing at her skirt.

Because of holding Huo yuan in both hands, Ji Tongsheng can't make a move at all to seize Huo yuan's hand that moves on her body, so she can only quicken her pace.


Wen Shutong has just arrived at the banquet hall. When he looks up, he just sees Shao Yiyi disappear in the stairwell on the second floor.

His mind turned, thinking that the eavesdropper did not hear the voice of Huoyuan and Huo Yanlin, Wen Shutong breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that Huo yuan and Huo Yanlin are not in the hotel room, that is, nothing has happened between them.

But she wants to see what Shao Yiyi is going to do.

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