After taking a few days' rest in the hospital, Huo Yanlin took Wen Shutong home again after confirming that there was no problem with Wen Shutong and the child in his abdomen.

Since the last time Wen Shutong nearly miscarried, Huo Yanlin has been more careful and cautious about Wen Shutong's food and clothing.

On the other side.

Shao Yiyi through a few days of efforts, finally found Wen Shutong's ex boyfriend Meng huaiwei.

In fact, Shao Yi has made it clear that Wen Shutong's ex boyfriend Meng huaiwei is a selfish person who can do anything for fame and wealth.

But such people are also the easiest to buy.

"Who are you? What can I do for you? "

When Meng huaiwei saw Shao Yi who came to visit, he was surprised.

Shao Yiyi looked at Meng huaiwei's dilapidated residential building with some disgust, and forced to endure the smell of rust in the house and said, "you don't care who I am. I have a deal to cooperate with you."

Meng huaiwei naturally can see that Shao Yi's clothes, jewelry, and bags in his hands are valuable brand names, and a touch of invisible dark light flashed through his eyes.

"Miss, would you like to come in and talk?"

Meng huaiwei made a gesture of invitation, but his eyes were sweeping around.

Shao Yiyi naturally did not want to be heard by the people around them, frowned, or walked in.

Meng huaiwei closes the door, and then goes to the sofa opposite Shaoyi and sits down. He turns a blind eye to Shaoyi's disgust.

"I don't know what cooperation Miss Shao wants me to talk about?" Meng huaiwei opened the door and asked.

"Do you know me?" Shao Yi glanced at the bottom of a flash of surprise.

"I don't know, but there are a lot of news about Miss Shao in the newspaper recently."

Meng huaiwei didn't know Shao Yiyi at first. He just saw Shao Yi for a while, but he just felt familiar. It seemed that he had seen Shao Yi there.

After thinking for a while, I realized that the woman who came to find him was Shao Qianjin, who had recently appeared in the entertainment gossip magazine for many times.

Shao Yi's anger flashed across her eyes. Thinking of the recent news in the newspaper that made her unable to raise her head in front of all the gold, she hated Wen Shutong a little more.

"Now that you know me, you know what I'm here for?"

"I don't know."

Meng huaiwei shook his head with a sinister smile on his mouth.

Shao Yiyi did not care whether he really did not know, or did not know, directly took out a pile of thick money from the bag.

"I know your relationship with Wen Shutong before, so I hope you can continue to pester her."

Looking at the money on the table, Meng huaiwei's eyes flashed a greedy light, but deliberately refused: "I have hurt her so many times before, she can't care about me again."

"As long as you have a way to ask her out to meet, guide her with your past feelings, and record your conversation and give it to me. The money is yours."

Shao Yi looked up at a circle of the simple layout of the room, a smile.

"I don't think you'll refuse this. It's a very easy cooperation for you?"

"But what excuse shall I ask her out? I don't think she would like to see me if it was just a meeting

Meng huaiwei thought that he had betrayed Wen Shutong for fame and wealth, and even hurt her again and again. Therefore, Wen Shutong should hate him very much and would not like to see him again.

"No, she will."

Shao Yiyi firmly said: "do you know her life experience?"


Shutong's mobile phone is ringing at home.

See is a strange number, she did not want to directly hang up.

Now that she's stopped working, it's impossible for one of her former patients to call her.

And all the people around me have notes on their mobile phones.

So she didn't want to pay attention to strange numbers.

But just hang up, that strange number again insistently called.

Helpless, Wen Shutong can only pick up, "hello?"

"Hello? Shutong. "

Hearing Wen Shutong's voice, a man's voice with joy and excitement immediately came from the opposite side.

Wen Shutong's body trembled slightly.

This voice is familiar and strange, once, that is often lingering in their ears, but also hurt their own voice.

"Meng huaiwei? What are you calling for? " There was no trace of emotion in the cool tone.

"Shutong, can we meet? I have something to say to you. " The man said on the phone.

"I don't think there's anything to say between me and you. Don't call again."

Wen Shutong said coldly and planned to hang up the phone.

For Meng huaiwei, she actually has no hatred.Because there is no love, so there is no hate.

At the beginning, he betrayed himself and hurt himself again and again, but Wen Shutong had already forgotten.

She didn't even remember him.

If it was not for Meng huaiwei's sudden phone call, she would have been unable to remember such a person.

It seemed that he knew what Wen Shutong was going to do next. The man on the other end of the phone immediately said, "Shutong, don't you want to know your life experience?"

"What?" Wen Shutong holds the mobile phone for a meal, and his eyes are filled with shock.

"Do you know my background?" Even his voice was trembling.

She already knew that she was not Wen's daughter, but the Wens didn't tell her who her biological parents were.

Although Wen Shutong doesn't care about it on the surface, he still cares at the bottom of his heart.

Who doesn't want to know who their biological parents are?

"Shutong, come out and see you! We met and said Meng huaiwei took the opportunity to open his mouth.

“……” Wen Shutong hesitated for a few seconds, but still agreed.

No matter whether Meng huaiwei knows who his own parents are or not, she doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you at 3 p.m. at the coffee shop we used to go to."

After hanging up the phone, Meng huaiwei slightly raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Wen Shutong puts down his mobile phone and stares at the TV that is playing the video, but he thinks repeatedly about what Meng huaiwei said.

How did Meng huaiwei know his life experience? It can't be Wen's parents who told him, right?

If Meng huaiwei knew that he was not Wen's daughter, would he also know who his own parents were?


More than 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Wen Shutong told the housekeeper a few words, then changed his clothes and went out.

When he arrived at the appointed place, he saw that he had ordered coffee and was sitting by the window waiting for Meng huaiwei.

Shao Yi closed his eyes, pushed open the door of the coffee shop, and went straight to Meng huaiwei's position.

As a matter of fact, as soon as Wen Shutong got to the door of the coffee shop, Meng huaiwei noticed her and immediately adjusted his expression to show his yearning and affectionate appearance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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