"Before going out, the two babies said they were going to play with the dogs on the park lawn. I told them not to go too far. They should be on the nearby lawn."

This is a hint given by Shao's mother before they go out.

Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin did not walk for a while. When they looked up, they saw a group of people surrounded by Wu. Wen Shutong had an ominous feeling in his heart and immediately stepped forward.

In the middle of the crowd, the stars and moon still protect their dogs and defend them.

"Niky is the best dog in my family. It never bites people. I just ran into that aunt by accident. If the auntie didn't hit Niky with her bag on purpose, Niky would not be angry!"

The moon choked her neck, pleading.

The stars don't speak as well as he does, but they also protect Niky.

Compared with the moon, the stars are more calm and calm. He observes the situation around him and knows that according to the current situation, the people around him do not believe them at all, but trust the aunt.

Since he and the moon can't solve it, it can only be solved by daddy and mummy.

The star plans to wait for daddy and mummy to come and show us the evidence in his hand.

In fact, the electronic watch he was wearing in his hand had already been recorded clearly.

"Moon, don't be impulsive. I've already sent a message to Daddy." See the moon angry want to rush up, the star took his hand, whispered in his ear.

The moon was so angry that she didn't rush to fight with those people who hit Niky.

Huo Yanlin received the information at the same time, the two people have actually come here.

Seeing the message from the stars, his brow sank. He immediately pushed aside the crowd and strode forward, followed by Wen Shutong.

"Daddy! Mommy

The crowd soon became agitated again.

They all looked at Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong, pointing out, "you are the parents of the two children. They are dressed seriously and look like human beings. How can they educate their children in this way?"

"yes! Is it possible to live such a mean life if you have two stinky money in your family? If you let such a big dog out at will, there is no protective measures. I almost bit the lady on the ground just now! "

"Yes, you must give an account of it!"

Luo Xinlan, standing in front of the crowd, looked up and saw Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong appear. A little surprise flashed on her face, but it soon dissipated.

Wen Shutong saw that Dabao Er Bao's eyes were red, and he stood in front of Niky. As a mother, she was really distressed. Combining these words from people around her, she guessed the whole thing.

"Stars, moon, how are you two? Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

Wen Shutong saw some stains on Dabao Er Bao, including Niky's body, which should be caused by human beings.

Before and after Wen Shutong's heartache, he carefully checks whether there is a wound on Dabao Er Bao's body.

Even if the moon and stars have always been strong, in this case, when you see Mommy coming, your grievances suddenly pour out and you can't help crying when you Hold Mommy.

Wen Shutong is extremely distressed. Although the star is very sensitive at ordinary times, he has never been wronged to cry like this.

Although the moon is not so miserable as crying, he is also red eyes, tearful eyes looking at Wen Shutong, while patting the back of the stars, trying to comfort him.

"Star, didn't you say that a man can't cry casually, don't cry."

The two brothers really know each other best. As soon as the Moon said this, the stars sobbed a few times, and as expected gradually stopped crying.

Wen Shutong is busy comforting his brothers and checking on Niky's problems. Huo Yanlin protects his mother and son behind him and coldly looks around the onlookers.

Many of these people came to join in the fun, and they didn't mind the big things. Just now, they were all under the banner of justice, not to mention how justifiable they were.

At the moment, Huo Yanlin looked at him like this, and his whole body was shocked. Most of them were frightened by the momentum, and they didn't dare to speak. Only a few of them were still brawling.

"It's great to have money. If you have money, you can behave recklessly..."

"Yes! Now it's the 21st century. Everyone is equal before the law. If you do something wrong and commit a crime, you will be punished. What's fierce here? When the police come, you will be asked about your responsibility. "

"Isn't it..."

Huo Yanlin a cold eye knife directly flew to several people who were still murmuring, and his brow sank.

"No evidence, no evidence. I will not be polite to anyone who talks about it."

A few good people listen to Huo Yanlin is not like a joke, shake a little, look ugly glance at Huo Yanlin, voice gradually small.

Finally, Huo Yanlin's icy sight falls on Luo Xinlan.

"Miss Luo, what happened just now, please repeat it to you in detail."

Huo Yanlin tone with a sense of pressure, Luo Xinlan feel depressed, she clearly see Huo Yanlin eyes angry, but she quickly calm down.Originally, I just wanted to find the trouble of the mother of the two children, but I didn't expect Huo Yanlin was also here. It was really a miscalculation.

Luo Xinlan immediately combed things through several thoughts and quickly came up with countermeasures.

"Mr. Huo, the thing is like this. I was walking here when a dog came up and threw me directly on the ground. I was afraid of dogs. I was scared at that time..."

"When I fell on the ground, the dog still wanted to attack me, so I had to throw my bag out. I wanted to drive the dog away in a hurry..."

"Then the dog came up and bullied me. It was too dangerous for the dog to help me

Luo Xinlan's tone sounds very aggrieved and innocent. She looks at Huo Yanlin with a feigned soft blush.

Huo Yanlin did not immediately open his mouth, only heard these bystanders beside him echoed Luo Xinlan.

"Yes, that's it. If we hadn't arrived in time and came to help, the dog would have been killed!"

"That's to say, parents can't watch their children and dogs can't watch them. Can you afford to pay for the loss of human life?"


The crowd began to stir again.

Huo Yanlin asked coldly, "minister Luo, I hate people who are full of lies in my life. What you just said is true? If there is half a lie, the consequences will be at your own risk."

Luo Xinlan heart cluttered, see Huo Yanlin clearly do not believe in themselves, and he said this is very serious, not a joke at all.

She is very clear, with Huo Yanlin's character, that is absolutely to say to do, in case this thing really

It should not be. No matter how the two children are still children, they don't understand anything. Even if the children don't admit it, she has a way to make everyone believe her words.

Luo Xinlan's brain is running at high speed.

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