"Recently, I came to our clinic to register, or because something happened that affected my mood recently, such as being separated, demoted and so on."

"But most of them are still like you, who have experienced some unpleasant things since they were young, leading them to grow up and still can't get through this hurdle."

"So Dr. Wen, do you mean that my situation is not the most serious, I still have treatment?"

Wen Shutong nodded, "of course, if I can't treat it, I won't tell you so much."

"You cooperated very well just now. I hope all your words are true, so that I can guarantee that I can help you to form a knot in your heart."

Huo Yihong looked thoughtful and nodded slowly, "don't worry, Dr. Wen. I will cooperate with you as much as possible. I hope you can help me to dredge up and untie my knot. I haven't had a good rest for a long time..."

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

Wen Shutong steps forward and signals Huo Yihong to take off his shoes and coat and slowly lie on the sofa.

This sofa is a kind of design that integrates lying and sitting. Huo Yihong takes off his coat and shoes and slowly lies down on the sofa according to Wen Shutong's meaning.

"Dr. Wen, what are you going to do? Don't you want to take advantage of me..."

Wen Shutong can't help laughing. He thinks that Huo Yihong is really funny sometimes. He doesn't know whether he pretends to do it or he usually does.

"What can I take advantage of you? This is the necessary process for psychological counseling. If you think I'm taking advantage of you, you can also choose to discontinue treatment."

Huo Yihong quickly shook his head, "ah, don't, I'm not joking with you. Aren't you letting me relax? The way I relax is to joke."

"Well, stop talking, close your eyes and lie down."

Wen Shutong looks at him carefully.

Huo Yihong nodded with great cooperation and lay down obediently.

"Imagine that you are in a fresh forest, you can smell the fragrance of flowers and trees, you can hear the chirping of birds, and you can see large green forests..."

Wen Shutong's voice with a magic, Huo Yihong felt that he gradually entered such a quiet and beautiful jungle, and completely relaxed his body and mind.

"Good, good."

Wen Shutong continued to give him in-depth psychological counseling step by step.

"There is a wall in front of you. If you look at it carefully, you will find that the wall is in fact a fake one. It is just an obstacle you imagined. You try to boldly step forward, overturn the wall, and pass through the wall..."

Huo Yihong used to cooperate very well, but when he got here, he suddenly yelled, his facial features wrinkled into a ball, as if he had been greatly frightened, "snake, what a big snake! help! Get me out of here

Wen Shutong is shocked. He doesn't know what's going on. His body suddenly weighs. When he reacts, he is hugged by Huo Yihong.

"Mr. Huo, wake up!"

Wen Shutong is caught off guard. Subconsciously, he tries to get away from him, but he holds him tighter. Moreover, Huo Yihong doesn't open his eyes at this time. He still closes his eyes and looks miserable all over his face.

Obviously, Huo Yihong fell into a nightmare and did not wake up at all.

Wen Shutong felt that he was holding his hand harder and harder, and he could not get rid of it. The more he broke away, he became more and more forced. However, Wen Shutong had to give up the struggle and try to pacify Huo Yihong's turbulent heart.

"Mr. Huo, don't be nervous, and don't be afraid. I'm here. I'll help you out. Don't worry. Adjust your breathing. Relax slowly and slowly..."

Huo Yihong is very strong. Wen Shutong is almost out of breath. She just squeezes a word out of her teeth. She gently slaps him on the back, as if to give a small animal hair blowing.

Finally, thanks to Wen Shutong's efforts, Huo Yihong's condition has improved, and his strength in his hands has also been relaxed, and he is no longer so hard.

Finally, Huo Yihong slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear and bright again.

He found himself holding Wen Shutong in his arms, a little surprised, and at the same time, there was a smile of pride in his eyes.

In fact, he couldn't remember what happened just now. He only vaguely remembered that he saw a very fresh jungle just now.

He was feeling the fresh air in the jungle, and suddenly a big snake came out and entangled him. He almost suffocated, and then he could not remember clearly.

Wen Shutong asked him to release himself quickly. "Mr. Huo, if you had just exerted a little harder, I would have sacrificed in my own position with honor, and I would have become the first unfortunate psychologist strangled to death by a patient in the history of psychology."

Huo Yihong smelled the speech and was very embarrassed to release Wen Shutong. "Sorry, I don't know what happened just now. I'm totally out of control Did it hurt you just nowHuo Yihong glimpses a red mark on Wen Shutong's neck, which should have been pulled out by him just now.

Wen Shutong wants to throw a white eye at him, but he still tries to resist it. After all, he is not familiar with this person, so he has to try to carry the identity of a psychologist.

"It's good to know. I'm a psychologist. I'm so depressed that I'm in danger of life. I'll charge you double the cost of seeing a doctor today."

Even if you don't want to laugh at Wen hong'er today, even if you don't want to laugh at me, you can't bear to say it again

"Well, triple that."

Wen Shutong glanced at the watch on his wrist and the latest Armani suit he was wearing. He thought, anyway, you have so much money and so many things to do, so you can make a big mistake.

"Ha ha ha..."

Huo Yihong laughed heartily, "I didn't expect that Dr. Wen, you are not only skillful, but also so funny and humorous, and you are also so beautiful and generous. You are really my ideal best girlfriend candidate."

Wen Shutong thought he was joking, but he didn't intend to pay any attention to him. "Mr. Huo, I've seen a lot of the situation you've just seen in the past years, but it also shows that your psychological barrier is very serious."

Wen Shutong directly changed the topic, "if it's a slight psychological disorder, you won't be in such a dangerous situation. You said you saw the snake just now, right?"

The smile on Huo Yihong's face also gradually faded and became somewhat dignified.

Only he knows what kind of environment he has been living in for so many years, and he has never said it to anyone, because he knows it's useless to say it to anyone.

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