In the process of opening, many people noticed something wrong.

"This car has changed into such a shape. Even if someone was inside, it would have been squashed, but there was no bloodstain..."

"It may have been washed away by water..."

"Yes, it's all changed into such a way that it's impossible to accommodate the next adult..."

Wen Shutong also noticed something wrong. According to the current situation of the car, it really doesn't look like someone is inside.

Finally, the police officers successfully opened the deformed door. They were ready to rescue the wounded, but as soon as the door was opened, it was clear that there was no one in the car!

Don't say it's the driver's seat and the co driver's seat. Even the back row of the car is empty with only broken glass on the ground.

There is also a mobile phone that fell in the front row of the car. The mobile phone has been turned off after being soaked in water. Wen Shutong can see at a glance that it is Huo Yanlin's mobile phone.

The police officer's face suddenly became dignified, because this is not a good phenomenon.

"Lady, are you sure this is your husband's car?"

for a moment, the police officer hesitated how to judge.

Wen Shutong looked at the mobile phone and immediately rushed forward to pick up the mobile phone. "It can't be wrong. This is his mobile phone. Before the accident, we had a phone call. At that time, he told me that he was almost home..."

Star took the mobile phone and looked at it again and again. The signal received by his electronic watch just now came from the mobile phone in front of him.

But now it seems that this mobile phone has been completely dead. No wonder the signal was interrupted just now.

The police officer's face became more dignified after hearing this.

"If that's the case, then it's tricky."

Originally, no one expected the people in the car to survive, but now there is no one in the car. The biggest possibility is that the people in the car float out and float into the sea.

Once you meet a predator on the bottom of the sea

After careful consideration, the officer looked at Wen Shutong with a heavy face.

"Madam, now that the car has been salvaged, you have also confirmed that this car is your husband's car, but now other people are not in it -"

the officer looked at Wen Shutong's expression, and it was difficult to say the next words, because Wen Shutong's expression was really pitiable.

"According to the current situation, there are only two kinds of situations for your husband. The first one is that he successfully escaped before his car fell into the sea. He did not fall into the sea with the car at all. The other may be..."

"Your husband threw him out of the car in the process of falling into the sea..."

"No matter it is the first situation or the second situation, we will try our best to help you search and rescue whether there is your husband in this sea area. However, the sea area is so vast, and our equipment is limited, so we have no full assurance..."

Wen Shutong naturally understood the meaning of the police officer. She saw that it was difficult for the police officer to speak, and she was not willing to let him down.

"I know, officer, please help search and rescue, if you can't find I know in my mind that it's so windy and rainy at night that you have to go out and work overtime all night. I'm really sorry... "

Wen Shutong always felt that Huo Yanlin had no accident. To be more precise, she did not believe that Huo Yanlin would have an accident.

He is so powerful. How can he say something and then something will happen.

However, if he didn't have an accident, where would he be now?

his mobile phone fell into the sea. If he was really OK, he would go home. There was a phone at home, but he didn't contact her at all.

At this moment, Wen Shutong thought about many possibilities and tried to convince himself with one of them.

But in the end, the words turned to be -

"officer, please search and rescue again. If you can't find it, I'll find another way. Thank you."

Wen Shutong can only say that, but in fact, what can she think of? This sea area is too big

Wen Shutong looked at the dark sea, and from time to time a spray rolled up and slapped on her heart.

The moon and the stars clenched mommy's hand, her small face wrinkled and staring at the sea.

Daddy will be fine!

Wen Shutong stood in the same place, and his body suddenly shook heavily --



Wen Shutong's eyes closed, and the whole person fainted directly. The moon and stars quickly reached out to catch mummy's body.

One side of the police officers were also scared, called for an ambulance, immediately wenshutong to the ambulance.

Before getting on the ambulance, the star looked at the sea thoughtfully and then thought of a way.

His eyes twinkled with hope. He asked the moon to take down his watch and put it back under a relatively hidden tree near the scene of the accident.The moon is not clear, so, "star, what are you doing? Mummy fainted. We have to go to the hospital quickly, and we can't delay any more!"

Kwai stars speed up their movements, quickly put things away, turn quickly into the ambulance.

"Star, what were you doing under that big tree? Did you think of any trouble to find daddy?"

the moon always adored this brother in his heart. He knew that at this time, the star would never do it just for fun.

The stars nodded solemnly, "this is not the way to find Daddy..."

"That sea area is really big. You know, on the sea, information is always weak. It's very difficult for my technology to play a big role at sea. No one knows how deep the sea is and how many dangers there are."

"I just left an electronic message mark for Dad. If dad is really OK and returns to the scene of the incident, as long as he has any communication equipment, he can receive what I want to say."

"So it is..." The moon was a little lost. "Star, to tell you the truth, although I have a strong ability to investigate and counter investigate, and my kung fu is also good, I can't fly on the water. My kung fu has no effect on helping to find Dad!"

"Do you really have no way to find daddy?"

the star shook his head slowly, "it's hard to find him. If Dad took his mobile phone when he left, maybe I can find him soon, as long as he is still on land, but now he has not taken his mobile phone..."

"Star, when do you think Daddy will leave his mobile phone in the car? I remember when Mommy said daddy had an accident, that is to say..."

The stars suddenly thought of something, and nodded, "yes, moon, you are right! At that time, there was definitely a second person or even a third person on the scene. Daddy must have seen a car coming out of the front when he called, and then he immediately turned the steering wheel to turn the direction... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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