"If you die, you will die. Sooner or later, one will die. Unfortunately, he has just got married. There is a newly married wife and two precious sons in the family. He is an orphan and widowed mother. Alas It must be hard... "

"I'm not sad. You don't know. His wife Wen Shutong is a famous psychologist in the world. So, how can she be short of money?"

"How can such a thing happen? I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter. It's not right!"


At this time, Ruihe group internal, has already suppressed a commotion.

"Something happened to the president of our company! If the company is going to close down, I think we'd better change jobs quickly! "

"Yes, the market value of our company has fallen to the bottom overnight. If it goes on like this, sooner or later it will collapse. Some time ago, a high salary from Yihong group poached me. I think I'd better hurry to resign and change jobs."


Luo Xinlan was shocked at the news.

She doubted the truth of the news and called Wu Yong immediately.

"A Yong, Huo Yanlin. He really fell into the sea in an accident and died?! This How can this be possible? How can he say that he is so resourceful and die? Is there anything strange about this matter? "

over the phone, Huo Yihong's eyes are slightly narrowed.

"What's wrong with this matter? It rained heavily that night, and it's easy for the car to have an accident on the road. Why can't he have an accident?"

"or did you really like him when you stayed by his side? Did you feel sorry for him when I heard that he had an accident?"

LUO Xinlan shook his head and denied, "how could it be? How could I Love him! Yong, how can you say that to me? You know that the person I love most is you! I didn't come to him to do anything for you

Huo Yihong chuckled carelessly, "well, I know that I was just joking with you. Why are you so nervous and guilty?"

"I'm not guilty! Why do I feel guilty? " Luo Xinlan's heart suddenly tightened, "a Yong, can you stop playing such a joke with me? I'll be very angry! If you do that again, I'll hang up. "

"Well, no kidding. What's the matter with calling me? How's the internal situation of Ruihe group?"

LUO Xinlan looked serious. "I'm going to tell you about this. Ruihe group is in chaos. Everyone is talking about changing jobs, saying that the president is dead, and the group will go bankrupt sooner or later."

"You didn't tell me that my goal and task is to frame Huo Yanlin and try to make his group have problems. But now that others are dead, can I leave here?"

"where are you in such a hurry to go? You have to do whatever you work. Now there is chaos in the murihe group, which is a good opportunity for you to develop Opportunity. "

"Don't you want to sit in a higher position?"

Huo Yihong's voice is full of bewilderment, and Luo Xinlan is a little moved.

"But I came here for you. Now that Huo Yanlin is dead and your purpose has been achieved, why do you want me to stay here? Do you not want to marry me? "

LUO Xinlan doubted," you said that you would marry me after the task is completed, ah Yong, do you want to repent? "

" of course not, how can I repent? But you also know my purpose now I'm a very ambitious person

"I don't want my woman to hide behind me forever in the future. I hope she can stand with me and face everything together. Do you understand what I mean?"

"but I..."

Luo Xinlan wants to say that time does not wait for someone. Year after year, her age is getting older and her beauty is not there, and people will become more and more anxious.

"A Yong, you can't advance our marriage. I'm a woman, different from your men. If I don't get married, I'll get old and ugly..."

In Luo Xinlan's fantasy, the wedding not only needs romance and warmth, but also needs perfection in all aspects, especially the moment when she puts on her wedding dress.

She will choose a custom-made exquisite atmosphere wedding dress, with the most perfect makeup, to be the most beautiful bride in the world.

Anyway, at least better than her.

At that time, Luo Xinlan also went to the scene of the surprise wedding of Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin, but at that time neither Huo nor Wen Shutong knew who she was, and she was not so prominent in the crowd.

"Xinlan, I know that I have always been the most reasonable. You said that you would support me unconditionally and help me achieve my goal."

Huo Yihong's voice pretended to be gentle, "now Huo Yanlin has just died. I have a lot of things to deal with here. How can I get away from it to do the wedding?"

"When I have finished this period of time and the situation is basically settled, I promise I will marry you."

"Well..." Luo Xinlan is not very good-looking."Well Don't lie to me! Again and again, always tomorrow, tomorrow... "

Luo Xinlan some blame, but also know no way, can only reluctantly nod to agree.

"Oh, there is one more thing. You may have to go to Huo Yanlin's mother now. His mother has been very good to you all the time?"

"at this time, Huo Yanlin has just had an accident, and his mother must be in a very bad mood. You should go out and comfort his mother and try to find a way to deduct some of Huo Yanlin's property from his mother's hand Industry. "

"Ah? I'm going to work again..."

Luo Xinlan complained in her heart that she didn't know how such a day would be.

"Wu Yong, I tell you, because I love you, I am willing to do these things for you, but if you dare to betray me, hurt me, cheat me, I tell you, Luo Xinlan will definitely choose to burn with you."

Burning jade and stone?


Huo Yihong some scornful smile, as if to hear a big joke.

"Xinlan, don't say such words again. You know, I don't like to hear such words. I'll be angry if I hear them again next time."

After Huo Yihong said that, PATA hang up the phone, no spirit to pay attention to Luo Xinlan.

Woman, it's stupid enough.

Here, the Secretary knocks on the door and enters the office.

"When you were the president of Hehe group, what plan did you carry out?"

Huo Yihong whirled the silver watch on his wrist and looked thoughtfully at the planning book in hand.

He was a bit surprised. He didn't expect that everything was going so smoothly. But just because everything was going so smoothly, Huo Yihong also doubted whether there was something wrong with this matter.

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