If Wen Shutong felt something, he looked up at the window. He always felt that someone was looking at her just now, but he didn't see anyone else.

Forget it. It could be her hallucination.

Finally, Wen Shutong regained his sight.

"What's the matter, Shutong." Finding Wen Shutong's abnormality, Huo Yihong also turned his head and looked at the window, but saw nothing.

Wen Shutong was surprised to hear him calling himself "Shutong". He looked at Huo Yihong with a complicated look.

"Mr. Huo, you'd better call me Dr. Wen. In this way, I'm more used to it. Other people call me that way."

Huo Yihong was a little depressed, "but I always regard you as a friend. I feel that if I call you doctor Wen, I always feel that there is something wrong with you. Can't you call you Shutong?"

he always pretends to be particularly innocent. Wen Shutong really can't bear to stretch out his hand to make a smile.

She can only acquiesce and say nothing more.

"Well All right

Wen Shutong is not a fool. Naturally, he can see how Huo Yihong thinks about her.

"Mr. Huo, I'm a little tired. I want to have a rest. Thank you for your visit today, but next time you still don't want to come. After all, I have a family. You should pay attention to this, or I will be talked about."

"Young talents like Mr. Huo must be very busy at ordinary times, so I won't bother you with my situation."

After thinking about it, Wen Shutong felt that he had to make it clear as soon as possible. This kind of thing should not be pretended not to know, otherwise it would make him misunderstood even more.

Huo Yihong was stunned for a moment.

Maybe I didn't expect Wen Shutong to be so direct.

For a long time, he did not care much about the smile.

"Shutong, you are really a happy person. Ha ha, to tell you the truth, I like a woman with your personality, but --"

Huo Yihong raised his eyebrows and laughed, "I heard about Dr. wen you already have a family. Don't worry, I'm not a kind of ignorant boy. I'm very happy to know you and make friends like you."

"Ha ha, you really look up to me."

Wen Shutong was a little embarrassed by what he said. Just now he said something hard on purpose. Unexpectedly, he still laughed like this.

And he made it clear that he didn't have the idea, as if it was inappropriate for her to say something else.

"Since you are tired, you can have a good rest. I won't disturb you and come to see you another day."


Wen Shutong could not wait for him to leave, feeling a little embarrassed.

After Huo Yihong left the hospital, Wen Shutong did not have a rest. She was rarely in a better spirit. She wanted to sort out the whole story.

Yanlin to now have no news, there must be a mess over the company, there is Huo's side, parents heard this news must be very collapse.

No, even if Yan Lin is not here, I have to shoulder the burden on his shoulders for him. I can't let the villains take advantage of it.

Wen Shutong immediately called the company and said, "Xiao Liu, what's the situation with the company?"

when he received the call, Xiao Liu was busy suppressing the employee's job hopping mood.

Boss has no news, and even he is not sure whether his insistence is right or not.

"Madam, things are terrible on the company side."

Seeing that it was Wen Shutong calling, Xiao Liu was a little excited. Up to now, as the most effective assistant around the president, he is trying to maintain the order of the company.

But after all, he is only an assistant to the president, and his arm can't be twisted. The shareholders and leaders at the top of the company have their own ideas and don't listen to his arrangement.

"The company's shareholders and department managers are clamoring to change jobs and withdraw their shares. Now the whole company is leaderless, and the chairman of the board has not come forward. If things go on like this, Ruihe group will sooner or later..."

Xiao Liu was about to cry. Although his time around Huo Yanlin was not the longest, he was absolutely loyal to him.

At first, hearing the news of the president's accident, Xiao Liu's first reaction was that he didn't believe that the president would have an accident.

In Xiao Liu's impression, boss is always powerful and invincible in the market. No one can be his opponent, and there is no suffering to defeat him.

But the reality is so cruel that he can't believe it.

"Xiao Liu, do you believe in your president?" Wen Shutong was also worried when he heard about the company's situation.

Xiao Liu nodded without hesitation! I have been with the president for so many years. To be honest, I have been in contact with so many people over the years. The only person I admire most is our president. He is really a bold leader. "

Wen Shutong's eyes are a little sour. From Huo Yanlin's accident to now, everyone deliberately does not mention Huo Yanlin in front of her, as if afraid of touching her sad things.All of a sudden, hearing these things from Liu, Wen Shutong felt warm and missed Huo Yanlin very much.

"Xiao Liu, I believe that there is no accident with Yanlin. He is not dead, but now he has no news due to some reasons."

Wen Shutong expressed his intuition and judgment.

Xiao Liu nodded, "madam, I always feel that the president can't have an accident so easily. There must be something strange about it."

"Well, it's really great that you want to believe me. I believe that if Yan Lin comes back and hears these words, he will be very happy. He didn't mistake the person. You are really excellent."

Wen Shutong is full of confidence and drive.

"Now the company is in a mess. I know you can't hold them down by yourself. I have more than 30% shares of Ruihe group left for me by Yanlin. At present, I am the largest shareholder of Ruihe group."

Wen Shutong has never talked about this matter to others, including Huo Yanlin's father and mother.

This is a talisman that Huo Yanlin left Wen Shutong a long time ago. At that time, his private lawyer secretly handled the relevant procedures of this matter.

In other people's opinion, more than 30% of the shares fall on Huo Yanlin's head. Once Huo Yanlin has any problems, it will automatically fall into Wen Shutong's name. No other person has the right.

When Huo Yanlin did this, Wen Shutong said that he would not be moved. It was false.

As one of the top 100 enterprises in the province and even in China, Ruihe group has abundant funds and develops rapidly. Holding 30% of its shares means at least several billion market value.

It is precisely because Huo Yanlin completely trusts Wen Shutong and loves Wen Shutong that he takes the initiative to do so.

Xiao Liu is also the first time to learn this news, not from surprise.

Because not long ago, those shareholders at the top of the group were still clamoring to withdraw their shares. Xiao Liu worried that once these people withdrew their shares, the whole group would collapse.

I thought that the president had an accident, and the equity of the president was revoked. But I didn't expect that the president had already left such a post recruitment.

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