He simply poked through the window paper. "Since you're talking about it, I'll just get to the point."

He took out a card from his wallet and put it into Yin Hong's hand. "This card has 500000 yuan. It's the cost of sleeping with you in these days. The relationship between me and you is over. Don't come back to me in the future."

Yin Hong looks at the bank card in her hand, her face is gradually distorted.

She almost shook her head wildly and threw the bank card back to Huo Yihong. "What do you mean, Huo Yihong?! From the beginning to the end, you just think of me as a young lady, don't you?

"you don't like me at all, do you? You just want to play with me, and now you're tired of playing with me. You want to kill me with a card?"

This time, Yin Hong finally doesn't have to speculate, because she listens very clearly and understands that she has misjudged people from the beginning.

She always thought that Huo Yihong would be a good man, but in fact, he is not only not a good man, but also a thoroughly scum man!

Huo Yihong saw that Yin Hong was excited and didn't want to say anything more. He threw the card directly to the side of the table again.

"It's up to you whether I put money here. But I'm Huo Yihong. I've always done things neatly. I don't want us to meet again. Those who know the current affairs are heroes and Yin Hong. I don't like you at all."

Huo Yihong said so cruel and merciless, after saying that, face like frost put on his clothes, turned around and walked out of the room.

Yin Hong stood in the same place naked, tearfully watching Huo Yihong walk out of the room, "Huo Yihong, you dare to play with my feelings, I will make you regret what you have done to me!"

Yin Hong swept all the vases and cups on the table beside her to the ground with a desperate roar and roar.

"Huo Yihong, even if I die, I will make you regret it! I want to destroy all your most important things, and I want you to feel the sense of despair

Huo Yihong did not hear these words, because at this time he had already gone far, and even was about to leave the hotel.

As for Yin Hong, he thought that he had done his utmost to give him 500000 yuan. How much money was hard to obtain in his lifetime.

Huo Yihong never took Yin Hong in his heart, or even looked at it. Naturally, he did not pay attention to this matter.

After coming out of the hospital, Huo Yihong directly turned on his mobile phone, looked at Wen Shutong's reply and immediately replied a message, "Shutong, if you need any help from me, you can contact me at any time."

This time, he waited for a long time after the message was sent out, but he never received a reply from Wen Shutong.

It seems that she is already asleep.

Instead of texting, Huo drove home.

On the way home, he was in a good mood. Huo Yihong was excited when he thought that Wen Shutong had sent him a message.

At the moment, he didn't realize how stupid a family was to cheat and completely enrage a woman.


The next morning, Wen Shutong got up early and asked his sister-in-law to help cook a cup of Angelica chicken soup last night. She was going to take it to Huo mu, who was in hospital, to tonify her body.

Wen Shutong only knew that Huo's mother was ill and hospitalized today, because she had been hospitalized all the time before, and had no news from the outside for a long time.

Soon, Wen Shutong appeared at the door of Wen's mother and father with chicken soup.

But as soon as he went in, Wen Shutong immediately felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Although Huo's mother has not been particularly fond of her, she still has some superficial skills as an elder.

But now, Homer's face was cold, staring at her motionless.

"Mom, I had a high fever a few days ago, and I just got out of hospital today. I just learned that you are not in good health. This is the angelica chicken soup that I let sister-in-law cook all night. You can drink it while it is hot."

Wen Shutong thought that Huo's mother was angry because she had not come to visit her these days, so he immediately made an explanation.

As he spoke, Wen Shutong picked up the heat preservation barrel, opened the lid and handed it to Huo mu.

However, Huo Mu fiercely raised her hand and knocked the whole chicken soup pot to the ground. The pot slammed down on the ground, and the hot chicken soup inside suddenly spilled all over the ground, making a mess.

"What to drink?! Don't put on airs here. I think you are the weasel. You are not kind to the chicken for new year's Day! "

Huo's mother stares at Wen Shutong with a ferocious look. She is so angry that she wants to open the quilt and rush down. It seems that she wants to fight with Wen Shutong in the battle.

Wen Shutong was shocked by Huo's extreme reaction.

"Mom, what are you doing? What can't you say well? You have to do too much?"

if she hadn't been quick to respond and stepped back a few steps, I'm afraid she would have been scalded by the hot chicken soup.

Looking at the chicken soup overturned on the ground, Rao is wenshutong, and his temper is unbearable.

"Mom, if you really don't want to see me, you can say that, why waste food like this? If you don't drink chicken soup, I can take it back."Wen Shutong is really a pity. These chicken soup are all the painstaking efforts of Mrs. Gu all night.

"Wen Shutong, so far, you have to pretend to be stupid for me, right?! Now I'm as good as my son

Huo Mu rubbed aside the quilt and sat up, pointing to Wen Shutong's nose and asking, "you tell me the truth, are you deliberately killing Yan Lin?! If you hadn't called him that night and told him to hurry back, he wouldn't have had an accident! "

"If it wasn't for the sake of those two kids, you thought I'd let you in the door earlier?! I've been looking at you for a long time! From the beginning to the end, you coveted the property of our Huo family. Like a fox spirit, my family Yanlin used ecstasy to make him what he is now. Are you satisfied? "

"Speak, don't you speak very eloquently? Don't you speak for me?"

Huo's mother crackled a question like crazy. Wen Shutong stood in the same place, pale.

Yes, if she didn't call Yanlin that night, would Yanlin not have gone home. If he didn't drive home, those things would not have happened

In fact, Huo's mother seems to be right. She is the murderer who indirectly killed Yan Lin.

Wen Shutong's face became more and more ugly. Her expression was so painful and regretful.

She grabbed her long hair and kept asking herself why she called, why she had to come back, why she didn't notice the weather outside

"Sorry, I I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to call I have never thought of killing Yan Lin, how could I possibly harm him If I could, I'd rather it was me who had an accident! "

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