Maybe it's because at the right time before, when Huo's mother came home, she saw her father and a woman entangled on the sofa in the living room. She has not forgotten that picture.

It is not the first time to catch a traitor in bed. Huo's mother can hardly remember how many times she has experienced such scenes. Again and again, her feelings are gradually broken and her feelings become more and more numb.

She thought it would be all right if the women didn't climb on her head.

Until once, Huo mother saw Huo Fu and a young man hanging out together, two people sat out some abnormal intimate behavior, she clearly heard her feelings for Huo Fu completely broken voice.

From then on, Huo Mu found that she no longer believed in feelings, and seemed to have changed into no feelings.

She was gradually assimilated by Huo's father and began to look for men outside. She became more and more acrimonious. She became bored and upset with Huo Yanlin, Huo Yanshan, Huo family and even the whole world.

Huo Yanshan seems to recall the feeling when he was with his mother at the beginning. At that time, their feelings had not changed, and it was the most sweet time.

"I haven't been so happy for a long time..."

"It's still early, Yanshan, can you let me enjoy it again and have a good time?"

"you are a goblin..."

It was a long night.

This place may have begun to have a new life, must have quickly, only once again pregnant with the Huo family's child, her glory and wealth will not be threatened.

"Yan Shan, Yan Lin's funeral, we..."

Huo's mother was worried that Huo's father recalled what had happened last night and noticed something wrong, so she immediately opened her mouth to remind her father of Huo Yanlin.

Huo Fu's face became a little dignified. After pondering for a long time, he began to speak slowly. "I'll leave this matter to the funeral parlor. He doesn't see people alive or dead now. Even if it's a funeral, it's nothing."

After all, he grew up with him since he was a child. When he thought about Huo Yanlin again, he felt uncomfortable, let alone ask the white haired to send the black haired.

If you have a choice, Huo Fu really doesn't want to face it.

"Well, let's not talk about it in the morning. There are still things waiting for me to deal with in the company. I have to get up quickly and let my subordinates arrange a meeting. I'll see that the time is coming."

"Yan Shan, you go quickly. Don't delay the business. I'm not very well. Maybe it was too much last night I'll lie down a little longer... "

Thinking of the matter last night, Huo Fu's face was a little embarrassed, nodded and looked at Huo's mother, "then you have a good rest, don't worry about it."

When he came to the door, Huo Fu suddenly thought of something, and then turned around and said with a complex look, "you can move back from today. The family is becoming more and more empty without people."

Huo's mother was excited instantly.

Yan Shan means that he has already forgiven her! He finally stopped caring about what happened before! Excellent!

It seems that her series of means still played a certain role.

Huo Mu completed her plan and gained unexpected benefits. Naturally, she was in a good mood. She thought that when she got up, she would immediately call her personal doctor to help her see how likely her body was to become pregnant.

Just then, Homer's cell phone rang.

She picked up her mobile phone and looked at it, Xinlan? What's the matter when she called?

with doubts, Huo Mu connected the phone.

"Xinlan, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

LUO Xinlan said politely, "Auntie, I know that calling you so early must affect your rest, but this matter of mine is really important, so I have to call you right away..."

Huo's mother's heart pounded, what would be the matter?

"why, are you already informed of Yan Lin?"

Luo Xinlan sorry smile, "this is not, auntie, you still remember you mentioned before about Yanlin's equity, I now know where Yanlin's equity went."

"Where have you been?"

"as you guessed, all those shares were taken by Wen Shutong. As far as I know, she now holds more than 30% of the shares on hand. Now she is the largest shareholder of Ruihe group."

"Not only that, she also took advantage of the opportunity to call a meeting in Ruihe group yesterday to incite everyone. I think she has a plan in advance."

"There was a plan Hum! I have long seen that something is wrong with her, and I had expected it, but I didn't expect that she would really be able to do such a trick on my son. Do you really think I'm a white rice eater? "

Huo's mother's anger soared in an instant, and her anger did not come out.

"Xinlan, when did you know about this? Is the news reliable?"

"this news is absolutely reliable, which she told me personally! Otherwise, I can't believe How can Yan Lin not leave you any shares? Now it seems that Wen Shutong has already designed all these things! "Luo Xinlan's tone was positive and vicious, "Wen Shutong is so heartbroken that she is just pretending to be. I think from her approach to Yanlin, her purpose is not pure! Very problematic! Now something has happened to Yanlin. Isn't it just a matter of understanding with her... "

"Damn it! How can this woman be so cruel and cruel? My son is really blind. How can he like her? "

Huo Mu's anger had risen to the extreme and was about to explode.

"I will never let that woman succeed. Who does she think she is and that I really can't do anything about her?"

When she hung up the phone, Luo Xinlan was smiling and proud. Huo Mu was the best person to make use of, because she always only considered her own interests.

Luo Xinlan said without exaggeration that Huo Mu is definitely the most selfish and cold-blooded woman she has ever seen.

On the surface, she seems to be enthusiastic. In fact, Luo Xinlan knows that the reason why she is so polite to herself is due to the background of Luo family.

This way, Huo Mu hung up the phone, and she was not angry. She just wanted to find Wen Shutong and curse him severely.

Because of the last incident, Huo Mu knew that she could not take advantage of Wen Shutong directly to ask questions. She would never compromise easily.

So there's only one way

Wen Shutong gets up early and wants to send the stars and the moon to the school. He immediately goes to the company to deal with the documents.

Now, Wen Shutong is like a wind up robot. She doesn't want to stop, nor dare she.

She was afraid that as soon as she stopped, the whole family would fall into a swamp called Huo Yanlin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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