These gossip news is undoubtedly a huge blow to Wen Shutong.

It doesn't matter if she is hurt. The most important thing is that she has managed to stabilize Ruihe group. Such a thing happened

Wen Shutong stood in the same place for a long time, trying to digest the information.

She felt cold all over her body, and her mind was in confusion. She didn't know what to think and what to do.

Just then, the stars and the moon came out of their rooms.

When two children saw mommy standing at the door motionless and her face was not very good-looking, they immediately came forward worried and said, "Mommy, what's the matter with you? Why are you so ugly? Are you not feeling well?"

because they just got up in the morning, they haven't seen the news information on the Internet.

When Wen Shutong heard their voice, he regained his consciousness a little, but he still stood still.

"Mommy, Mommy's OK. Mommy's just a little uncomfortable. I'll be fine with a glass of water later..."

Before Wen Shutong finished speaking, she suddenly heard the sound of car sirens and noises downstairs. She immediately ran to the window and opened the curtain to look out.

At this point, Wen Shutong's face was even worse.

Many cars stopped at the gate of the building. Not only that, but also many reporters holding cameras appeared downstairs. The whole gate was surrounded by reporters.

Wen Shutong's pupils suddenly constricted. She noticed that someone had found her figure. She immediately drew back her body and drew the curtain. However, she heard the reporter shouting, "Mrs. Huo! Mrs. Huo! Can you come down and give us an interview? "

Wen Shutong covers his ears, shivering and squatting on the ground.

At this point, the stars and the moon were aware of something wrong, and immediately came forward to open the curtain to see what happened below.

"Mommy, what's going on here, what's going on?"

Wen Shutong saw that her two sons were going to pull the curtains. She rushed to stop them, "no, don't pull them back! The stars and the moon, you two go back to your room first. You won't go to school for the time being. Mommy will ask for your leave later

Wen Shutong absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt his children, let alone let these reporters scare the stars and the moon.

At present, the best solution is to find a way to get rid of the following group of media reporters, and then suppress these messy gossip news.

When the storm is over, send the stars and moon to school.

The stars and the moon look at mommy so nervous, and feel more uneasy, but can't bear Wen Shutong's insistence, can only temporarily give up the curtain, obediently back to the room.

The moon's ability to observe has always been very keen, he got close to the star's ear and whispered his judgment.

"Star, just now I saw that mommy was staring at the screen of her mobile phone, and her mood became abnormal. I felt that something wrong with mummy must have something to do with some news."

The star nodded thoughtfully, "well, moon, I think what you observed is very right. Now we quickly turn on the computer, and we can see something!"

"Mm-hmm, turn it on quickly."

Soon, the star moon turned on the computer in her room --

there was no need to search. Many gossip news appeared on the page. At first glance, the star moon was stunned, and the next second, she became angry!

"What nonsense

"That's right. The people who write these gossip news must have a brain problem. They should write my mommy like this! My mother and my father are so loving. My mother is the best mother in the world. It can't be like this! "

"Moon, mummy must have been framed. I know that mummy is helping daddy company deal with things recently. It must be someone who deliberately targets mummy because of the interest problem!"

"Yes, it's just because Daddy is not here. It's just too much for these people to take advantage of the opportunity to bully Mommy!"

The stars and the moon, you say me a word, the more you say, the more angry you feel. It's just unbearable!

Br > mummy's way to deal with the stars is not to frown.

"Of course! These people dare to bully Mommy, I will never let them feel better. Don't worry, moon, I will find a way to find out the culprit behind the bully! At that time, I will definitely deal with this man

"Mm-hmm, now daddy is not around Mommy. As men, we must protect Mommy, and we can't let mommy get any harm!"

"By the way, Mommy looked downstairs just now. I think there must be a lot of media reporters around here. They want to gossip about Mommy!"

"What should we do? Let's find a way to get those people out of here."

Two children in the room are busy trying to deal with these "villains". Meanwhile, Wen Shutong, who is outside the room, is also pondering over how to send off these reporters.Soon, Wen Shutong thought of a man -- Ji Tongsheng.

That's right. He was originally from the criminal investigation team. You can ask him to help drive these people away.

Wen Shutong soon contacted Ji Tongsheng.

"Tongsheng, my downstairs was stopped by a group of media reporters. I couldn't send the stars and moon to school, and I couldn't get out at all. These people had to stop me!"

Ji Tongsheng saw the gossip about Wen Shutong early in the morning. Of course, he chose to believe her.

But when he saw the picture of Wen Shutong and Huo Yihong staying in the ward together, he hesitated for a moment. The last time he saw Huo Yihong, he felt that something was wrong with him.

I didn't expect to hear such news now

It seems that this Huo Yihong is really not simple. Moreover, Ji Tongsheng's intuition shows that the appearance of Huo Yihong may have some connection with Huo Yanlin's disappearance.

Or is there a connection between these two people

Ji Tongsheng is troubled by the delay in finding out any information about Huo Yihong's identity. He works overtime every night until very late, trying various ways.

"Shutong, don't worry. Take your two children upstairs. Don't come down or open the door. I'll take someone to help you drive those people away."


Wen Shutong thinks of the gossip and what he thinks of, and explains, "Tongsheng, those gossip news on the Internet are not true, do you believe me?"

"I know those are not true. Don't worry, Shutong. I believe in the relationship between you and Yan Lin, and you will never do such things. Neither will Yan Lin do such things." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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