Huo Fu and Huo Mu looked at each other in surprise.

Maybe I didn't expect that Wen Shutong would say such a resolute word. In a word, the effect was very shocking.

At the first sight of Wen Shutong, outsiders always think that she is a very gentle, generous and elegant woman, and that she is gentle in character and should be a good talker.

But in fact, Wen Shutong's bones are full of tenacity, like a steel bar, which can't be broken and bent constantly, which is shocking.

Huo mother for a long time also did not return to God, Huo father is a sigh, shake his head, no more words.

When Wen Shutong left, her back was straight and her pace was firm. If she wanted to show her stubbornness and unyielding, she could only swallow all her grievances and bitterness into her stomach.

She looked up at the sky. It was late. It was almost time to pick up the stars and the moon. They came home from school.

Wen Shutong felt tired. Her legs were heavy as lead, but she had no choice but to continue her life.

So she took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, looked up and walked in the direction of the car, intending to drive home to wash.

A lot of unpleasant things happened in the end of the day, which is really a bit of bad luck.

Driving all the way home, it was already late. Wen Shutong took a bath and changed his clothes when he got home. He was ready to go out to pick up the star moon and go home from school.

After driving to the school, Wen Shutong waited at the door for a long time. He saw many children skipping out with their schoolbags on their backs. However, they did not see the stars and the moon coming out.

What's the matter?

Wen Shutong has a kind of ominous premonition in his heart. He jumps several times on his right eyelid, and only a few children come out from the school gate. Seeing that the whole school is empty, the stars and the moon still don't come out.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Wen Shutong quickly went into the school and went to the class where the stars and the moon were.

However, there was no one student in the air. Wen Shutong felt a thump in his heart and immediately called the head teacher.

"Is it a teacher in charge of a class? I want to ask, where are the stars and the moon in my family? Why can't people be found everywhere?"

"are the stars and the moon? Haven't they left the school?"

"what, have they left school? When?"

Wen Shutong felt a chill, "I didn't come to pick them up, and I didn't ask anyone to help them Who did they go with when they went back? "

" the stars and the Moon said that they had something to do at home, so they had to go back in advance, because there had been such situations before, so I didn't think much about it, and let the two children leave early. "

"Probably after the second class in the afternoon, the two of them left school. At that time, I was supposed to call you to confirm the situation, but they said that it was not convenient to answer the phone when you were in the company meeting, so we didn't call you in time."

Wen Shutong frowned and felt that the matter was becoming more and more wrong. "You said that the stars and the moon proposed to leave school by themselves? And asked you not to inform me?"

"well, that's the case."

How can this be possible? Wen Shutong is more and more surprised. Compared with children of the same age, the stars and the moon are much more sensible than children of the same age. They never do such things that worry the family. Why now

Is there another reason for this matter?

Why did the stars and the moon leave school for? Why did they keep it from me?

for a time, Wen Shutong's brain was full of countless questions, but the most important thing was worry and panic. It was the first time that such a situation happened to the stars and the moon.

Wen Shutong and his teachers went around the school to find a circle. Then he asked some students who usually played well with the stars and the moon, but the answer was no exception.

Wen Shutong keeps calling the electronic watches of the stars and the moon, but there is no answer all the time.

In this case, she could almost conclude that the two children were missing.

Wen Shutong was about to cry, so she called Ji Tongsheng in a hurry.

"Tongsheng, the stars and the moon are gone! No one can be found anywhere! "

Ji Tongsheng was busy investigating the case and was startled when he received the phone call.

"What do you say? The stars and the moon are gone? Are they going to play at friends' houses or something else?"

Wen Shutong's voice was trembling, "no, my teachers and I asked for a round, and there was no news about the stars and the moon. They were really missing! Can you find a way to help me find it? "

" OK, don't worry, tell me the specific situation of this matter, and I will call up the monitoring video of each intersection for you immediately. "

After all, Ji Tongsheng has been in the criminal investigation team and has dealt with many missing cases, so his first reaction is still very fast.

"If they really left school by themselves, there will be their traces at the intersection. We can find some information more quickly by looking for them according to these videos.""Good..."

Wen Shutong immediately told Ji Tongsheng about the disappearance of the stars and the moon. Ji Tongsheng moved quickly, and immediately arranged the matter for quick investigation.

Sure enough, soon saw the stars and the moon on the intersection. They really came out by themselves, and there was no one else beside them.

Next, star and moon took a bus. Many bus stops took a long route. Wen Shutong and Ji Tongsheng were not sure when the star moon got off.

"Tongsheng, take a look at the stars and the moon. Where is the most possible way to take this bus? There are many stops on this bus..."

Ji Tongsheng frowned. It's a bit tricky.

The problem is that they are not sure which site to get off, if the monitoring of each relevant site is transferred out, this is definitely a lot of work.

"Don't worry. I'll send more people now, so that they can tune out the surveillance videos of various sites, so that we can see where the stars and the moon get off."

It took time to call out the monitoring of each intersection, so Wen Shutong and Ji Tongsheng both waited for several hours.

In these hours, Ji Tongsheng and Wen Shutong are not idle. Ji Tongsheng immediately asks the traffic police to carefully check the surrounding vehicles, as well as the trains and other means of transportation.

But there is still no news of stars and moon.

Wen Shutong was more and more flustered. "What should I do, Tongsheng? I think the stars and the moon did not leave by themselves. There must be problems during this period. My intuition must be that someone threatened them..."

Wen Shutong felt more and more uneasy.

"Now the site's monitoring video has not come out, you don't worry, there will always be a way to find the stars and the moon, and they are smarter than other children, certainly will not easily accident."

"Maybe the stars and the moon just have something to do, and then they have to hide their tracks and so on..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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