"Will wake up, your mother will wake up, will be all right, you believe me, uncle Ji will always accompany you."

Ji Tongsheng's heart is full of helplessness. At this time, no one can tell about Wen Shutong's situation, and even he can't guarantee anything.

But looking at the two children like this, Ji Tongsheng's heart is particularly bad. He even thinks that he is too useless. He accidentally lets Wen Shutong trade alone, and then a series of things happen.


It was the next day when Wen Shutong woke up. Her consciousness gradually recovered. She was in a trance like seeing Huo Yanlin and hearing his voice, so she tried to open her eyes and try to catch up with him.

"Yan Lin! Where are you, Yanlin! "

Wen Shutong exclaimed. He waved his hands in the air. When he opened his eyes, he found that there was darkness in front of him.

Me, what's wrong with me?!

Wen Shutong doubts whether she is still trapped in a dream. She would rather believe that she is still trapped in Monroe. All this is just a dream in a dream, but in fact

The sound of the stars and the moon sounded in her ear, "Mommy, Mommy, are you awake?"

The expression on Wen Shutong's face suddenly stagnated. She suddenly realized a problem. She is not dreaming at all now. She really can't see! Her eyes

As for Shutong's efforts, she still lost control of the moon and herself.

"Stars, moon Uncle Ji, call uncle Ji, and mummy has something to tell him. "

The stars and the moon clearly saw the moment's panic on mummy's face, and tears were left in her heartache. She looked pitiful.

"Mommy, I know you're not feeling well. I know you must be sad Don't worry, Mommy. Your eyes are only temporary. The doctor said that you can cure your eyes soon... "

Holding back her tears, the star held her hand tightly to comfort her. The moon immediately turned to call Ji Tongsheng. Just now Ji Tongsheng seemed to be called by the doctor to discuss something.

Just as the moon was about to run out of the ward, Ji Tongsheng came back face-to-face.

"Uncle Ji, my mom, she's awake!"

Ji Tongsheng's face changed. He immediately stepped into the ward and said, "Shutong, are you awake?! How is your body feeling? Is it still hard? "

Wen Shutong heard Ji Tongsheng's voice, and his whole body trembled, and his voice trembled.

"Tong Sheng, you Can you help me to ask Mrs. Liu to come and bring back the stars and the moon for the time being. I want to talk to you alone about something

Wen Shutong knows that the stars and the moon have just experienced this thrilling kidnapping incident, and they certainly haven't recovered. She doesn't want this kind of thing to affect the mood of the stars and the moon.

How old are these two children? In a short period of time, they have been under the pressure of Huo Yanlin's accident. They have experienced a kidnapping of a nearly accident child. Now they have to bear the pressure of their mother's blindness

Wen Shutong couldn't imagine. His heart ached so much that he could not stop his tears flowing out. However, he had already dried up his tears and felt the pain of pricking his eyes.

Knowing what Wen Shutong meant, Ji Tongsheng quickly contacted Liu Ma and asked her to take the stars and the moon home.

Stars and moon are reluctant to go home and want to stay with Wen Shutong in the hospital, but they also know that mommy doesn't want them to worry.

"Mommy, then star and I will go home first. Uncle Ji, you need to help take care of Mommy. Thank you Mommy, we'll see you later... "

The stars and the moon reluctantly look at Wen Shutong, holding Wen Shutong's hand, how do not want to release.

Wen Shutong felt helpless, but she could only feel the warmth from the stars and the moon in her hand, but she could not see the two babies.

This feeling is really bad to the extreme. Wen Shutong really wants to roar fiercely and vent his grievances. But she knows that Huo Yanlin is not around, what can she do.

Being a mother is strong. She has to be stronger.

"Baby, Mommy's OK. Don't worry about it. Mommy's health will get better soon. When mommy gets better, I'll take you out to play, OK?"

Wipe tears, no tears with the hands of the man, no tears.

"Mommy and I will try hard to wipe the stars, and we will not be worried that the moon and I will not be strong at the same time

Wen Shutong was also forced to endure tears and nodded, "mm-hmm, I know my babies must be the best and most sensible. You should remember that you must not go out by yourself in the future, and you must say hello to your mother in advance, OK?"

The stars and the moon nodded, "Mommy, don't worry, we'll never come again. This time is our carelessness!""Then you should go home with Mrs. Liu, finish the homework assigned by the teacher, and go to bed early. Don't play games until late. Remember to drink a glass of milk before going to bed."

The stars and the moon nodded their heads. Although they were reluctant to give up their hearts, they could only say goodbye to Mommy, "Mommy, I'll go back with the stars first, and you should have a good rest. If you have anything, you must tell us in time."

"Let's go."

When the stars and the moon are out, Wen Shutong's smile just now broke down.

"Tong Sheng, my eyes My eyes are not that simple, are they? Tell me the truth, will I be blind forever, or even Is it fatal? "

Ji Tongsheng one meter eight of the big man suddenly red eyes, in the heart is not the taste, very uncomfortable.

If he could, he would rather be sitting in the hospital bed at the moment rather than Wen Shutong.

How can God be so unfair to Shutong? She is clearly such a dedicated psychologist, such an excellent woman, a good wife and a good mother

"Shutong, don't worry and don't worry. Although your eye problem is really serious, it's not as bad as you said. There's no way to treat it."

"What's wrong with my eyes? Is it because I cry too often these days?"

Ji Tongsheng sat down beside the hospital bed and sighed, "the doctor diagnosed that there is a tumor in your brain. Fortunately, the tumor is still benign, so it can be recovered through surgery."

Wen Shutong's face is more pale.

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