At that time, Huo Yanlin's men had arranged everything, and all the journey was arranged at night, which was safer and more reliable.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the hospital, Huo Yanlin looked down at his thigh. The wound was almost good, but he still left a scar that could not be erased.

Don't let Shutong know, otherwise she will worry again.

Huo Yanlin looked up at the hospital that had appeared in the sight. He felt thousands of tastes for a time in his heart. What strong emotion was there in his heart.

When he got to the door, he trembled and didn't dare to go in.

What Wen Shutong had experienced made Huo Yanlin blame himself to the point that he could not extricate himself.

Huo Yanlin just got out of the car and stopped a familiar car not far away.

Huo Yihong drove to the nearby hospital. Before stopping, he looked up and saw a figure that he was familiar with not far away.

Huo Yihong's whole body was shocked, and he was instantly shocked.

How could it be?! How can Huo Yanlin be here? How can he be alive?!

He is dead in the sea

At this moment, Huo Yihong's whole body blood seems to have solidified up, for all that he saw in front of him, he is so distrustful.

Did he recognize the wrong person?

Huo Yihong was not at ease. After taking a deep breath, he calmed down and planned to follow up to make sure.

No, if he is so rash to follow up, in case it is indeed Huo Yanlin, he found the whereabouts, is he not to expose his identity?

After thinking about it, Huo Yihong decided not to follow him. He took out his mobile phone to face Huo Yanlin's direction, zoomed in the camera and took several consecutive photos.

Here, Huo Yanlin just walked a few steps. He felt as if there was something staring at him behind him. He was very careful and immediately turned his head to look at the direction behind him, but he did not find any suspicious person.

Huo Yanlin wears sunglasses on his face, so people who are not familiar with him can hardly recognize him.

But Huo Yihong can recognize that he is really familiar with Huo Yanlin. He often studies his weaknesses all day long.

After taking the photos, Huo Yihong put away his mobile phone and quickly hid in the car. When Huo Yanlin walked into the hospital, he slowly looked out.

A moment later, Huo Yihong quickly turned around and drove away.

This is a big deal!

At this time, in the hospital.

Huo Yanlin tried to control his inner excitement. After taking a deep breath, he stopped at the door of Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong, one door away, is lying on the bed, thinking over and over about Huo Yanlin. He feels very tired, but his brain is not willing to rest.

This kind of state almost makes Wen Shutong collapse. At this time, she had to take good care of herself and prepare for the upcoming operation.

But now she still can't sleep every night, sleep quality can be said to be very poor.

Just then, the door of the ward was opened and the sound of footsteps spread.

Wen Shutong heard the sound of the door being opened, and the sound of footsteps. His heart suddenly thumped, the sound of footsteps

She had not heard it for so long that she began to wonder whether it was because she missed Huo Yanlin so much that she was dreaming at the moment.

This footstep sound she can't hear wrong, it is Yan Lin, this is Yan Lin's footstep sound!

Wen Shutong suddenly sat up from the bed and turned to look at the door of the ward. However, she realized that her eyes could not see anything. She could only hear the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to herself

"Yan Lin?! Yan Lin, is that you?! Are you back! Talk to me. Are you back? "

At the moment, how excited and complicated Wen Shutong's heart is, probably only she knows.

She was too afraid, because she had seen Huo Yanlin and heard his voice for several nights, but when she was so excited, she found that it was just a dream.

She was too afraid that the footsteps she heard now was also a dream. She was even more afraid that she had heard the wrong voice. Maybe it was just other people

It won't be wrong. I won't hear it wrong!

Wen Shutong struggled for a long time in her tangled heart. Finally, she heard the response from the master of the footstep.

"Shutong, it's me. I'm back."

At the moment of seeing Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin felt that his heart was hit by something fiercely, almost to be broken and suffocated.

The tears are more like the flood of burst dike, a big man should have cried like this, his face was full of tears.

Huo Yanlin didn't expect that Wen Shutong had lost so much weight during the period of deliberately hiding his whereabouts. The whole person looked pale and bloodless.

And what worried him the most was her closed eyes and the look of helplessness and fear

"Shutong, I'm sorry! It's all my fault. It's my fault that I came back late. I'm sorry that you and your children didn't take good care of you, which made you worried! "Huo Yanlin stepped forward quickly. He could not hold back his love. He held Wen Shutong tightly in his arms, as if to make up for the debt he owed her for so long, and embedded her in his body.

This time, Wen Shutong really heard Huo Yanlin's familiar voice and smelled his unique breath in the air.

Even from Huo Yanlin's embrace of such real warmth and solid and powerful chest, as well as the vigorous heartbeat

All this tells Wen Shutong that this time, she is not dreaming. Huo Yanlin is really back!

At this moment, Wen Shutong has been alone to shoulder all the burden of grievances, rout, tightly holding Huo Yanlin crying heartrending.

While crying, Wen Shutong couldn't hide the complaint in his heart. He bit Huo Yanlin's shoulder with his teeth. He scratched him, punched him and kicked him, "asshole! You big jerk! How can you do that? "

"Why don't you come back early? Why do you have to make such a big joke with us? Do you know how hard it has been?! Do you know how sad the stars and the moon are?! Huo Yanlin, you are just a bastard! You know you're coming back! I thought you really... "

Wen Shutong's voice was very choked. At the end of the speech, he was completely speechless and began to be out of breath.

When Huo Yanlin heard this, he couldn't help frowning and confused.

After listening to Shu Tong's words, did she not know that he was still alive, and that she thought something had happened to him?

but he clearly asked his subordinates to send her a secret note

At present, Huo Yanlin is more distressed by Wen Shutong's body. He is extremely distressed to see her so excited and so sad.

Before he came here, Huo Yanlin had asked his subordinates about Wen Shutong's condition. When he learned that Wen Shutong had a tumor in his brain, which oppressed the visual nerve and might even worsen, the whole person was instantly petrified. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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