
The stars are beside, nodding solemnly again.

Wen Shutong couldn't help laughing when he saw his two sons look so serious.

"You two are really..."

Mother and son are talking and laughing. Huo Yanlin has something to say to Ji Tongsheng. He turns around and follows Ji Tongsheng out of the ward.

Br > at that time, did Ji tong'er have any information on the kidnapping scene

"Those people in black suddenly came out with enough equipment, and the guns were even equipped with mufflers. No wonder we didn't receive any alarm at that time, and we didn't hear anything..."

Huo Yanlin hears speech, also slightly frown.

"I know what you said about these people in black. What did you find out about these people in black?"

Ji Tongsheng shook his head in confusion. "This is the difficulty I will talk about next. We investigated all the travel records and found no trace of these people."

"What's more, they seem to have very strong anti investigation skills. All the people we arranged to investigate were blocked back and got nothing."

Huo Yanlin eyebrow micro heavy, "my person also said so."

"But I have a bold guess."


after a moment's silence, Ji Tongsheng said slowly, "in fact, the people who can possess such weapons and equipment are definitely not people who simply mix up on the road. There is a kind of hired killer in the world, with this very high-level equipment, and they are all secretly accepting missions."

"Do you mean that these people are likely mercenaries?"

Ji Tongsheng nodded, "I don't rule out this possibility."

Huo Yanlin didn't say anything more, but his brow became more and more cold.

"These people were not contacted by me or you, but they suddenly appeared and saved Shutong..."

Huo Yanlin seems to have guessed half of the answer in his heart.

"Unless, these people know Shu Tong, or it's she who found them."

Ji Tongsheng said what Huo Yanlin thought, but also his own inner guess.

In addition to this possibility, many other possibilities can be completely excluded.

"However, how can Shutong know these people?"

Huo Yanlin is full of doubts, and this is really a headache for him.

"Yan Lin, I think you'd better give up the investigation about the truth about these people in black. After all, Shu Tong is involved. Maybe Shu Tong doesn't want us to know something, but it may not be wrong."

Huo Yanlin did not speak, only lit me a cigarette to smoke.

"Let's not talk about the men in black. Are there any other clues to the kidnapping case? I need to find out the behind the scenes as soon as possible."

Ji Tongsheng was stunned. "This is really some clues. We caught one of the kidnappers and mentioned that they did take money for others, and the person who hired them was a woman."


Huo Yanlin's heart thumped, "what's the name?"

Ji Tongsheng shook his head. "Specifically, they don't know. The only one who knows the truth is the leader. Now he is dead, and his body has disappeared."

Huo Yanlin frowned and remained silent for a moment. At this time, he had two suspects in his mind.

But it's not sure yet -

"well, I know."

Huo Yanlin and Ji Tongsheng looked at each other, their eyes were very cold. After standing for a moment, they turned back to the ward.


Luo Xinlan.

"A Yong, I'll tell you for the last time that if you go back on your promise and want to abandon me, I will never let you have a good time!"

Luo Xinlan yelled at Wu Yong. "You can't forget that before this, we have always been grasshoppers on a rope. I have recorded all the good things you have done."

Wu Yong looks at Luo Xinlan with a calm and calm expression on the surface, but the bottom of his eyes is permeated with bone corroding cold.

"Xinlan, don't get excited. I didn't say I would not marry you."

"What do you mean by your inaction? I don't believe it. You've been lying to me, haven't you?"

Wu Yong holds Luo Xinlan's shoulder and calms her down. "Xinlan, I really don't want to marry you. You should listen to me first."

"The last time you contacted those kidnappers and did those things, now we are in a very dangerous situation. If someone finds out any clues and finds you, it will be bad."

"So what do you want me to do?"

LUO Xinlan has long been used to Wu Yong's routine. Since he said so, he must have asked her to do something.

"Xinlan, listen to me. This is definitely the last time I ask you to do this. After this, I promise I will marry you.""No, you have to write me a certificate so that you don't go back on it."

Luo Xinlan took out his pen and paper and asked Wu Yong to write down his guarantee in black and white. Wu Yong did.

After this incident, she will completely disappear in this world. At that time, let alone any contract, even if she has more evidence, can a dead person go to the court to sue him?

Luo Xinlan looks at the promise written by Wu Yong in her hand. She is full of joy, but she doesn't know that her death is coming.

"When it's finished, do what I say."

"Tell me what you want me to do."

"You find a chance to go to the hospital and

Luo Xinlan after listening to the face of reluctance, frowning, very disgusted.

"Why should I go to the hospital to see Wen Shutong? You're asking me to throw myself into a trap. Huo Yanlin is back now. I guess he must have suspected me of this kidnapping case. I don't want to ask for trouble..."

Wu Yong explained, "that's not the case. As the saying goes, if you don't get into the tiger's den, you'll get the tiger. It's just because you did this that you should show that you're OK. Otherwise, people will doubt you even more."

"But I..."

Luo Xinlan was embarrassed, "but I really don't want to see Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin again..."

"Well, Xinlan, I promise, this is definitely the last time that you are asked to do this kind of finishing work, and I will never let you do these things again."

Wu Yong's eyes were covered with a dark light.

Luo Xinlan had to nod, "well, then I will I have said, this is definitely the last time I have contact with them. In case something happens, you have to find a solution for me

"Don't worry, Xinlan. It's going to be OK."

Under Wu Yong's insistence, Luo Xinlan finally nodded and agreed to this matter.


On that day, the weather was clear and cloudless.

Luo Xinlan, holding a bunch of flowers in her hand, carrying a big fruit basket and some nutrients, took a deep breath and walked directly to the ward where Wen Shutong was.

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