Wen Shutong shook his head, "I don't know."

"I thought they were people you knew, and they came here for help."

Wen Shutong knows that Huo Yanlin's insight has always been sharp, but in fact, this is not a lie to him.

About the "blood wolf", she was determined to keep it secret from anyone, including Huo Yanlin.

One is because the other party's identity is special; the other is that he is a special existence for her.

Wen Shutong shook his head. "It's really not the foreign aid I've been looking for. Yan Lin, why don't you seem to believe me? If I had such a strong foreign aid, I couldn't have made up my mind to face it alone."

"You don't know how critical the situation was at that time. I received a call from those people asking me to make a deal. Thinking of the stars and the moon in their hands, I really agreed without hesitation."

Wen Shutong remembers what happened that night, but he still has lingering fear.

"It's no exaggeration to say that even if they wanted to take my life in exchange, I would not hesitate to agree."

Huo Yanlin didn't speak again. He hugged Wen Shutong with heartache. "Well, don't think about it. It's my fault. I shouldn't start this heavy topic. Let the past pass. From now on, I will protect you and the children."

Wen Shutong hugs Huo Yanlin, but his brow is always frowning. At this time, the blood wolf should have left the city, and he is always missing.

I hope he won't be found.

"By the way, Yanlin, just now you said you had an eye on the kidnapping case. Can you tell me what you have gained?"

Huo Yanlin frowned and was silent for a long time. "It's really funny to say that."

Wen Shutong didn't know, so, "what's the matter?"

"do you know what we found by investigating the people close to Luo Xinlan?"

Wen Shutong shook his head.

"Luo Xinlan does have a lover. The young man's name is Wu Yong. He has been working in a small and medium-sized enterprise before. He resigned for some reason."

"Wu Yong?"

Wen Shutong had never heard of the name, but he was also surprised, "do you mean that Luo Xinlan drank this man named Wu Yong in his lifetime was a romantic relationship?"

Huo Yanlin nodded, "well, that's right. The most strange thing is that when we investigated Wu Yong, who was about to find out the truth of the matter, he suddenly died


Wen Shutong was stunned and shocked, "this What's the situation? Is there anyone behind Wu Yong

Huo Yanlin nodded, "yes, so now I can judge that Wu Yong and Luo Xinlan are just chess pieces, and the real murderer has been manipulating everything behind his back."

"In this kidnapping case, I can confirm that Luo Xinlan bribed the kidnappers, but there were some contradictions among them, and the development of things began to get out of control."

Wen Shutong's face changed again and said, "you said it was Luo Xinlan who bought up these kidnappers? Why did she do this? In order to take away the shares in my hands?"

Huo Yanlin nodded thoughtfully, "maybe, for her lover, and she and her lover are actually the chessmen behind the scenes, so even if Luo Xinlan got these shares, It's not for her to enjoy it. "

Wen Shutong was silent for a long time and finally sighed.

"So the whole thing, from the beginning, Luo Xinlan was used by others, but she was deeply involved in it, mistakenly thought it was true, and finally she was abandoned because she had no use value..."

Although the things Luo Xinlan has done are really infuriating, she has died so far.

At that time, whether Luo Xinlan was used by others or not, and how she did these things in what mood, everyone has no way to know.

This kind of everything will become a secret forever, which will be brought into her grave by Luo Xinlan.

Two people were silent for a long time, Huo Yanlin patted Wen Shutong on the shoulder, "OK, Shutong, since the matter is over, Luo Xinlan is no longer here, we just have more doubts."

"You've been tired all day. Go to wash and have a rest early. I'll find out the secret agent."

Wen Shutong regained consciousness and nodded, "well, I'm really tired. I feel like the sequela of the operation. I'll have to rest as soon as I get there. Otherwise, I'll feel very tired. I have to find a time to do a good exercise."

"Well, I'll go with you sometime."


Although Luo Xinlan is dead, the case concerning the kidnapping of the stars and the moon has been settled, and the verdict on Luo Xinlan has been announced.

This is the end of the matter.

But Wen Shutong always thinks that this is not so simple, especially Luo Xinlan's boyfriend. The death is really too strange. There must be something inside.

Criminal investigation team.

Huo Yanlin finds Ji Tongsheng, "Tongsheng, is the result of Wu Yong's death come out? Is it homicide or?""At present, the result of forensic examination shows that it is suicide by taking excessive sleeping pills, and there is no other doubt."

"What do you think? Is this result in line with the facts?"

Ji Tongsheng shook his head thoughtfully. "Indeed, this is a strange thing, but now there are no people, and there are no clues on the scene, so it is difficult to continue to investigate."

“…… Well. "

Huo Yanlin's expression is somewhat dignified, "I will let people check down, this backstage gangster is really too arrogant, I must find him out as soon as possible."

"I'll cooperate with you in the investigation."


Wen Shutong returned to work, but did not expect Huo Yihong to appear again.

She was lowering her head to deal with the things she had been delaying during this time when she heard footsteps coming from the door.

"Doctor Wen, you are well. Congratulations."

Huo Yihong came in with a big bunch of flowers in his hand, with a warm smile on his face.

Wen Shutong looked up and saw that it was him. His face sank.

"Mr. Huo, I didn't agree before. Would you like to find another psychologist to continue psychological counseling? How can you come to me?"

Wen Shutong, of course, is very reluctant to see Huo Yihong. Because of the previous incident, she has always been deeply worried.

Huo Yihong stepped forward with a smile, put down the flowers and sat down.

"Shutong, do you think you were angry with me last time?"

Wen Shutong looked at Huo Yihong coldly. "My husband is back. I have a husband, a child and a family. If Mr. Huo wants to feel really lonely, he turns left when he goes out, and there are young girls in the street."

Huo Yihong pretended to be deeply shocked and shook his head, "Shutong, what kind of person do you think I am? I'm not such a casual person."

"You don't mind. It's your business. It has nothing to do with me. Don't ask me to leave twice. I don't like to say the same thing twice

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