"Huanhuan, what are you talking about? How could you be in trouble? I heard your mother say that your grades in school were excellent! Your ability is so outstanding, certainly can let Yanlin company be more powerful! "

Li Huanhuan modest smile, "Auntie, you really look up to me, where I have you said so powerful, in front of the senior students, I this is just Lu Ban in front of the big ax."

"Schoolmaster, you didn't refuse my request, then I regard you as acquiescence? "Li Huanhuan turns to look at Huo Yanlin, winks playfully and smiles.

Speaking of this, Huo Yanlin did not know how to open his mouth.

After a moment of silence, he said coldly, "it's OK to enter my company for internship. Since you want to exercise, you can start from the bottom. I will ask secretary Liu to arrange work tasks for you."

"What are you doing at the bottom, Huanhuan? She learned management, but she had to be a high-level one anyway!"

Huo Yanlin looks at Huo's mother, with a flame in his eyes, and his face is particularly cold.

"Mom, I think you have forgotten how Luo Xinlan died. I need my help to recall it?"

as soon as Luo Xinlan is mentioned, Huo's face turns ugly.

"No one wants to see what happened to Xinlan. It has nothing to do with me. It's not that I hurt her. It's not her fault..."

Before Li Huanhuan came here, he had done enough homework about the Huo family, and naturally knew what they were discussing.

But she can't show that she knows everything. In this case, smart people should pretend to be ignorant.

"Auntie, schoolmaster, I'll go to the bathroom and make up."

With that, Li Huanhuan immediately got up and carried the bag and turned out of the card seat.

The outsider left, Huo Yanlin and Huo mother had a showdown.

His face grew colder in an instant.

"Mom, if she hadn't been sent to the company, she might not have gone this way. You gave her a chance. To be exact, you killed her indirectly."

Huo's mother's face turned pale. "Yan Lin, what do you mean by this? Are you my son or whose son? Do you say your mother is the son of a murderer?"

"Besides, as I said earlier, Luo Xinlan's death has nothing to do with me! She did such a heinous thing that she kidnapped my two precious grandchildren for the sake of equity, and asked me to say that she deserved to die! It's called the present paper

Huo Yanlin looks at Huo mu in silence. For a moment, he sees Huo's mother become a devil.

Where in the world is there any difference between human beings and ghosts? Only the human heart is ugly.

In fact, Huo Yanlin didn't like Luo Xinlan at first. After all, from the beginning, she deliberately approached him, designing Wen Shutong and two children.

Later, he bribed those gangsters to kidnap the stars and the moon, but anyway, at the moment of the explosion, Luo Xinlan pushed him away with all his strength.

Huo Yanlin didn't tell Wen Shutong how complicated and struggling Luo Xinlan was when he saw her engulfed by the sea of fire.

It seems that he is sad to the extreme, but also seems to get rid of it. At that moment, Huo Yanlin seems unable to hate this woman any more.

"Enough to say?"

seeing that Huo Yanlin didn't speak, his eyes were too cold. Huo's mother said, her heart was a little hairy, she opened her mouth and forgot what she just wanted to say.

"What's the point of your doing this? You've worked hard all your life, aren't you tired?"

in the face of Huo Yanlin's question, Huo's mother immediately scowled, "aren't you tired? Do you ask me if I'm not tired?"

"ha ha ha ha..." Huo Mu suddenly burst out laughing, laughing with extreme irony and exaggeration.

"I was born to have a firm foothold in the Huo family. Do you think I'm easy for so many years? Do you think I'm such a good housewife?"

Huo's expression is a bit ferocious, "I'm a woman, what can I do? If I didn't play tricks, you think you could be today? I'm afraid you would have been killed by those fox spirits raised by your father!"

"If I hadn't tried my best to save your father's heart, you thought I could survive today? At the time of your accident, I was almost driven out of the Huo family and on the street!"

Huo Yanlin clenched his fist and was speechless for a moment.

Although Huo's mother was strict with him and selfish, in the final analysis, she was the natural mother who gave birth to him and raised him for so many years.

"Speak! You think it's very good. Ha ha, you left more than 30% of the equity to your wife. That woman is just an outsider in the final analysis, but how do you treat your own mother and me?

when it comes to this, Huo's mother is even more impatient, "you left me no more than a few percent of the equity, so you repay my kindness to you over the years?"

Huo Yanlin clenched Shut your teeth.

"Mom, Yanlin, are you eating here too? What a coincidence, my friend and I have an appointment to come here for dinner."

At this time, Wen Shutong suddenly appeared, pretending to be nothing. He walked up to Huo Yanlin naturally and held his hand."Yan Lin, what are you talking about? Why do all your faces look so bad?"

Huo Yanlin was a little surprised. He turned his head and looked at Wen Shutong. The temperature of her palm came from his hand, which made his heart feel more stable.

At the same time, he is also worried about whether Shutong was here just now, so she must have seen Li Huanhuan.

"Shutong, my mother said that she wanted to ask me out. She wanted to arrange an intern in the company. What do you think about this?"

now that Wen Shutong is here, Huo Yanlin wants to find a reason to explain, so he might as well tell her the truth directly, so as to dispel her doubts.

Sure enough, before Wen Shutong came here, there were still doubts in his eyes. Listening to Huo Yanlin's remark, there was a lot less suspicion in the fundus.

Last time I saw Huo Yanlin and Luo Xinlan and several people from the company having a meal and talking about things. Wen Shutong didn't show up. He thought business matters. Even if he felt uncomfortable, he could bear it for a while.

However, today, the situation of exhaustion happened again. Wen Shutong saw the confrontation between Huo Mu and Huo Yanlin, so aggressive and impolite.

She can't understand Huo Yanlin any more. He can be ruthless to outsiders, cool down his face, or act vigorously and coldly and refuse coldly. However, he can't bear the important people around him and his relatives.

Huo Mu also seized this weakness of Huo Yanlin and repeatedly used and attacked him.

Wen Shutong couldn't bear it. He decided to go downstairs and talk.

The appearance of Wen Shutong made Huo's mother's face pause, and then became more angry. "Why are you here? There's no such a coincidence. You shouldn't be tracking Yan Lin.

Huo's words directly point to Wen Shutong. Wen Shutong has been used to her face for a long time, and she smiles with salt and light," what am I tracking Yan Lin for? Yan Lin and I said he came to see you. "

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