In the face of two children's questions, Huo Yanlin was tongue tied and didn't know how to explain to the child.

Just as Wen Shutong has been worried about, the conflict between husband and wife will really affect the children. Huo Yanlin's brow slightly sinks, and after a moment of silence, his brows stretch out and resume his daily life.

"It's OK. Your mommy joked with me and made a bet. Then she lost the bet, and I won. Your mommy was not convinced, so she wanted to have a cold war with me."

The moon and stars were stunned, "ha? You lost the bet, so Mommy is angry? Mommy shouldn't be so angry..."

The stars and the moon always feel that this explanation given by Huo Yanlin is too far fetched. Huo Yanlin goes to Ji Tongsheng to discuss things. Naturally, he doesn't have time to say more at this moment.

"Well, daddy still has something to do. I'll explain it to you in detail when I get back. Don't forget what daddy told me."

After account, Huo Yanlin left.

Watching Huo Yanlin walk out of the house, the stars frown and clap the moon in a puzzled way, "moon, do you believe what daddy said just now? I always feel that Daddy seems to be lying to us. He certainly didn't tell the truth."

The moon nodded, "it's for sure. I don't know if daddy and mummy have bet, but I can be sure that daddy and mummy must have something to hide from us."

"Didn't I tune out the scene of the dialogue between daddy and mommy at that time? It seems that I mentioned Li Huanhuan and Huo Yihong, and this man named Huo Yihong is the one we met in the playground today?"

"it's not necessarily..."

As for the conflict between mummy and daddy, even if it's not enough to make trouble with mom and Dad, it's not enough to make such a big conflict with Daddy.

Wen Shutong tidies up in the room, stabilizes his mood, turns out of the door, and plans to call Huo Yanlin to come in and have a good talk.

But I didn't expect that as soon as he came out, Huo Yanlin went out. In front of him, only the stars and the moon got together, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Star, moon, where's your father? Gone out?"

the star and the moon turned to look at Wen Shutong, nodded, and could not hide his worry in his eyes.

Before dad went out, he specially told him to be careful if there was anything wrong with mommy. If so, he had to tell him in time.

"Mommy, daddy just said uncle Ji has something to do with him. You Are you all right?

although Wen Shutong didn't do anything strange, the stars and the moon didn't look very good at mommy's face.

Wen Shutong smiles, "it's OK. It's good. What can Mommy do?"

"I'm really sorry today. I promised you to take you to have a good time, but I broke my promise because of something. Mommy will find a chance to compensate you next time."

Wen Shutong really felt sorry for the two children. After all, it was the contradiction between her and Huo Yanlin, but it still affected the two children.

The stars and the moon shook her head, "Mommy, we don't matter. Mummy, don't feel sorry. Originally, you and Daddy are still in business. Anyway, the playground won't run. You can go any time."

"Mm-hmm, the moon is right!" The stars are nearby, always playing the role of echo.

Looking at the two children so good and sensible, Wen Shutong felt even more uncomfortable when he thought of Huo Yanlin's words and deeds and his attitude.

But it's just like dumb people eating Coptis. It's hard to say.

"Stars, moon, do you want to go to the office with mommy now, and Mommy will deal with some things. You can go with me, do you want to go to play together? Or do you prefer to stay at home?"

stars and moon are worried about mommy's condition, so they can't stay at home.

"Mommy, let's go to the office with you. I haven't seen uncle Jiang for a long time. I still think of him."

"Then I'll drive you along."


Wen Shutong has brought stars and moon here before. People in the office know that Wen Shutong has such two precious sons, and they all like these delicate and lovely little boys.

So every time the stars and the moon come here, they will come back with a full load. Aunts in the office always take out all kinds of food for them.

This time, the stars and the moon are also popular.

"You two are here to play. Don't go out casually. If you have something to do, tell mummy that mummy will go to the office to deal with some documents."

The stars and the moon stay in the office. Wen Shutong is very relieved, so he enters the office.

But did not expect to sit in the office for a while, the office door was suddenly knocked.

"Sister Wen has an accident. Just now a star accidentally hit the corner of the table, and her forehead bleeds..."


Wen Shutong immediately got up and rushed out like an arrow brush.Outside the office, all the staff in the office are gathered together. Someone has dialed 120.

Seeing Wen Shutong coming, everyone spontaneously made way for a way.

"Mommy, blame me It's all my fault. I didn't hold on to the stars, which made them hit the corner of the table... "

At that time, Jiang Xing was holding the bleeding star on his forehead. He was a little flustered, but he couldn't help it. He didn't dare to move about in this situation, for fear of aggravating the problem of stars.

The moon stood by, his nose and eyes red, looking at Wen Shutong wrongly and guilty.

Although it is not caused by the moon, the moon thinks that it is because he did not catch the stars quickly that it will become this way.

Wen Shutong rubbed the moon's head and comforted him, "OK, it's OK. The stars will be OK. Don't cry. Don't worry. Mummy is not here..."

The moon immediately pointed to the stars, "Mommy, look at the stars..."

Although the star knocked to the head, but did not faint in the past, has been very sober, just the pain of continuous inverted suction cool.

If this had been done before, the stars would have cried and shed tears, but affected by the moon, they have become more and more manly.

Thinking that a man can't shed tears at will, he tried to hold back his tears and not let himself cry.

But it still hurts.


Xing Xing Wei Qu Baba looks up at Wen Shutong. Wen Shutong sees an extra blood clot on the white and smooth forehead of Xingxing porcelain. Although the wound looks small, it is bleeding all the time.

Jiang Xing is pressing the star's wound with a handkerchief. The whole handkerchief is stained with blood.

"Shutong, star, this situation may be a small blood vessel broken, we have called 120, I believe the ambulance will come soon."

If you let the blood flow down like this, you will surely be in shock.

When Wen Shutong saw his son like this, his heart was so painful that she would rather be hit by her head than suffer from such pain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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