"You really don't remember me? When you were studying abroad, you once met a car accident on the road, and then you helped the injured girl..."

Huo Yanlin slightly frowned, silent for a moment, deep voice opened, "I don't remember, you rest, my company still has something to do, go first."

"Schoolmaster! If you hadn't helped me at that time, I wouldn't have lived to this day. It's no exaggeration to say that you gave me all my life. I came here just to repay your kindness. "

"Let's not say I don't remember. Even if there's such a thing, you don't have to mention it. Let the past go."

"But --"

Li Huanhuan wanted to say anything more. Huo Yanlin simply raised his legs and walked away from the ward, without giving Li Huanhuan a chance to continue talking.

Wen Shutong quickly left before Huo Yanlin came out and returned to the place where the star surgery was performed.

When the moon saw mummy coming, she immediately welcomed her, "Mommy, did you see that? Is that Daddy?"

when Wen Shutong came down, he was in a bad mood. He was full of scenes of Huo Yanlin and Li Huanhuan together, so he was absent-minded all the way.

Wen Shutong did not notice that Huo Yanlin saw her figure when she turned around and immediately followed him.

So when the moon ran head-on, he soon saw Huo Yanlin following him, more surprised, "Daddy!"

Wen Shutong turned his back to Huo Yanlin. Hearing the cry of the moon, he was shocked and his face was stagnant.

Huo Yanlin stepped forward and said, "moon, why are you here? What's going on?"

Wen Shutong turned his head and looked at Huo Yanlin, trying to restrain his violent emotions.

She was surprised why Huo Yanlin would follow up. She did not know whether he saw her standing outside the door eavesdropping, or what he was thinking at the moment.

When they turned their heads, they looked at each other, but Wen Shutong quickly turned away from her eyes. For the time being, she didn't know how to face Huo Yanlin.

"Daddy, star, he accidentally knocked on his forehead and blood came out. The doctor is inside to help star sew up the wound. Mummy and I are waiting outside."

The moon told Huo Yanlin something simple, Huo Yanlin was shocked.

"The star is injured? What's the matter? Don't you stay at home well, how can something happen?"

"I went to play with mummy's office with star. He accidentally tripped over the star, and I didn't have time to hold the star..."

For this, the moon is still very self reproach.

"How about the stars now?"

in the face of Huo Yanlin's continuous questions, at first, he was helpless, and gradually became angry and impatient.

"Enough, Huo Yanlin, stars are my children. You don't have air traffic control to take care of him. I don't blame you for all these things. But can you stop pretending that you are very concerned about them?"

"What are you angry with?"

Huo Yanlin looks at Wen Shutong with a deep eyebrow. These two days, they didn't say a word, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat with her, but in the twinkling of an eye, something happened again. The original contradiction between the two has not been solved, and now a new contradiction is coming out.

Wen Shutong sneers and is about to talk. He looks down at the moon and blinks at them.

Wen Shutong didn't want to have a bad time with Huo Yanlin in front of the child, so he had to endure.

"Nothing. I'll talk about it later."

Wen Shutong replies coldly to Huo Yanlin, holding the star to turn around and walk to the door of the operating room.

Just then, the door of the operating room was opened from inside, and several doctors and nurses came out.

"Doctor, how is my son? Is the operation still successful?"

Wen Shutong is uneasy.

The doctor nodded, "well, don't worry. The small suture operation is very successful. The patient has just finished the anesthetic and has not yet sobered up. The wound may be very painful in the past. Be careful not to let your son touch the wound."

"I see!"

Wen Shutong nodded his head and promised to come down. He thought that the star was suffering from the pain of surgical suture. He was very worried.

Soon, the star was transferred to the normal ward, and needed to rest in the hospital for a period of time, until the wound was completely non-inflammatory and almost began to heal before he could be discharged.

When Huo Yanlin enters the ward, Wen Shutong is holding the moon's hand to guard by the star bed.

The star wakes up from the anesthetic, gradually regains consciousness, and the wound begins to feel pain.

"Mommy, it hurts so much My forehead hurts... "

The stars cry out with tears.

Wen Shutong was so distressed that he blew the stitches on the wound. "It's OK, stars. It'll get better soon. The wound has been stitched. What do you want to eat? Mommy will buy it for you."

The moon also looked heartbroken, "stars, don't be sad. If it's really painful, you can bite my hand to vent..."Of course, the stars are reluctant to bite the moon. They just hold on to Mommy's hand and bite their teeth.

Seeing this, Huo Yanlin strides forward to comfort the stars. Wen Shutong turns his head and looks at Huo Yanlin, and then releases the star's hand.

"Since you want to comfort the stars, I'll go out and do the formalities first."

Wen Shutong doesn't want to see Huo Yanlin or argue in front of his children.

So in Huo Yanlin's line of sight, turned out of the ward.

Soon, Huo Yanlin catches up and grabs Wen Shutong's arm to stop her from going forward.


Wen Shutong stops and turns to look at him. He throws away his hand, frowns and stares at Huo Yanlin impatiently.

"What do you want to do?! If you have something to say, you have to do something about it. I didn't find you so unreasonable before

"I'm unreasonable? When do you want to have a cold war with me?"

Huo Yanlin frowned. Obviously, Wen Shutong's words pierced his heart like a needle.

"I have a cold war with you? Ha ha, Huo Yanlin, you are really good at talking. I ask you, what are you doing in the hospital? You certainly don't come to see the children. You don't know what happened to the stars."

"When you were in the playground, you promised to play with the two children. It was hard to find time. But what about you? You came here to see Li Huanhuan away..."

The more Wen Shutong said, the more he felt aggrieved, and his ironic smile became stronger.

"It's OK for you to say that I have a cold war with you. You can see for yourself how many things you have done. You say that it has nothing to do with her, but it seems to me that this is not the case at all."

"I really have nothing to do with her. Apart from other things, she is an employee of our company. I will still help any employee today."

"Oh? Really?"

Wen Shutong sneered and asked, "well, I didn't say I would stop you, just go! You may take care of that woman. Anyway, the stars are my babies born in October. I will love them

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