Just as Li Huanhuan is always looking for opportunities to get close to Huo Yanlin, she will worry about the same.

"Don't worry, I'm already a member of my family. What's more, if I know he's coming with bad intentions, I'll be more prepared."

Wen Shutong still has a sense of vigilance, but what she will not think of is that Huo Yihong's so-called wife is also close to her red with purpose.

Wenshutong will be sent to the door of the office, Huo Yanlin turned the car to leave.

"You're a man. You're very happy at happy events."

Jiang Xing, who comes to work on time, has a face-to-face with Wen Shutong. Before Wen Shutong has time to say hello, Jiang Xing's joking voice starts to ring.

"Happy? Where do you see that I have a happy event? "

When the two men moved towards the office side by side, Wen Shutong deliberately replied and choked Jiang Xing.

"Of course, it's a happy event to add brothers and sisters to the stars and moon."


Jiang Xing a word blocked Wen Shutong speechless, all blame Huo Yanlin, she gnashing teeth in the heart of the dark scold.

"Work hard, you."

After throwing this sentence to Jiang Xing, Wen Shutong lifted his feet and entered the office.

Sitting on her desk, what appears in her sight is Huo Yihong's condition record.

Looking at the words that she recorded yesterday according to Huo Yihong's condition, Wen Shutong picked a willow eyebrow.

Since Huo Yihong is prepared to come, 80% of the illness is also made up, in this case, she does not need to be well treated.

After closing Huo Yihong's medical records, Wen Shutong continued to study the papers and journals related to psychology.

Recently, there is a forum on psychology in the world. The prerequisite for participation is to produce a professional paper on psychology, which she is preparing for.

This forum is from all over the world. If she goes there, she will surely benefit a lot.

On the other side, as soon as Huo Yanlin entered the president's office, Xiao Liu kept up with him.


Looking at Xiao Liu tuntuntun spit and stop, Huo Yanlin puts his suit coat on the back of the seat and sits on the seat again. He leisurely signals Xiao Liu to speak.

"It's something," and today's matter is more serious than yesterday's, "the personnel department received the resignation letter from the company's three-tier staff this morning, and estimated that it was dug up by Yanhong, did you approve it?"

When the last two words were said, Xiao Liu's Yu Guang was shooting cautiously on Huo Yanlin's face.

After hearing Huo Yanlin's sword eyebrows picking up and his deep eyes flickering, his right index finger and middle finger hit the desk top of his desk, and his long voice rang: "criticize! Why not approve? Not only approval, but also notification. "


I heard Xiao Liu puzzled.

"Yes, it is necessary to send a notice to all employees of the company. If you want to resign now, you can submit a letter of resignation. After resignation, you will be subsidized with three months' salary."


Liu hesitated, Ruihe employees tens of thousands, and everyone's wages are not low, this time just to give them salary subsidies, afraid it will cost a lot of money.

"What? You didn't listen to what I said? Or are you going to quit too, so when I say something, it's all in the wind? "

Huo Yanlin with the voice of oppression let Xiao Liu suddenly tremble, he repeatedly shook his head after God, "president, I don't think this means, I will do it now."

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Huo Yanlin lit a cigar from the bottom of the drawer and moved to the French window.

White curling smoke from his mouth and nose, he squinted at the direction of Yanhong group.

"Yan Hong Yan Hong... "

Huo Yanlin silently recited these two words in his mouth. Huo Yanlin, Huo Yihong, and Huo Yihong had the delusion of being equal with him.

He wants to see how long Huo Yihong can play with him with his meager capital in his hand.

When Huo Yanlin is still pondering, the special line telephone on the office desk rings.

"Boss, the deputy team leader of the project team is outside and said he has something to talk to you about."

Wang Lin, deputy leader of the project team? This is the most important department of the company. "Let her in."

After Huo Yanlin's voice dropped, he put out his cigarette in the ashtray and looked at the computer screen.


"If you have something to say."

Huo Yanlin is still a face of cold, and the office temperature seems to have dropped a few degrees.

"The team leader resigned."

Wang Lin respectfully reported with Huo Yanlin the current situation, while remaining light stopped in his face.

Just this sentence makes Huo Yanlin's expression on his face even more ugly. What he sees most is the project team.

Now he took over Huo Yanshan's shares. The former customers were robbed and the latter employees ran away one after another. Huo Yihong wanted to embarrass him at this time."So?"

Huo Yanlin's cold voice sounded again, so that Wang Lin did not dare to come out of the atmosphere.

"So So I wonder if we can let Miss Li Huanhuan come back again. At the beginning, she did a good job in the project team. Although I don't know why she applied to go to the logistics department, it's the right time for Ruihe to employ people. I think it's the right choice to let her back. "

Wang Lin said here, Huo Yanlin's eyes flashed a touch of deep meaning.

At the beginning, Li Huanhuan left for the sake of easing the relationship between him and Wen Shutong, but now he and Wen Shutong have been reconciled.

At the meeting, Shu Tong expressed his respect for his work.

He is also determined that he will not do anything deviant. In addition, Li Huanhuan is now in a moderate dilemma. The most important thing is that it is the most critical moment for the company, so it's OK for her to come back.

"You go to ask her to come back," Huo Yanlin's voice dropped, Wang Lin's eyes flashed a bit embarrassed.

"But I have already been there. Huanhuan said that she had her consideration and could not return to that position for the time being

Wang Lin's words let Huo Yanlin hesitated for three seconds. After three seconds, he nodded thoughtfully, "I know, I will communicate with her personally."

The voice falls, Huo Yanlin signals Wang Lin to leave.

Seeing Huo Yanlin nodding, Wang Lin's mouth corners wiped a trace of micro can not be checked up the arc, in this case, she is also true to the trust.

Wang Lin, who left the president's office, called Li Huanhuan.

After the phone rang for half a minute, Li Huanhuan finally got through.

"Sister Huanhuan, I have suggested to the president that you come back."

Li Huanhuan on the other end of the phone is relieved to hear that here, since Huo Yanlin agreed.

Now is the critical moment for Ruihe. If she and Huo Yanlin worked together to overcome this difficulty, their revolutionary friendship would not be comparable to that of ordinary people.

"I'll pack up now and come to the project team immediately."


Just when Li Huanhuan was about to hang up, Wang Lin's voice rang again.

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