The picture of the stars and the moon hugging each other and weeping makes Wen Shutong feel helpless.

"By the way, how do you two read?"

These two kids have been in kindergarten for more than a year, and they don't know how they are learning.

"It's not interesting at all. I've known these words for a long time."

"That is, those algorithms are very simple."

That's interesting. "Are you two talking big? It's not a good habit

Wen Shutong has already read the book for the stars and the moon. It's beyond their age. If you know something about it, she can still believe it. Is it simple? She didn't believe it.

"No, I don't believe it. Ask grandma Zhang."

"That is, some words grandma Zhang doesn't know."


Granny Zhang in the mouth of the stars and the moon is a domestic servant. At this time, Aunt Zhang just walked into the kitchen.

"Granny Zhang, tell mommy if we know those words and know how to count."

"That's it. You tell mommy."

The stars and the moon moved to Aunt Zhang's side.

Aunt Zhang nodded seriously, "yes, the words and algorithms in the book can be used by both young masters, and some of them I can't do yet."

The voice falls, Aunt Zhang is still a little embarrassed.

Since Aunt Zhang said so, Wen Shutong must believe it. She lowered her head to the eyes of these two little guys. Are these two little geniuses? It seems that one day she really has to take them to check their IQ.

Love Bento is finally ready. At the moment of closing the lunch box, Wen Shutong claps his hands with satisfaction.

The stars and the moon can only be looked at eagerly.

"Don't worry, you'll have to."

After Wen Shutong's voice dropped, he took out two small Bento boxes, which contained rice balls made of pigs and bears, and, of course, indispensable vegetables.

"You are good, wait for daddy and mommy to come back."

After settling the two little guys, Wen Shutong told Aunt Zhang to take good care of them, and then he left.

Wen Shutong didn't tell Huo Yanlin about going to Ruihe in advance. First, he didn't want to disturb Huo Yanlin's work. Second, she wanted to surprise Huo Yanlin.

When Wen Shutong enters Ruihe, he is stopped by the front desk.

"Miss, who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment? You can't get in without an appointment. " The front desk is new. I don't know Wen Shutong.

Ruihe is now in a sensitive period. Everyone in and out of Ruihe must ask for his identity, so the front desk is acting according to the rules.

Wen Shutong did not expect to be stopped.


"Little grandma..."

When Wen Shutong was poor in words, Xiao Liu appeared.

"This is our president's wife."

Xiao Liu lowered his voice to the front desk and said something that made the front desk tremble slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

The front desk quickly explained that Wen Shutong politely picked up the corners of his mouth. "It's OK, it's very good. It's Ruihe's honored to have such a responsible staff, and it's really that I came too suddenly. I don't blame you."

The front desk didn't expect Wen Shutong to say these words. Naturally, he was relieved.

"Grandma, didn't you tell the president before you came?"

After helping Wen Shutong press the elevator, Xiao Liu's confused voice rings.

"No, I want to surprise him."

When the voice falls, Wen Shutong also raises the lunch box in his hand to Xiao Liu.

Looking at what Wen Shutong took out, Xiao Liu was slightly stunned at first, and then he reacted. He asked for dog food himself.

But he suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly froze. At this time, Li Huanhuan was still chatting with Huo Yanlin in the office about the recent development of new projects. If this picture was seen by Wen Shutong, he would have thought a lot.

Think of here, Xiao Liu quickly took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

See small Liu flustered appearance, Wen Shutong's eyebrows doubt of Cu Cu.

"What's the matter?"

After Wen Shutong's voice rang out, Xiao Liu responded. Was his action too obvious? He's just hiding his ears.

After an awkward smile, Xiao Liu is in a dilemma. The best way he can think of now is to tell Wen Shutong the news, so that Wen Shutong can be psychologically prepared.

After he swallowed his mouth, his voice rang, "now the president is in the office talking to the project team leader about his work."

"Wait, this is what I have."

Wen Shutong doesn't mind waiting for Huo Yanlin for a while.

"But the leader of the project team is Li Huanhuan," Liu said in a low voice, but it was still successfully spread to Wen Shutong's ears.After hearing this, the corner of her mouth was first uncontrollably drawn, and then the corner of her mouth drew an upward arc, "it's OK, I can wait for them."

Although Wen Shutong was unexpected about this news, this is reasonable. After all, Li Huanhuan is in charge of Ruihe's major project, and has not had a lot of contact with Huo Yanlin.

Had it not been for this reason, the contradiction between her and Huo Yanlin would not have been so deep.

However, there are thousands of women who have made great efforts to climb up to the position of Huo's little grandmother. Does she have to quarrel with Huo Yanlin?

This back and forth, certainly will give the emotion to the displeasure, so now she can do, is to support Huo Yanlin, and unconditionally believe him.

"Don't worry, I know."

Seeing Liu Zhan trembling, Wen Shutong comforts him, but he has to fight against Li Huanhuan again.

When Wen Shutong arrived at the gate of the president's office, he did not ask his assistant to call Huo Yanlin or let Xiao Liu go in to inform him. Instead, he asked the assistant to help heat the lunch that she had brought.

Finally, the door of the president's office was opened from inside.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Wen Shutong got up.

When he saw Wen Shutong, Li Huanhuan's pupil was also slightly shocked.

However, she soon recovered her good mood and turned her head slightly to the president's office behind her. The corners of her mouth had a slight upward arc.

Wang Lin sent Wen Shutong a picture of her dining with Huo Yanlin, which she knew.

When she looked at Wen Shutong's bento box, she saw a slight upward arc in her mouth, so this woman still had a sense of crisis.

"Miss Wen, it's rare to have time to see the senior," Li Huanhuan said with a rising radian. His eyes were always on Wen Shutong's Bento, so Wen Shutong still regarded her as a powerful rival in love.

Wen Shutong just smiles. She moves to Li Huanhuan's side, gets close to her ear and whispers, "you should call me Huo's little grandmother." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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