"Can I appreciate what you just shot?"

This Li Huanhuan appeared strange, and again and again to see what he shot, Fei orange eyebrow, "you and Huo Yihong are together?"

In the face of Fei orange's question, Li Huanhuan's eyes wiped a flash of flustered, but she quickly covered up the past.

"I don't care to be with him, but you're not clear about your identity and you're sneaking around here. I'll have to ask a few more questions before I can rest assured."

"Are you the sponsor or live by the sea? It's so broad."

Although Fei Cheng retorted, he didn't want to argue with the woman in front of him. He took out his mobile phone and handed it to Li Huanhuan.

"The first time I've been to such a big party, I've filmed videos and sent friends to satisfy my vanity. Right, if you want to see it, take it."

Looking at the mobile phone that Fei orange handed over, Li Huanhuan didn't want to see it.

"Whatever you want," the voice dropped, and Li Huanhuan lifted her feet and left.

Looking at the back of Li Huanhuan's leaving, Fei orange hooked his mouth and put his mobile phone in his pocket. Today's party, the relationship between people is intricate, which is really interesting.

Li Huanhuan, who left, received a phone call from Wang Shasha. She looked around and confirmed that there was no abnormality. She slid the answering key and put the receiver to her ear.

"The bathroom is waiting for you."

Although Li Huanhuan was puzzled, he still went to the bathroom.

"Here you are," Li Huanhuan took the bag from Wang Shasha. Li Huanhuan opened it and looked at it. It was a dress.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

"Wen Shutong's dress is broken. It has to be replaced. Don't you want to be a good man in front of Huo Yanlin? Isn't this a good opportunity?"

Wang Shasha is really considerate. Li Huanhuan shook his head with his lips hooked, and his leisurely voice rang, "thank you very much."

"It's up to you to perform the rest of the play."

Li Huanhuan, who left the bathroom, went directly to Wen Shutong. Half of the good play had been staged this evening, and the more wonderful was still ahead.

But Li Huanhuan this move steals the beam to change the post, fell into the Fei orange's eye successfully.

He came with Li Huanhuan. The bag was brought in by Wang Shasha and put forward by Li Huanhuan. I'm afraid the relationship between them is very clear.

What's more interesting is that he watched Li Huanhuan go to Wen Shutong's lounge with his dress in his hand.

Waiting for Mr. Chen to change his clothes, Huo Yihong is still sitting on the sofa in the lounge waiting for him.

"Thank you today," Mr. Chen shook his suit coat and nodded to Huo Yihong.

Huo Yihong went straight to the point. He was sitting in a critical position and looked at Mr. Chen, "I want to compete with Ruihe and cooperate with Mr. Chen in the next quarter's project."

Chen did not expect Huo Yihong to be so straightforward, but he could not deny the whole Ruihe because of Wen Shutong's mistakes, so he hesitated.

"Young man, if you want to compete with Ruihe, I'm afraid you have to have some strength. It's even more difficult to get the project from me. Although I thank you today, it's impossible to exchange this favor for our cooperation."

Huo Yihong is not surprised to hear Mr. Chen say this, and he doesn't expect to exchange this small favor for cooperation with Mr. Chen.

He stood up on his knees and nodded slightly to Mr. Chen. "I know what you said. I just want to show my position today. If Mr. Chen thinks he wants to change his partner, I just hope you can consider us Yanhong."

Huo Yihong took out a business card from his chest pocket and handed it to Mr. Chen with both hands.

"This is my contact information. The reason why I venture to find you today is that Yanhong's development has been able to cooperate with Mr. Chen. I have self-knowledge, but I also have a plan in mind."

It's rare to meet Huo Yihong, who is so bold. Mr. Chen doesn't reject accepting his business card.

"Huo Yihong..."

Mr. Chen read the name at the same time, eyebrows slightly frown, suddenly thought of something, his eyes a bright, suddenly realized, "you are Yan Shan's son."

Huo Yihong did not deny that he had to rely on the halo of the Huo family to gain attention in business circles, even if he was given the name of illegitimate son.

"Ambitious, but many things are not as easy as you think," patted Huo Yihong on the shoulder, and Mr. Chen collected his business card and was about to return to the banquet.

"I know, that's why I will work harder," Huo Yihong raised decibels to let Mr. Chen pick eyebrows, but did not stop the pace of his feet.

See Chen always leave, outside the door of Wang Shasha this just walked to Huo Yihong in front of.

"Li Huanhuan has arranged for us to go there."

Now everything is ready, only owe Dongfeng, Huo Yihong nodded, "you take him in the past."

"Yes," Huo Yihong ordered. Wang Shasha nodded respectfully and left the lounge, moving towards the waiter with a tray on one side.

After whispering a few words to the staff, the waiter put down the tray in his hand and went to Mr. Chen."Mr. Chen, the lady who just knocked you down said she would apologize to you. It's in the lounge over there."

Following the direction of the waiter's fingers, Mr. Chen looks in the direction of Wen Shutong's lounge and raises his eyebrows.

He walked over slowly, but he didn't mind giving young people a chance to mend their ways, but whether he would forgive depends on the sincerity of the other party.

In the rest room at the moment, Li Huanhuan has already taken Huo Yanlin away by Wen Shutong's reason to change clothes. At the moment, there are only Li Huanhuan and Wen Shutong in the huge rest room.

"At least I have solved your urgent need. You must say thank you."

Holding her arms in her hands, Li Huanhuan looked at Wen Shutong, who had already zipped up. However, her remaining light was always looking at the direction of the entrance to the lounge. She had to perform well.

Although Wen Shutong does not like Li Huanhuan, today's affairs, whether Li Huanhuan is true or not, has helped her in a word.

"Thank you," Wen Shutong murmured two words. Although the voice was small, it was enough to reach Li Huanhuan's ears.

It's rare to hear these two words from Wen Shutong's mouth. Li Huanhuan wiped a faint upward arc from the corner of his mouth and turned his ear to Wen Shutong. "I didn't hear what you said."

How could Wen Shutong not see that Li Huanhuan was deliberately trying to find her unhappy, but after all, it was a favor.

Thank you Wen Shutong bit his teeth and raised decibels.

Pick eyebrows, Li Huanhuan a face of complacency, "this is almost, OK, drink a glass of water, calm down the mood to go out again, can not give schoolmaster disgrace."

Although Li Huanhuan spoke with a sarcastic tone, he was actually pouring tea to Wen Shutong.

"There's something wrong with you today," said Wen Shutong, rubbing his chin and surveying Li Huanhuan.

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