Wen Shutong's foot moves suddenly because he hears the sound coming from the bathroom. If it's true, Jiangshan is easy to change, but hard to change. He hopes that Li Huanhuan and Huang Shuyun can make a new start, which is as difficult as heaven.

"Don't worry, auntie. No matter what happens, I will always be on your side."

Obviously, for Li Huanhuan's unconditional support, Huang Shuyun is very helpful.

"You can rest assured, no matter how long it takes, no matter what method, I will try my best to let you into Huo's house, but I will be wronged when I don't sit in this position."

In collusion, Wen Shutong shook his head helplessly.


He couldn't hear it. Wen Shutong started to cough.

Hearing her voice, Li Huanhuan and Huang Shuyun's discussion stopped abruptly.

It was Li Huanhuan who came out first. After a cold look at Wen Shutong, she was ready to leave. However, when she passed Wen Shutong, she deliberately increased her strength and bumped him on the shoulder.

In the face of Li Huanhuan's provocation, Wen Shutong just picked the corners of his mouth.

After Li Huanhuan left, Huang Shuyun came out.

"Let's talk," Wen Shutong took the initiative.

Huang Shuyun frowned and looked at Wen Shutong with disgust on his face, "what's good to talk about between us?"

Looking at Huang Shuyun's impatience, Wen Shutong is not annoyed. After all, he is not surprised.

"If you don't talk, how do you know you can't?" Wen Shutong did not take any pains.

Huang Shuyun will look at her eyes, "don't expect to please me, I don't eat this set."

"To please you? Why should I bother? I just want you to see the status quo Wen Shutong said, raising his feet to the back garden.

Looking at her unconcerned back, Huang Shuyun's eyes, although with precautions, also followed up.

The flowers in the back garden are in full bloom. In the bright moonlight, they seem to be relying on the momentum of the Huo family and are more vigorous.

"Don't try to please me. Is this calling me over to blame me?"

Huang Shuyun's voice sounded, and Wen Shutong turned his head slightly in the direction behind him. Then her long voice rang, "you don't like me. I know in my heart that since I can't change this fact, I just hope you can do what you say."

"What did I say? I have said so many sentences, which one do you mean? "

When talking to Wen Shutong, Huang Shuyun's voice is always full of frivolity and disdain.

"No matter how ungovernable the grudges are in private, on the surface, they are kind."

When Wen Shutong talks, there is no fluctuation in her tone. However, Huang Shuyun can feel that her voice is oppressive, which is somewhat similar to that of Huo Yanlin.

"Harmony depends on my mood."

Sure enough, he was still so unreasonable. Wen Shutong shook his head helplessly and wiped a trace of sarcasm around his mouth.

Feeling Wen Shutong's frivolity, Huang Shuyun looked at her with her arms in her arms. "Don't think what I said is just to scare you. As long as you don't give up the position of Huo's little grandmother, I will not let you go."

Huang Shuyun said gnashing his teeth, but Wen Shutong had no expression, "don't let me go? So how can we not let it go? Do you continue to exclude me or help Li Huanhuan deal with me? "

Unexpectedly, Wen Shutong's attitude is so tough today. Huang Shuyun pauses for a moment. She squints her eyes and stops her gaze on Wen Shutong's face. She wants to see what Wen Shutong can say.

"If you do, don't blame me for being unkind."

"Unkind? Do you want to tell me what kind of law you want to be Huang Shuyun doesn't believe that Wen Shutong can make any big waves in front of her.

"You know, I'm the eldest and youngest grandmother Huo Jiaming is marrying."

"It's just temporary."

Listen to Huang Shuyun so retort oneself, Wen Shutong nodded thoughtfully, "but now Yan Lin's heart is only me."

"It's only temporary."

Wen Shutong said, Huang Shuyun refuted one.

After picking up the corner of his mouth, Wen Shutong turned his head and looked at Huang Shuyun. "It doesn't matter. I can use his short love for me to stir up the relationship between your mother and son."


How could Huang Shuyun think that Wen Shutong could say such a thing.

"Stir up the relationship between our mother and son? You can try to see whether Yan Lin is on your side or mine. "

Listening to Huang Shuyun's voice, she has full confidence. Wen Shutong just smiles. But when Huang Shuyun looks up at the radian of her mouth, she seems to feel the call of the devil from hell. For a moment, she is stunned.

"Well, let's try."

As the sound falls, Wen Shutong raises his feet and moves towards the hall.

When passing by Huang Shuyun, Wen Shutong stopped his feet and turned his head slightly to her. "If I were you, I would choose to please me instead of against a woman who was put on the tip of my heart by my son.""Wen Shutong, don't look at your wealth so high. What kind of person do you really think you are?"

Wen Shutong listened to the voice behind her, and her expression on her face became more and more heavy. If she was not forced to, she did not want to break her face with Huang Shuyun.

When Wen Shutong arrived at the gate of the old house, Liu Menglian was waiting for her at the door.

"Yin Hong's affairs have not less trouble for you, but also let Huang Shuyun hate you even more."

Turning his head and looking at Liu Menglian, Wen Shutong slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, "isn't this your purpose?"

Is it not the purpose of Huo Yihong's family to use her sympathy to stir up the relationship between her and Huo Yanlin and the Huo family?

Wen Shutong raises his feet and leaves. I'm afraid that after the incident between Yin Hong and Wang Shasha, it's hard for her to make friends with her heart.

Wen Shutong, who left the old house, was ready to go back to the villa. However, she did not let the taxi stop at the door of the villa area, but got off at the gate of the Xiangxie community.

Close the door, she will be thinking of the line of sight to once red live in the direction.

The reason why she got off the bus here was because she wanted to blow the night wind for quiet. Secondly, she even wanted to see Yin Hong here.

"What a coincidence..."

The familiar voice flashed a light in Wen Shutong's eyes, but after she saw Fei orange's ruffian face, the light in her eyes went out instantly.

"What? You seem disappointed to see me

"There is no expectation of disappointment."

Turning around, Wen Shutong is ready to leave, but Fei Cheng stands on his side and faces her. When Wen Shutong moves forward, he retreats and keeps this position.

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