"Boss, are you sure we need to find the person in charge of Yanhong first?"

When the assistant got on the bus with the document, he looked at Zhao Yangping, who was sleeping.

"Otherwise, do you think we're all like this? Can Huo Yanlin know? You know, he can still work with us? Even if Yan Hong's momentum is great, he has not yet come to the fore. Maybe we need our cooperation. "

Zhao Yangping's voice was full of displeasure, and his assistant did not dare to ask again.

For Zhao Yangping first contacted himself, Huo Yihong is also very confused.

Hang up the phone, Zhao Yihong frowned.

"Is there anything?"

Wang Shasha puts the coffee on Huo Yihong's desk and looks at his face carefully.

"Mr. Zhao of the East made an appointment with me," he said, looking out of the window. One hand rubbed his chin, and the other's index finger and middle finger beat rhythmically on the desk.

"The situation of Zhao Zong's company is not very optimistic. This is Ruihe. Do you want to find us to take over the offer?"

Huo Yihong also thinks so in his heart. He nods slightly, which can be regarded as a reply to Wang Shasha's question.

"Shall we meet again?"

When this question came out of Wang Shasha's mouth, Huo Yihong also hesitated. At this time, his mobile phone rang again.

Looking at the strange number beating on the screen, his eyebrows picked slightly. He was a businessman, so even if it was a strange phone call, he had to answer it.

"Mr. Huo, I'm Zhao Linrui."

Huo Yihong's mobile phone is on the outside, so naturally Wang Shasha also heard the name, which she is familiar with, is Zhao Yangping's eldest son, and Huo Yihong certainly knows it.

"Rui Shao calls suddenly and doesn't know what important thing to explain?"

"I can't explain, but I want to cooperate with Yanhong to achieve a win-win situation. How about it?"

As soon as the other party opens his mouth, he wants to cooperate directly, and even the cooperation project has not been finalized. This is to drive the duck on the shelf and force him to Liangshan.

"Rui Shao, it's not urgent to cooperate. When can I have a chance to entertain you when we talk about cooperation for the first time."

Huo Yihong, this is a delaying tactic.

"Well, let's make an appointment for tonight."

Looking at the hung up phone, Huo Yihong's eyebrows slightly frown. Now Zhao Yangping and Zhao Linrui are afraid that they can't agree. Even if they want to cooperate, they can only choose one.

"Zhao Linrui is also a ruthless man. He not only dealt with his brother, but also took away a large number of resources and executives from the east when he left. In sum, he is more valuable than Zhao Yangping."

This is Wang Shasha's view. Things in the East are known to all. Who doesn't know that Zhao Linrui is ruthless and vigorous in his work.

"Zhao Yangping there we are missing, you find a reason to shirk, if Zhao Yangping dogged, said we have determined to cooperate with Zhao Linrui."

Wang Shasha faithfully passed on her words to Zhao Yangping.

Zhao Yangping, who hung up, almost threw his cell phone out of the window.

"Turn around and go to Ruihe!"

Zhao Yangping orders, the driver turned the front of the car, toward Ruihe.

Raising his hand, Zhao Yangping pressed the position of his temple with his finger belly. He was holding a full grasp to cooperate with Yanhong, so Yanhong's whereabouts were not kept secret. I'm afraid Huo Yanlin already knows.

The relationship between Huo Yanlin and Huo Yihong is sensitive. After his operation, both sides are not good. It can only be blamed on his unfilial son.

"President, Mr. Zhao is here and is waiting outside the door."

When Xiao Liu's cautious voice rings out, Huo Yanlin's action of flipping over the document suddenly stops, "which Zhao Zong?"

"Zhao Yangping," Xiao Liu three words let Huo Yanlin's mouth wipe a trace of cold hum, "he is not to Yan Hong?"

"This I also wonder, he is on the way back, I'm afraid he has not arrived at Yanhong, to order to come, then we see or not to see?"

Close the folder, Huo Yanlin nodded, "see, how not to see."

When Xiao Liu invited Zhao Yangping in, Huo Yanlin sat in front of him, quietly drinking hot tea.

"Yan Lin, long time no see."

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Huo Yanlin raised his mouth slightly and made a gesture of invitation to the position opposite the desk, indicating Zhao Yangping to sit down.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't you know what's important for uncle Ping to come here today?"

Huo Yanlin asked clearly. Zhao Yangping's expression on his face was somewhat embarrassed. After he sighed helplessly, he also told the truth.

"Uncle Ping is in trouble now. I want to ask you to help me."

When Zhao Yangping said this, Huo Yanlin's movement of turning the tea cup suddenly gave a meal. At the same time, he picked his eyebrows and wiped a faint upward arc around the corners of his mouth.

"I wanted to help Uncle Ping, but Uncle Ping didn't give me a chance. You said that my face was slapped by you. I can't tell you that I'm playing well."Although Huo Yanlin did not pierce this layer of window paper, Zhao Yangping knew that Huo Yanlin was insinuating that he had gone to Yanhong.

Zhao Yangping is repentant now, but how did he know that Zhao Linrui was killed on the way.

"This is also a helpless move. I think the situation in the East is critical. Ruihe is afraid that he is not willing to cooperate with us, so he wants to go to Yanhong to try his luck, but I didn't expect that the unfilial son was specially against me."

Looking at Zhao Yangping's distressed appearance, Huo Yanlin's eyes flashed a touch of profound meaning.

"How is Lin Yang now?"

Zhao Linyang is the youngest son of Zhao Yangping. Huo Yanlin has a certain understanding of this man and has a high commercial talent. It is said that he will be the successor of the East.

If not for this, Zhao Linrui would not ignore his brotherhood and have to kill him.

"Still lying in the intensive care unit, it's not optimistic."

Looking at Zhao Yangping's tired and haggard face, Huo Yanlin's leisurely voice rang up, "I am willing to continue to cooperate with you."

Huo Yanlin's words, at last let Zhao Yangping's empty eyes flash a light.

Seeing Zhao Yangping off, Xiao Liu stands beside Huo Yanlin, and the sound of careful exploration rings up.

"If we cooperate with Mr. Zhao, Zhao Linrui will go to Yanhong again. We will inevitably have something to do with their family struggle. Moreover, the situation in the East is not optimistic. Isn't this a mess we have picked up."

In Xiao Liu's memory, Huo Yanlin was never a loser. Today is an exception.

"When Zhao Yangping is old, he still has to fight with Zhao Linrui, rather than hand over the East directly to him. This shows that he still has a card. Even if he doesn't, he won't go far by using the wind comments that Zhao Linrui doesn't recognize. In addition, if Zhao Linyang is likely to wake up, then we'll add to the cake."

Although Huo Yanlin knows that this possibility is not very good, it is better to have expectations than to live with complaints. What's more, Zhao Yangping has a friendship with Huo Yanshan. Even if it is a mess, he can't sit back and ignore it.

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