Facing Huang Shuyun slightly side head, Wen Shutong's cold voice rang up, "I have said that if I were you, I would not choose to fight against me."

After finishing with Huang Shuyun, Wen Shutong looked at Li Huanhuan again, "thank you for today's business."

After the voice dropped, she nodded politely to Huo Yanshan, and then left.

"Look! Look at it! Is this what she should say as a daughter-in-law? "

Huang Shuyun is reasonable and tries to seek comfort in Huoyan mountain, but Huo Yan Shan looks at her impatiently and leaves.

"Godmother, you're too anxious today," Li Huanhuan warned, and let Huang Shuyun's words go back.

She also knew that it was the most stupid way to find Wen Shutong in front of Huo Yanlin and Huo Yanshan, but she couldn't help it.

"Calm down first. I'll go out and have a word with the senior."

Li Huanhuan's wound has not had time to deal with, got up in the direction of Huo Yanlin left in the past.


Huo Yanlin just put the stars and the moon into the back compartment, Li Huanhuan's voice behind him rang.

Pick eyebrows, he will be thinking of the line of sight stopped in Li Huanhuan, "so anxious to come out, something?"

Taking a look at Wen Shutong, who is sitting in the back carriage with the star and the moon, Li Huanhuan nodded to Huo Yanlin, "something is wrong. Can we talk about it alone?"

When two words are spoken alone, Wen Shutong's eyes are slightly heavy.

"No, just say it here."

Huo Yanlin's attitude is very firm, he does not have to talk with Li Huanhuan alone.

"Well, I want to tell you that I know that you drove me out of Ruihe because of the disclosure of key customer secrets. I didn't explain it before because I felt that I had a clear conscience."

"Now I want to tell you that I didn't do it. Although I have a personal relationship with Wang Shasha, we have a clear distinction between public and private."

I didn't expect Li Huanhuan to say such a thing at this time. However, in Huo Yanlin's heart, he had already determined that Li Huanhuan was now an explanation, so let's not listen.

"This matter has its own set number in my heart," the voice fell, Huo Yanlin bowed to the car.

When the stars and the moon leave, they gesture goodbye to Li Huanhuan through the window.

It was not until Huo Yanlin's car disappeared in sight that Li Huanhuan shook his fist hanging from his side.

Anyway, her position in Huo Yanlin's heart has been so unbearable that she simply forced a wave of explanation first.

When Huo Yihong started, Huo Yanlin would find that she was wrongly blamed. Her explanation today will come in handy.

"It doesn't seem like a lie to look at her tone and look."

Although Wen Shutong said so, Huo Yanlin still shook his head, "as long as you learn to disguise, how can you see clearly that the other party is a person or a ghost."

This is also, Wen Shutong nodded thoughtfully.

The stars and the moon are sitting between Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin. Because of what happened in the old house, they understand something. It seems that their grandmother doesn't like mommy.

Both of them knew it in their hearts, but in front of Wen Shutong, they didn't show anything.

Back to the villa, Wen Shutong is tired physically and mentally, and lies on the soft big bed, which is barely comfortable.

"Don't go to the old house if you have nothing to do. Even if you want to go, I'll go alone."

Huo Yanlin can clearly see that Huang Shuyun is deliberately looking for Wen Shutong's troubles. The contradictions between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not so easy to solve.

"No, the relationship is already so tense. If we don't actively mediate, it will be worse."

Wen Shutong was extremely dissatisfied with Huo Yanlin's proposal.

Huo Yanlin where to beat wenshutong, "then you promise me, if you go later, I must accompany."

This is OK, and Wen Shutong doesn't dare to go alone, so she nods. But when she thinks that the stars and the moon were almost scalded today, she is still afraid.

"Should we prepare something for Li Huanhuan and thank her?"

When she left, she had already seen the place where Li Huanhuan was scalded and the wound was not light.

"It's up to you."

Huo Yanlin is not going to have any entanglement with Li Huanhuan.

Wen Shutong nodded, which she really had to prepare well.

As for the relationship between her and Huang Shuyun, she has also said that if Huang Shuyun can step back, they can naturally shake hands and make peace. If Huang Shuyun wants to press forward step by step, all she can do is resist.

Fortunately, looking at the expression of the stars and the moon, and not because of today's things scared, in the future in front of children, must be more careful.

After the old house incident was over, Li Huanhuan's goal of getting closer to the stars and the moon was achieved. Naturally, she would like to thank Liu Menglian.When the knock on the door sounded, Liu Menglian was tidying up her clothes. She had nothing to do every day, so she could only turn the folded clothes out and fold them again, so as to cycle.

"Who is it?"

Usually, no one knocked on the door except for calling for dinner. Now the meal order has just passed, so Liu Menglian's eyes are full of precautions when she looks at the door.

"It's me."

Li Huanhuan's voice let Liu Menglian's eyes flash slightly, "come in."

Li Huanhuan pushes the door and enters, Liu Menglian's leisurely voice rings, "looking for me under Huang Shuyun's eyelids, not afraid that she will give you small shoes to wear?"

Slowly closed the door, Li Huanhuan sat on the sofa, "now Huang Shuyun is led by my nose. Even if I talk to you and laugh, she will feel that I have a purpose to approach you to do so, and will unconditionally believe me."

This is, Huang Shuyun is so indecisive person, as soon as she meets Li Huanhuan, she places all her hopes on her body, saying that it is light to be led by the nose.

"Is it worth it to pull in the distance and hurt myself in order to be with two ignorant children?"

Liu Menglian is still folding clothes. Li Huanhuan's eyes are looking at her side face.

This woman has been slowly astringent, began to precipitate, ready to wait for the opportunity to move, successful people often have a common characteristic, that is, can endure, just like Liu Menglian now.

"Of course, it's worth it. You and I both know that it's so easy to stay in Huo's family with justice."

"That's true."

This feeling, Liu Menglian is more profound than Li Huanhuan.

"What are you going to do next?"

Put the clothes into the drawer, Liu Menglian looked at Li Huanhuan in doubt.

"Next step," Li Huanhuan looked out of the window with her arms in her hands.

"Originally, I thought that if Wen Shutong often brought the two boys over, I would have more opportunities to contact them. But Huang Shuyun is too anxious today. The senior student should not let Wen Shutong bring his children here often in the future."

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